Retford YB 6/8/2023
Morning all, into August already and our third contest for the ’23 babies is upon us. With sickness rife and unpredictable weather, the birdage is a bit low these days with 419 of our offspring loaded Saturday for a Sunday race back at Retford in the Robin Hood County of Nottinghamshire. With a fresh North West tail wind to assist we would be looking at our fastest race of the season so far with the birds being released at 07:15 to head the 130-40 miles home.
If you can recall as it was only a fortnight ago, I did say id heard that Stambridge clubs John Wickenden was the king of the youngsters a bit like Karl Burke with the horses at the moment and it is that man Mr Wickenden who strikes again winning his second race of three YB events to far. I didn’t want to trouble veteran John too much on this occasion as he has stated to me in the past that things are a little more difficult for him these days, with age catching up but I know enough about the Shoebury sensation and his skill with the babies to tell you that, 60 year fancier John, a legend in the Essex pigeon scene. Timed the race winner at 16 minutes past 9 with his Busschaert x Heremans ceusters dark chequer cock motoring the 142 miles home to sunny Shoebury, in 2 hours and 1 minute at an eye watering 2074 ypm or to put it in perspective a touch over 70 mph. The fed winner, alike the opening Huntingdon victor has the same Louella Busschaert Dan the man origins with the stock cock being Grandsire to both pigeons. Loyal Southend United follower John finished a fully forty yards in front today and reminds us all what we are up against. Great flying John I’m not sure about Dan being the man, more like you today mate. Runner up at the current fed average champions club would be our winner again, his second arrival a blue hen landing on the coastal boards eleven minutes later recording an average velocity of 1903. As I am an artilleryman, I have often wondered how you get on with your birds down that neck of the woods and with an airport to contend with as well, both it seems are no hinderance. Keep it up John and the best of health to you mate.
Steve Oddy, club president and twice a fed winner in the old bird season takes the top honours over at Rayleigh club. The Grantham and Berwick champion tops the wealthy set once again leading the way with a Janseen crossed with blood from another Belgian dynasty of old, the Verstraete strain, purchased by Steve at the German show. The Battlesbridge ace collects the club red card and runner up in the federation with his hen completing 132 miles racing at 2036. For all he puts in it is nice to see him take something out, that is our federation president Mr Paul Stacey of course who this week picks up silver at Rayleigh and third in the fed with a chequer hen of Gert Haylan lines. The pigeon gifted to Paul a few years ago by strong Lincolnshire south road flyer Simon Snook arrived at the white house a couple minutes past 9, racing his 125 miles at a speedy 2024. Simon was a truly amazing fancier writes Paul and would often top the fed and achieve a colossal number of high end positions racing a small team to a back garden loft. He is one of the Countries best inland sprint masters adds Paul who with all of the fraternity wish Mr Snook all the best in these difficult times. Bronze medal at Rayleigh and 4th fed go to club winner Steve Oddy, the club president timed his second arrival, a blue hen at ten past, completing her journey to Battlesbridge at 2017. Cheers Paul.
North to Burnham and the ever present Mr and Mrs John Moss accept the accolades once again, the dynamic duo so prevalent throughout the season continue their winning ways by taking yet another clean sweep at the coastal collective. The partnership, one of the counties most formidable, are there once more with their first competitor having his rubber removed after 2 hours on the wing flying 136 miles. The blue hen, first of Johns 48 entries picks up 5th fed to go with his club red card averaging 2001ypm. Mr and Mrs Moss would have three arrivals trapping within 11 seconds and second in the clock, 5 seconds behind the winner would be a chequer hen, 6th fed with 1999. Close up behind the runner up and the third pigeon of the Burnham stalwarts would be a blue cock, completing the podium at the close knit traditional outfit taking bronze and 7th fed a yard behind his female loftmates with 1998. Wickham Bishops maestro dangerous Dave Freeman had another good race today and fills three spots on the all-important fed sheet. The first of his 28 combatants, a blue cock registered at 6 minutes past giving the all round pigeon man 8th fed with 1982. 16th fed goes to a blue pied cock, Daves second pigeon going through the trap and struck in the clock on the identical time as his third entry, a second blue pied cock, 17th fed, both pigeons recording 1948.
Onward to Hadleigh and another partnership strong throughout the campaign is R & S Thomas. Simon, representing the pair has the bragging rights from Retford with a chequer hen in receipt of the coveted red card racing her 136 miles at 1967. The fancier another victim of my earlier typos finishes the day with silver to go with the winning gold. His second hen, this time a blue landed on the trap after a couple of minutes past two hours equating 1957 giving the duo 9th and 10th fed respectively. Steve Duffell lands an impressive seven places in this week’s result. 3 cocks and 4 hens dropping in not far over a minute to give Mr Duffell 11th,12th with 1951. 13th and 14th go to a hen and a cock a yard behind with 1950. Clubmate D Croome splits Mr Duffell’s entries with his chequer cock hammering out his 137 miles at 1949. With the latter mentioned fancier filling the last three spots with 3 hens, 18th and 19th with 1931, and finally 20th goes to a chequer pied completing 135 miles at 1921. Great result for the club.
A visit to our capital now and the harmonious Chelmsford City ably represented by club scribe Mr John Payne, one half together with wife Tina one of the most consistent lofts of this great county. A tough day for the guys and gals out there in the wild west with the wind against them today. I will pass you on to John now for the capitals account of the weekends racing. The race entries were severely depleted writes John. Due mainly to the absence of the Hills, Hitchings and Payne’s closing down their old bird sections with a view to getting their youngsters somewhere hopefully fit before it gets too late for racing. Nether the less some good racing was to be had within the club, in particular 100 % returns being reported within the old bird section. Unfortunately, the YB’s did not fare so well with a lot of shortages being commented on at clock checking. (Early strike on this occasion). Hopefully returns will improve over the course of the day. Moving onto the YB result we have in 1st and 2nd place , Jose Teixeira with his in form team appearing in the result once again. Jose (the happy Madeiran fish fryer) making me hungry that is John, insists that he keeps only ‘Heinz 57’ mixed breeds so all that could be said is they are from his collection of strains. Well done again Jo. In third place we have the evergreen Alan Hills (Mr and Mrs Hills) with one of their new generation of Fred Harnett superstars. Nice one Al. The old bird race was cleaned up by the T & K Brewster partnership with Tony taking the first three places with all pigeons originating from their strong well established Staf Van Reet family. Good work again Tony. Many thanks as always John.
We wrap things up at Maldon club where the widowhood king Alan Moore fills the podium with a club clean sweep. The once over generous Lexden fancier puts three in the clock today with a chequer pied hen flying home to Colchester averaging 1874, followed up with a blue bar cock not far off her tail registering 1871 and the last pigeon to feature today would be the multiple fed winners third arrival, clocking in a yard behind the runner up to take bronze. I’m off on what I call a well deserved Holiday in the early hours, so I’ll catch up with you all for Grantham on my return. Till then, be good.
C L Elmes
1st club Stambridge, 1st Essex Central Federation |
Have I really won a second fed in three |
First three in the fed . Messer’s Steve Oddy, |
All hands to the pump down at the capital |
A depleted but otherwise happy Chelmsford City |
A clean sweep at Maldon for |
A second successive win for |