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Essex Central Federation - Grantham 13-04-24

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Grantham 13/4/2024

Morning all good to be back, hope you are all well? We traditionally begin  our 2024 season on the second Saturday of April which again coincides with the annual running of the greatest steeplechase in National hunt racing. Aintree’s showpiece the Grand National, not so much of a test for our federation pigeons today with an entry of 849 birds sent to our opening racepoint of the season, Grantham in Lincolnshire. With favourable weather conditions perfect for racing the birds were released at 07:45 with a slight South, South west wind on their nose.

First past the post today, none other than the Willie Mullins of pigeon racing , the great London Amalgamation winning fancier Sir Trevor Tunstall. A member of Maldon Club but racing to his home lofts located 12 miles west of the clubhouse, in Bocking near Braintree. Trevor had 2 of his half dozen come together at the front of the pack with a third only a couple of minutes later. The winning pigeon is a lightly raced Sootjen cock who has always been consistent, but this is his first win at any level. Only having the ninth race of his career, the 2y blue takes top honours, racing the 90 miles home to Bocking in a couple of seconds shy of 1 hour of 55 minutes to record the fed winning 1389 y. Runner up to Sir Trevor’s loft, Maldon club and the fed would be a second round brother out of the same pair. This 2y cock also a blue went through the trap a close up 7 seconds behind his brother and a single yard inferior, recording 1388. These pigeons are versatile Trevor tells me and if you don’t burn them out as yearlings which many fanciers tend to do, they will come good for you in their prime as a 2 year old. For this reason I allow them to slowly develop in their own time and don’t push them as youngsters or yearlings in the hope that they will continue to train on. I took this chance to put a few questions to Sir Trevor and delve into the history of our most senior Fancier.

I began my pigeon journey 73 years ago, all the way back in 1951 where through the kindness of a local fancier I obtained 2 racers to start competing. As a very young novice I could not understand why they as a pair would not produce an egg let alone a baby until the penny dropped when I identified them both as cocks! (considering how successful Sir Trevor has been since, this made us both laugh) anyhow, I then served my apprenticeship with a wealthy and successful Walthamstow fancier by the name of Bill Locke. Bill would have four lofts with a manager for each and it was through one of those, a Dutchman who first taught me how to race to a perch or box instead of open door which was all I knew prior to that. Later, as a reward for the work I did as a lad for Bill, he would gift me 2 pigeons and it was one of these that would give me my first  winner at the tender age of 14 in a contest from a village called Essendine in the East Midlands ceremonial county of Rutland. That was racing with my first club, Walthamstow United.

In 1957 I married my wife June and for the sake of my new wife and my forthcoming young family I had to turn the pigeons in. It would be 12 years later in 1969 when I was to return, racing this time in 3 clubs with my son Michael assisting me with all the logistics involved. We were members then of Lea Valley flying in the midweek 5 bird specialist club, Waltham Forest pigeon Club whilst retaining my membership where it all began,  Walthamstow United. We raced together until Michael reached his youth, where the other interests in a young mans life took precedent. I continued to race every year from Walthamstow right up until 2008 when I relocated to my present home in Bocking. It was here I joined Braintree Club where I had much success topping both the Essex Central and Essex and Suffolk border feds. I was bitterly disappointed at the demise of the Essex and Suffolk fed as the nature of the racing made my birds home their last 20 or so miles alone, giving them invaluable experience and contributing to my victories in the Essex and Kent Combine competing in the Central Fed. I did as a younger man win a coveted London Amalgamation race with over four thousand birds competing and since moving to Bocking, I have also took top honours in the Essex and Kent Amal from Ripon especially memorable to me as I took first and second that day with a 2011 blue pied Sootjen cock, winner of 11 races including 2 feds, which as this was also the day the bill was passed, I affectionately named Brexit. I have always raced Sootjens, originating in the earlier days from Ray Forbes of Sunderland and more recently Nottingham fancier John Salt. Today, ably assisted by my wife June whom without I would not be able to compete I race 12 widowhood cocks, 6 yearlings and the other half 2 year olds. I start the season with the older pigeons and the yearlings make their first appearance mid may when the sun comes out. It has been a good start to my season, and I hope the pigeons good form continues, I have some nice youngsters, who with patience may become winners and I do look forward to waiting for them, considering that though, our biggest enemy is the hawks which is unfortunately out of our hands, however, continues to threaten the future of our great sport. I still love racing and the social life that comes with it, Maldon is a strong club where the competition is second to none and I have always enjoyed the hospitality of my fellow members. An honour to chat you Sir Trevor, someone who has accomplished everything there is to achieve in North Road Racing , a true gentleman and equally modest. Very well done.

Not too far away geographically, we head for Silver End and the partnership of John Upson and David Phillips, who after a successful 2023, look to keep up the good performance of the loft. Winning Burnham Club and third fed flying 94 miles in a minute over two hours, is a blue pied hen raced on the jealousy system and bred from a stock pair gifted to them by a clubmate. The yearling  takes bronze with 1374. 2nd club and fourth fed goes to Dave and Johns next arrival, a yearling widowhood cock trapping just 12 seconds later. The blue bar in the fed as a youngster was  bred from the fanciers good race cock retired last year and paired to a Peiter Veenstra hen gifted by friends in the North East. Thanks David and it is Maldon and Burnham clubs who complete the next ten fed  places with Current Maldon champions, SIS Wallis 5th and 6th. The  Heybridge sprint kings first arrival, a yearling Bob Fenech Corremans bred from a cock the team call Rodneys Cock covered 102 miles at 1368, followed up less than a minute later by a 3y Leo Heremans, runner up in the fed previous registering 1361. The family add a further 3 spots on the scoresheet collecting both  8th  with a 2y fed winning John Wheatcroft Patrick Boeckx mealy cock on 1354  and 10th goes to a 3y pied cock 1351. Their fifth pigeon, a fantastic youngster last season ends another good day for the lads, the yearling blue cock  18th.  With 1326. Dave Freeman racing to Wickham Bishops takes bronze at Burnham club and 7th fed, his 2y blue cock flying 99 miles at 1355. Another fancier who is always there or there abouts, Dave puts four in the result today, 9th fed goes to a 2y blue hen 1354 together with 11th and 12th, claimed by a couple of 2y olds on the same decimal. The blue pied cock and blue pied hen could not be split on 1350. Race winner Trevor Tunstall registers the third of his two year old Sootjen cocks doing  1345 for 13th and Silver end duo Upson and Phillips appear again next at 14th with 1340. Maldon’s John Crispin and the Bocking Bullets Derek Parsons with Son Derek round off an excellent day for the neighbouring clubs, Johns 2y chequer pied hen landing at ten o’clock, 15th fed with 1337 and the Bullets yearling blue cock, 2 hours on the wing, 19th on 1323.

Big race Custodians, Laindon Club next and distance legend Pat Newell takes the red card from Grantham. Pats pigeon the first of the clubs substantial 260 entries is a nice yearling  bred by Lenny Jenkins. The handsome blue cock takes the accolades flying 104 miles in 2 hours,17 minutes and forty two seconds equating 1331 and 15th fed. Top prize-winner Mick Smith takes silver with a lightly trained 2y hen,1301. Club deputy Marcin Grzedowicz completes the Laindon podium, his yearling chequer hen 1292. Stambridge secretary Malcolm Scouler tops the charts of his 30 year old competitive club. Always a threat, Malcom is in possession of a super chequer cock, the 3y Leo Heremans in the fed almost every week and appears again today, 17th flying 109 miles to the Hockley master at 1329. Runner up in the club and completing the fed result on 20th would be a second 3y bred the same way. The blue hen silver with 1323, and third meaning another clean sweep for Malcolm today, went to a yearling blue pied hen bred by the youngbird maestro John Wickenden of Shoebury.

I look forward to my weekly correspondence with Chelmsford City spokesperson John Payne, whom I notice purchased a bird bred by his good friend John Matthews at a Laindon big race  sale, I also was in attendance and apologise to John for missing the opportunity to say hello, I was unaware of your presence John. Anyhow, the man himself now to tell you how the weekend unfolded for the capitals fanciers. The City members enjoyed an excellent race with close and steady returns throughout the morning. The father and Son partnership of T & K Brewster opened their account in 1st place with their super reliable Corremans dark cock. The Brewster family (Ken’s Dad and Uncles) have a long successful history of pigeon racing in Chelmsford dating back to the 60’s with Tony and Ken following a great tradition in style. Super clubman Alan (Mr and Mrs Hills) was 2nd and 3rd with a fine pair of home bred hens originating from Fred Harnett Syndicate lofts bloodline. We all enjoyed a good opening race and thank the conveyers and advisors. Cheers John and till next week, all the best everyone.

C L Elmes

1st Essex central Federation Grantham 849b Trevor Tunstall 13 04 24

1st Essex central Federation Grantham 849b
Trevor Tunstall 

Another Red card for Chelmsford citys T K Brewster 13 04 24

Another Red card for Chelmsford city’s
T & K Brewster

Laindon distance supremo Pat Newell wins the club opener. 13 04 24

Laindon distance supremo
Pat Newell wins the club opener.

1st club once again Malcolm Scoulers super consistent cock 13 04 24

1st club once again, Malcolm Scouler’s
super consistent cock

1st club 3rd fed for Burnhams Upson and Phillips 13 04 24

1st club 3rd fed for Burnhams Upson and Phillips

4th fed for the Silver end Partnership of Upson and Phillips 13 04 24

4th fed for the Silver end Partnership of
Upson and Phillips