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John & Spencer Nicholson of Rochester



Gareth Watkins'


Part 10


The home of long distance champions


In the earlier articles in this series I highlighted one or perhaps two pigeons which had competed successfully in long distance races for individual fanciers. However, in this report, as in the case of the last article in which I featured the loft and pigeons of Mike and Steve White, I  feel compelled to highlight the many marathon pigeons bred, raced and conditioned by a father and son partnership who many believe to be the finest exponents of long distance pigeon racing in the UK at the present time.

The partnership of John and son Spencer Nicholson of Rochester in Kent have developed a family of marathon racers that are second to none and the following report is literally a very brief pen portrait of some of their most outstanding racers.


The loft is of wooden construction with a pent style roof and measures 19 ft x 6 ft. It has three sections, two for the old bird team and the third for the young birds reared each year. It houses a total of just 70 pigeons at the height of the season. This number includes the maximum of 28  pairs that make up the old bird race team, plus young birds and any stock birds, including past winners and old favourites.

The loft is cleaned twice daily 365 days a year and John and Spencer have fitted a thin plastic sheet, 3 mm thick, to the floor which makes cleaning out a simple and quick procedure and not a chore. This plastic covering allows the partners to disinfect the loft floor from time to time without the risk of getting dampness in the loft. An Expelair extractor fan is also incorporated into the loft design thus minimizing dust and ensuring an adequate air flow within the loft. Since the loft faces north east John and Spencer rely on the onset of warmer weather and ambient air temperatures to bring on the form naturally; this coincides with the long races of July & August.

The front of the loft is half louvered and there are covers that go over the louvers allowing air to enter but preventing the cold north easterly wind and rain from driving into the loft. The upper half of the loft front is dowelled and, in the early part of the year is covered in glass, which is removed during the summer months.

Inside one of the two old bird sections


The foundation of the Nicholson family of long distance pigeons was laid down more than thirty years ago with the purchase of a kit of youngsters from Eddie Newcombe, formerly of Macmerry in Scotland but now domiciled in Malta. The first couple of seasons with the Newcombes proved to be very slow going as although the birds homed well they seemed somewhat lacking in pace. Nevertheless the partners persevered with them and resisted the temptation to outcross immediately but continued to breed around the original pigeons for the first 4 to 5 years.

With the exception of a few top quality crosses they have remained inbred to these originals for the last 30 years. As a result of this careful breeding plan allied to severe testing of each generation of offspring at the extreme distance, it would be fair to say that they can now be classed as the Nicholson Strain.

As a result of this breeding plan, the partners had at one stage, 28 multiple 600+ milers in the loft at the same time. That's 50% of the old bird race team had competed on more than one occasion from races of over 600 miles - incredible!


The partners have an aversion to big pigeons as their birds are small to medium, and some of the smallest hens have bred some of the best pigeons As a result of the strict application of Darwin’s principle of “survival of the fittest” that is strictly applied here, the present day family has evolved into a distinct type that differs from the originals in that they are smaller with more front and less length.


All birds, whether they be yearlings, stock birds or those penciled in for the marathon race programme in June, July and August, are mated in early to mid March. Once the first round eggs are laid it's a case of exercise around the loft and short training tosses out to 30 miles. At this time the loft is left open whenever possible for the birds to come and go, collecting nesting materials from the garden.

The partners have a training spot for both young and old birds, which is around 30 miles which they use whenever they think the birds need a pipe opener. Occasionally young birds are given some longer training tosses before the Young Bird National, around the Southampton area, which is about 80 miles. John and Spencer do not believe in single up training and as a result all birds are always released together.

In the early years the young birds were well trained and then entered in either the NFC or BBC young bird Nationals from accross the channel. Latterly, the youngsters have often just been given and extensive private training programme in the year of their birth with no actual racing.

John and Spencer have not noticed any difference in the later careers of birds that have raced as young birds or those youngsters that have merely been trained but they insist that the young birds must have some training in the year of their birth.

Spencer & John


The old bird team, after their initial training, then go to four or five 80 mile inland training races before competing in two or three 200 mile channel races. They are then set up for their first crack at a long distance International race having had approximately four weeks’ rest from racing before the "big one" with just a few 30 mile training spins in the intervening period to bring them up to the mark.

The birds are raced naturally and sometimes during the season they might separate certain birds in order to give them an extra edge and have found that during these periods of separation the birds exercise with renewed enthusiasm.

The longer International races are between 600-700 miles and for pigeons to compete in these types of races, special qualities are required - stamina, intelligence and the ability to fly many miles on their own. These individuals are the epitome of pigeon racing and “they do not grow on trees”.

Since the Nicholsons race their pigeons on the natural system and expect their birds to compete in 2, sometimes 3, 500-700 mile races in any one season they cannot always be sent in their favourite nest condition.

The pigeons that are highlighted here were all treated in this manner so there is no specific preparation for individuals. Those that are fit and well are deemed likely candidates for each race. They firmly believe that if a pigeon is of the right quality always provided that it is fit, it will perform well in any nest condition.

However, if they were to choose a specific nest condition they would aim to send the bird sitting around the time of hatch, or a few days either way. This would be both cocks and hens.


With regard to feeding, the partners do not believe that you can over feed a pigeon that is being prepared for an International race, especially when you consider the workload they are expected to undertake in any given season. The reader should be aware of the fact that ALL birds, including yearlings and late breds, are expected to compete in races out to at least 560 miles each year. As a result the birds have a normal widowhood type mix in front of them at all times. This is supplemented with peanuts and linseed plus a home made “cake mix” in the build up to a long races. On return from a marathon race they have access to honey dissolved in warm water in the drinkers and are fed a light depurative type mix for the first day after return and then it’s a case of straight back on to the racing mixture.

The young bird team is also fed the same high carbohydrate widowhood mix to which 25% barley is added, throughout the season. This mixture is fed both morning and night and feeding stops when the birds start to leave the barley.


The birds are treated for canker as a precautionary measure throughout the season and they also receive a treatment to ensure that there are no respiratory problems using Doxycycline, once again purely as a precautionary measure. The only other specifics used are honey and the drinkers can usually be found to have half a bulb of garlic in them 365 days a year to which multivitamins are added mid week with honey added on race return. The partners do however ensure that the birds have access to fresh supplies of grit and minerals on a daily basis.

There you have it, the methods of two masters of long distance pigeon racing. I will add here the performances of the Nicholsons’ EIGHT Spanish Diploma winners and seven BICC International race winners all of which have been conditioned in the above manner.

To win a Spanish Diploma the pigeon must appear three times on the result of the BBC Palamos/ Barcelona race it takes some doing to win one let alone EIGHT.

The Nicholsons’ 8 Spanish Diploma Winners


BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (1)

1st Sec, 5th Open BBC Palamos

4th Sec, 22nd open BBC Palamos

3rd Sec, 21st Open BBC Palamos

17th BICC Perpignan

3 x Palamos, 2 x Perpignan, 2 x Pau, 1 x Marseille, 1 x Dax



BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (2)

19th Sec, 94th Open BBC Palamos

11th Sec, 47th Open BBC Palamos

4th Sec, 22nd Open BBC Palamos

4th BICC Perpignan

9th BICC Marseille

19th BICC Pau

3 x Palamos, 2 x Pau, 2 x Perpignan, 1 x Marseille, 1 x San Sebastian



BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (3)

2nd Sec, 5th Open BBC Palamos

3rd Sec, 7th Open BBC Palamos

7th Sec, 34th Open BBC Palamos

3rd BICC Perpignan

3 x Winner of Greater Distance Single Bird



BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (4)

1st Sec, 3rd Open BBC Palamos

13th Sec, 45th Open BBC Palamos

14th Sec, 73rd open BBC Palamos

4 x Palamos, 2 x Pau, 1 x San Sebastian, 1 x Dax


BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (5)

19th Sec, 125th Open BBC Palamos

2nd Sec, 8th Open BBC Palamos

13th Sec, 44th Open BBC Palamos



BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (6)

9th Sec, 74th Open BBC Palamos

10th Sec, 33rd Open BBC Barcelona

4th Sec, 18th Open BBC Barcelona

2 x Palamos, 2 x Barcelona


BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (7)

14th Sec, 99th Open BBC Palamos

3rd Sec, 13th Open BBC Barcelona

9th Sec, 40th Open BBC Barcelona

In addition to the above Palamos & Barcelona performances Barkisson has also won:-

7th BICC Marseille

8th BICC Perpignan

17th BICC Marseille

26th BICC Perpignan

Also flown another Palamos, Perpignan & Pau


BBC Spanish Diploma Winner (8)

8th Sec, 28th Open BBC Barcelona

2nd Sec, 9th Open BBC Barcelona

4th Sec, 25th Open BBC Palamos

She is a daughter of Jinni, 1st BICC Marseille


The Nicholsons' 7 BICC International Winners

Perpignan Susie

BICC Winner (1)

1st BICC Perpignan

28th Hens International

138th Full International

Little Nell

BICC Winner (2)

1st BICC Pau

3rd BICC Perpignan

Litte Nell


BICC Winner (3 & 4)

1st BICC Perpignan

1st BICC Perpignan

10th BICC Dax

25th BICC Barcelona

26th BBC Palamos



BICC Winner (5)

1st BICC Dax

4th BICC Dax

11th BICC Pau

Flown NFC Pau & San Sebastian

Also winner of Greater Distance Single Bird Dax



BICC Winner (6)

1st BICC Barcelona

117th Hens International

364th Full International

4th BICC Marseille

198th NFC Pau

368th NFC Pau

Also winner of Greater Distance Single Bird Barcelona



BICC Winner (7)

1st BICC Marseille

11th BICC Barcelona

14th BBC Palamos

26th BICC Perpignan

56th NFC Pau

127th NFC Dax

Also winner of Greater Distance Single Bird Barcelona


3 x Barcelona 692 miles

4 x Marseille 600 miles

1 x Palamos 666 miles

1 x Perpignan 610 miles

1 x Pau 560 miles

1 x Dax 511 miles

1 x Bordeaux 450 miles

11 times over 500 miles

9 times over 600 miles

7 times in the top 26 in National Races over 600 miles

Best 3 performances:

2nd BICC Marseille (beaten by a loft mate)

5th BICC Marseille

11th BBC Palamos (beaten by 2 loft mates)

In 2005 Plum became the 1st UK pigeon to fly Barcelona, Marseille and Perpignan in a 4 week period, chalking up 1900 miles in these 3 races. WHAT A PIGEON!!!! WHAT A RECORD!!

However, things are about to change at the Nicholson set up as John has been increasingly incapacitated with breathing problems, so much so that he now has to make use of oxygen to aid his breathing. As a result, a new loft has been built at Spencer's home and any future racing will take place from this location.Congratulations John and Spencer on a truly outstanding record in long distance racing and I sincerely hope that your health improves John so that you can continue to enjoy the sport.

The new loft at Spencer & Sarah Nicholson's home


Elimar - April 2014