by Jim Emerton
If you obtain birds from a top man, try to adapt and adopt his system and methods in detail as these are keys to his success. Decide on your chosen race distances and then specialise. Keep away from the club power game unless you need to be a politician. For marathon races fly open loft if you can. Be single minded and set your targets high. Be prepared to come last and lose your favourite birds. The late comers may be your winners of the future. If gregarious you should volunteer for a club position. Make a few quid, yet ‘good pigeons are given’ is a good maxim to live by. Learn from the experts, the net and books until you are comfortable with knowledge. Progeny test and race every bird in the loft to demonstrate their intrinsic value. Keep producer birds together and close breed to relatives to form a family. Try not to be overawed by the top fliers as you may be one yourself. Form a long term plan for the future, and learn and learn.
Elimar - October 2014