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The Buzz




by Jim Emerton

I refer to this fairly modern word to what is described as a high. If you receive a mental mood lift in your efforts to win races and enjoyment in association with the birds, then the tasks have been worthwhile. The secret in life is to keep doing what you enjoy, and making the complex simple - in this philosophy is the essence of genius. Many folk are given a buzz by prescribed drugs in today’s society. Walks in nature, my writing and my oddball friends give me mine. Many fanciers get a weekly buzz, and a manly feeling of dominance from racing up to 500 miles - therein lie the majority of fanciers. I promise you that a good bird out of Barcelona International will keep you buzzing for years, as the brain/mind synthesis will go into overdrive. The corollary is that some fanciers are stressed to the point of burn out, and when this happens you need rest and withdrawal, and to hell with it all.


Elimar - November 2014