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There'll Be Blue Birds Over The White Cliffs of Dover




by Jim Emerton

As I write we are waiting for arrivals from Barcelona International/Tarbes NFC. It is a pleasant Monday afternoon, with the buddleia in full bloom. We are confident whatever the result of our efforts. The Barcelona race is a little easier than thought with a steady stream of birds up to an exemplary 844 miles so far - my 2 trophies will be won in this race. All the arrivals are good birds from good fanciers, and you will assess who are the best in your opinion - I prefer those in the clock over 750 miles - it reflects my marathon inclinations. New stars will support the old stalwarts, who tend to time each year, and there are reasons for that. I feel both races will be marked by spectacle and disappointment with some superb birds. I hope we get one or two to add to our CV. Well done to all who had the nerve and the desire to compete at this level.


Elimar - July 2014