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Time in The Basket




by Jim Emerton

With natural pigeons primed for the distance, there is no need for concern. For NFC marking, my birds were contained in the house frontroom to be taken for marking next day. The essence is calm relaxation and energy conservation - I want my birds to dose off in the transporter, and not be agitated, fighting and engaging in other stressful behaviour. For Barcelona I boxed up for parcel delivery on Friday to be liberated in the Barcelona International one week later - no problem man. To learn relaxation take a trip to Jamaica where the locals make it an art form. Cool birds for marathon racing at all times - then the good ones will fly. The corollary is that the speedsters amongst us will want their projectiles of velocity on the transporter for as little time as possible. The whole philosophy of marathon birds is one of controlled calm, where great feats of speed/endurance are the recipe of greatness - when you can walk this ricepaper without leaving a trace you will have learned.


Elimar - March 2014