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The Personal Touch





by Jim Emerton

In an age of texting, computers and other electronic devices, are we not in danger of losing that individual, personal touch in our pigeon related relationships, contacts and communications? I help fanciers in the UK and Ireland, and prefer the telephone where some real thought and emotion can go into the encounters, since you can hide more readily behind many other forms of technology. Texts and e-mails are a little abstract and objective in style - perhaps good for the shy and for secrets. I like the pc where deeper thought is called for. In books and magazines for articles and adverts you can create a certain image. My message is that in every aspect of pigeon society are the individual and unique people, who behind the mask of money and materialism make it happen, and I am blessed to have met some truly great characters who adorn the rich and colourful tapestry of life.


Elimar - February 2014