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Rearing Beautiful Youngsters





by Jim Emerton

With good practice management with the parent birds it is easy. Housing in a warm, clean, dry spacious environment is conducive to good condition, and an outdoor aviary for exposure to the elements is nice. Before pairing I aim to reduce the count of worms, trichomonads and coccidia, after a good health check, using modern drugs which should be alternated over time in an attempt to reduce the resistance of the pest and disease organisms. You can research the information in the Zsolt Talaber and Colin Walker books as they are seriously factual.

We feed a high protein ratio mix, with G10 pellets, Hormoform, Matrix, and Breedrite and peanuts - a rich mixture supplying optimal nutrition, and occasional Blitzform or Supersix in the water. A strong, healthy YB is crucial if you are to manifest its true potential in race reality. Diets may vary as long as you supply all the nutritious needs of the stock birds and a good pellet is fine as a feeding basis. The squeakers should be big and fat, feather early and thrive. If not, then analyse the situation for a solution.


Elimar - December 2014