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by Jim Emerton

Have you noticed how the same names like Gilbert and Cooper tend to be at or near the top of the results on a regular basis, with room, of course for new names to emerge from time to time. The reason for this fact is not down to just a few good birds, and we all breed plenty of inferior birds even from excellent genes and bloodlines. The corollary is that most of what we buy and sell will never make the grade. In hard fact reality we are looking at a minority of top fanciers and their birds. There is always an element of uncertainty in racing, since the birds on liberation are out of immediate control by man and in changing environmental conditions and variables. However skilled people can nominate their birds e.g. in the SBNFC with relative ease. I maintain that the quintessence of it all is the individual genius or personality of the fancier, as they source, breed and develop good birds for racing, and credit to them all. Recall the old adage of distant bygones: LOOK IN THE MIRROR.


Elimar - May 2014