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Energy Reserves & Fats





by Jim Emerton

An optimal and balanced diet is essential for the high performance racing pigeon in today’s ultra competitive racing up to Barcelona International level. Birds for marathon racing i.e. over 700 miles must be fuelled up to the eyeballs or they will fail. The reserves are built up over the entire racing season with races and rest - a simple formula to elicit high quality results. The modern philosophy is to increase fat levels in relation to the carbohydrate/protein ratio. It is so simple to do this - high energy fat supplements are fed e.g. sunflower/peanuts/Hormoform/hemp and fat balls and the corn mix laced in a variety of oils e.g. Ogo/10 in 1/Gem etc. We use a combination of all of these in our race preparations. The extra fats regime is enhanced by carbo boosters e.g. in Vydex Supersix and Breedrite. If your good birds race well, then a priori you have been efficient in your race preparations.


Elimar - May 2014