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Are Marathon Men Barking



Jim Emerton asks:


Barking, a popular word these days, which has caught on to mean quirky or of an oddball nature, and is socially encouraged and acceptable in certain levels of society. I am noted for my eccentricity, and it helps with the Barcelona dream. I have some nice dedicated marathon friends, rugged individualists and a fascinating collection of nutters - I must be a magnet to them. The crux of the matter is the focus on, build up to and wait for the arrival of the 1 in 10 from Barcelona. Hyped up, losing sleep and buzzing for days, racked by stress induced hormones e.g. cortisol, you may well crash with exhaustion - be careful of burnout. I endured it as a country boy who sought gold in London. Watch for the joys of a breakdown! All my pals who I associate with in marathon internationals are both fascinating for their character traits, some a psychiatrist’s dream and fall nicely under the general umbrella of barking - absolutely an essential requirement for the job.


Elimar - July 2014