by Jim Emerton
We look for certainty, for dogma for the definite in the sport. I evolved a system that suits Nic and me on a personal level, which may be applicable to some but not all. The variables in the genetics of breeding make the various forms of breeding hit and miss, and with the best of intentions we try and master it. At best pigeon racing is a fusion of art and science in relation to ever-changing environments. Once we have liberated the birds at the race point, they are free in the prevailing elements. With some control of the home environment, we hope to influence their desire and ability to home.
Some fanciers have a greater impact on their birds than others and tend to prevail in racing and with no fixed families, as good pigeons come from different sources not just the fashionable name of the day. All the top men have a system capable of competition at a high level, and usually with many pigeon types none of which are absolutely pure in a genetic sense, all being of mixed ancestry. In a society based on instant gratification we look for the quick fix, the formula of success-linked to impatience. Men of old served their apprenticeship in the cauldron of pigeon racing in an atmosphere of learning within no fixed rules. The beauty of the sport is the pleasure in uncertainty.
Elimar November 2013