by Jim Emerton
With the current accent on general names of fanciers used to indicate certain origins of pigeons e.g Busschaerts let us focus on the individual pigeon and fancier which are what create the results and success - each are unique and singular! We use labels such as natural and widowhood to describe systems, yet each one is peculiar to the person who practices it. The pigeon culture is awash with generalisations is it not? Great enjoyment can be derived from focusing on and preparing single birds for chosen events e.g for the single bird clubs, which calls for specialisation. This will be a test of the foresight and skill of the fancier in combination with each bird. We have concluded then, that all birds and fanciers are different, even specimens of a common name origin. These factors make the sport diverse and interesting, with all the characters available. In the last analysis then, if you obtain a new family of birds they are all individuals - even if cloned.
March 2013