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Hunger & Desire




by Jim Emerton

What are the feelings inside the heads of champion fliers? They have a yearning, a fire that glows from within to succeed. It motivates them to achieve great things, to attempt the difficult, the complex, the seemingly impossible. The charismatic greats like Warren and Paley were the epitome of these personality traits, and forged new paths through history. A desire that is cemented in the myth and folklore of pigeons, such men are the archetypes of excellence. In simple practical terms, it means testing all your birds at the top level - good old natural, Darwinian selection in action! I have noticed how many Americans have the juice to excel, yet look at our own sporting stars - the inspiration is there. The results this year will be peppered by those with HUNGER AND DESIRE, and brave young souls who seek to stretch the boundaries of possibility in pigeon racing. Roll on Barcelona International.

March 2013
