The Joe Murphy Column
We would both like to thank all the people who have sent good wishes to us and our son Mark after his heart attack; he is making remarkable progress and we have been to see him every couple of days and keep in contact via facetime on the mobile. I also received a lovely letter from G K----- from HM Prison Wymott Leyland in Lancashire he wrote. ‘Dear Joe & Family, It may be a shock getting a letter from such an address as this, but I hope you will read on, not only as I have always maintained my innocence; but I too have suffered a heart attack and I am only 51. So, the reason I am writing after reading your article in the British Homing World 26th May 2023. It is to try and give you some confidence. Your son having a heart attack will have been scary but it doesn’t mean he cannot enjoy lots more years. I had a heart attack and 2 stents, at the end of September 2011. Since then, I have competed over 6 million meters on a rower. I would have been past 10 million if Covid had not struck and I’m aware this challenge isn’t done, so I’ve started using the exercise bike. I do so because the Heart is a muscle; your son’s will be a bit weak at the moment but with future exercise he could end up with a heart like mine. The last time I have my heart scanned I was told I had a very good strong heart and I would survive another heart attack, I hope that hasn’t jinxed me. So, Joe, if Mark takes his time, completes a cardiac rehab course, exercise within reason and eats healthy he could go on for many more years. I’ve nearly put 12 years on the clock (since my heart attack). I love your writings, especially the distance methods; all the best G K-----. This person has also donated money to various causes in the BHW. We would both like to thank Mr K----- for his letter and I have also replied to him. It was very nice of him to take the time to write and I’m also glad to know that he enjoys my weekly article.
Central & East Of Scotland Amalgamation
News from Andy Miller who informs us of the Melton Mowbray old bird race flown on the 27th of May with the entry of 4417 birds liberated at 06-30 with no wind at the race point. Pentlandhills sent 1401 birds, East of Scotland entered 174 birds, Scottish Border sent 355, Midlothian fed entered 220 birds, Eye Valley sent 43 birds, Dundee had an entry of 378, Angus had 479 birds entered; Fife & Kingdom federations had an excellent entry of 1291 birds, Central federation had 7 birds with the North of Scotland federation sending 69 birds; which was excellent birdage for this first Amalgamation race. Topping the Amalgamation was K Wright of Pentlandhills with a 2-year-old cock doing a velocity of 1487 so congratulations to him on his win. B Thomas & son of Pentlands was 2nd with another Pentland loft of Walker & Brown winning 3rd place just beaten on decimals. Helen Aitken & son of the same Pentlands was 4th with R Walker of Eye Valley winning 5th spot. K Dick of Pentland is 6th just 3 yards ahead of Gilchrist & Murray of the same federation. D Crowe & son of Eye Valley are 8th with Pentland’s Steve Lapinskie winning 9th spot just ahead of T Nolan & son in 10th spot. G Jackson of East of Scotland federation is 11th open with M Gillies of Scottish Borders winning 13th place. John Harcus of Fife wins 22nd position; John Bird of East of Scotland wins 31st open with D White & son of Midlothian winning 32nd open and M Young of Dundee wins 54th open.
Keith Wright see text
Pentland Hills Federation.
News from Andy Miller who writes; ‘Hi Joe, from our sixth Federation old bird race along with the Central & East Of Scotland Amalgamation this was flown from Melton Mowbray on Saturday 27th May. The distance being 229-241 miles for the members. The 4417 birds were liberated at 06:30 in no wind. The Pentlandhills Federation & Amalgamation winner is Danderhall member Keith Wright, who timed his 2-year-old widowhood cock, ‘Marko’s Boy’ bred by Eric Owenson from Gorebridge, from stock obtained from Romanians Hendrick & Paul Voeten. Keith received the bird from fellow club member Mark Robertson last year when Mark had to give up the pigeons and broke the pigeon out. ‘Marko’s Boy’ was also a previous winner for Mark too. Regards Andy.
East of Scotland Federation
News from Tom McEwen of the Melton Mowbray old bird race flown in conjunction with the Central & East Of Scotland Amalgamation. Topping the federation and also taking 3rd & 4th positions is Gus Jackson of Macmerry; well done Gus. In with another great bird is John Bird of Prestonpans completes a treble winning 2nd 8th & 10th open. Keeping up the good name of the ‘Pan’s’ is Keith Howie with a double winning 5th & 9th position. Completing the top 10 with a double is Graham Wardhaugh of Dirleton
Prestonpans HS
The red card goes to John Bird with a 2-year-old chequer pied hen; she was not raced as a youngster and this year she has been flying spare. John noticed that she started looking at another hen prior to the race and she was sent in this condition to win the club. Her sire is a Vandenabeele from Woodside Lofts while her dam is bred from a pair from the Padfield Family through the House of Arden. 2nd club is Keith Howie with a 2-year-old hen who contains the Paul Stobbs bloodlines through Tom & Scott McEwen of Elphinstone. The dam is from Graham Stewart of Whitecraigs from Frank Shearers bloodlines. 3rd club is John Bird with a 2-year-old blue hen on roundabout. Her sire was purchased at the East of Scotland sale and was bred David Jamieson of East Calder, while her dam was bred down from John’s good hen ‘Bits & Pieces’. My thanks to Tom McEwan for the above report.
Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club
News from Charlie Cameron with the Melton Mowbray race result with 6 members sending 115 birds to the race in conjunction with the Amalgamation. Taking the first 3 places in the club are Charlie and his son Glen; with Les McKay of Carnoustie winning 4th & 5th spots. P Cameron was 8th with A & A Shepherd in 9th spot.
Dundee & District Flying Club
News from Brian Donnelly with the sixth race of the season from Melton Mowbray around 272 miles to most club members. Twelve members sent 219 birds, liberated at 06-30 am with no wind at liberation site. First club is John Wiseman, who is having an excellent season, this being John’s 3rd win on the trot! John’s timer on 1348 ypm is a yearling roundabout hen, her sire is a son of Martin De Poorter (Sluis, NL) ‘New Rainman’ when paired to a daughter of a hen from Micky Collins off ‘Sagan’ & ‘Kittel’ lines from Dirk van Den Bulck. 2nd club is the consistent loft of Danny Henderson on 1347 ypm. Danny’s timer is yearling flown on the roundabout system and is bred from a Franz Zwols cock, which has been a good breeder having bred a 2nd combine winner in the past. The dam is a Herman Ceuster cross ‘Foxy Lady’ lines. This pair of birds have always been mated together having bred several good birds in the past. Third club is Billy McEwan on 1346 ypm with a yearling widowhood cock, this bird is starting to show a bit of form for Billy these last few races and has been improving each week. He is bred from the stock loft and is of Kipp bloodlines. Fourth club is Darren Phinn on a velocity of 1344ypm. Congratulations to John, Danny, Billy and Darren. See photo of John Wiseman with his club winner. Cheers Joe yours Brian’.
John Wiseman with Fed Winner see text
North of Scotland Federation
News from George Duthie who informs us that 55 members sent 1258 birds to Gateshead (Swalwell) flown on the 27th May with the convoy liberated into a light south west wind. The East Section had 26 members sending 692 birds and Peterhead & District’s A Woodhouse takes top honours winning both the section and federation with his winner doing a velocity of 1487: Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District takes the next 5 places with his first 3 birds dropping together. G Findlay of Peterhead & District is 7th with club mate N Holt next with A Higgins of Fraserburgh West End winning 9th place just ahead of club mate D Ward. The West Section had 29 members sending 566 birds and G Wilson of Devern Valley club takes the first two sections places plus 4th winning 33rd 34th & 36th open. A Wilson of the same club wins 2nd 5th & 6th section 35th 37th & 38th open, with Ryan Hay & Family winning 7th & 10th west section 39th & 43rd open; and Fulton & Ritchie Loft 1 of the same Devern Valley club wins 8th & 9th section 40th & 41st open.
Clubs First Bird
Peterhead & District winner A Woodhouse velocity 1487.616. Fraserburgh & District winner Colin McRae velocity 1484.252. Fraserburgh West End winner A Higgins velocity 1449.779. Inverurie winner S Witherspoon velocity 1429.224. Devern Valley winner G Wilson velocity 1356.182; Keith winner R Wilson velocity 1296.574; Elgin & District winner J Jack velocity 1207.716; Buckie & District winner J Cumming velocity 1204.804. Well done to A Woodhouse on Topping the federation and well done to G Wilson on winning the West Section.
Kingdom Racing Pigeon Association
The federation were at Melton Mowbray with the Amalgamation with the convoy liberated at 06.30am; with No wind at the liberation point. Pete Penman forwarded the following report. ‘Hi Joe, the Kingdom RPA were at Melton Mowbray this week, being liberated along with the East Coast Combine. On what seemed like an ideal racing day, but by the end of the day there were quite a few empty perches. Taking the honours this week was Davy Whyte of St. Serfs club with a homebred yearling chequer hen feeding a big youngster. This hen's nest mate has won the last three club races this year. The next three places went to the man in form Coaltown's Gary Hall. First over the trap was a 3-year-old Gaby x Ceusters cock, followed by a 2-year-old Gaby x DeWeerdt who's dam was 2nd section 3rd open Maidstone in 2021. Next was his consistent 2-year-old blue cock that won 1st open KRPA Billericay last year. At Rosyth we had Gordon Cree take the red card and at Leuchars Tom Berwick lead the way
Pentland Hills Federation:
Flown from Melton Mowbray on Saturday 27th May in conjunction with the Amalgamation the federation had 69 lofts sending 1401 birds, these were liberated 06-30 with No Wind at the race point. The top spot goes to K Wright of Danderhall club 3 yards ahead of B Thomas & son of Easthouses club. Walker & Brown of Danderhall club are 3rd winning £408 for their efforts. Helen Aitken & son of Woodburn club are 4th with K Dick of Edinburgh Premier club 3 yards ahead of club mates Gilchrist & Murray who are 6th with Easthouses Stevie Lapinskie who wins 7th spot. T Nolan & son of Danderhall club are 8th with Ian Summers of Sighthill club wins 9th place and making up the top 10 is R Simpson of Easthouses club. Press Officer Andy Miller wins the Gold Ring prize of £200 winning 17th open.
Fife Federation
News from Geordie Todd who forwarded the federation result from the Melton Mowbray race flown in conjunction with the Central & East Of Scotland Amalgamation. The 1022 Fife birds were liberated at 6-30 with no wind at the race point. Topping the east section and Federation and also winning 9th open is John Harcus of St Andrews with the winner doing a velocity of 1407 for the 257 miles trip. 2nd open and east section is J D Armour of Methilhaven club with J Hynd & son of Crossgates winning 1st west section 3rd open. Alan Cassidy of Methilhaven club is 4th east section and open with Erskine & son of Novar winning 2nd west section 5th open. Jim Doig of Lochgelly club is 3rd west section 6th open, with Crossgates Dougie Barnes winning 4th west section 7th open. His club mate R Cook wins 5th west section 8th open with another club mate K Cochrane taking 6th west section 10th open.
East Section clubs Methilhaven had an entry of 168 birds, St Andrews sent 180 birds; Geordie Baxter of Methilhaven club wins 5th section.
Centre Section clubs Kennoway sent 261 birds and Glenrothes & Leslie sent 23 birds; Kennoway club took all the section positions with 1st & 5th going to B Chalmers; Tam Laing is 2nd Sean Diamond is 3rd Brian Kinnear is 4th with Stevie Ritchie in 6th spot.
West Section clubs; Crossgates sent 215 birds; Lochgelly sent 95 birds; Dunfermline 160 and Novar 34 birds.
Almond Valley Federation
News from Lynn Stewart the secretary of the federation; who informs us that the federation were at Wakefield on the 27th of May with the 940 birds liberated at 07:30 hours. Taking first place are Law & Brady of Bonnybridge club with a yearling blue hen doing a velocity of 1346. Clubmate I McLelland is 2nd with East Calder’s Freddie Jamieson & son winning 3rd open. John Hadfield of West Calder continues with his excellent results this week winning 4th 7th 9th & 11th federation; his club mate John Bird wins 5th 6th & 8th positions. T Gavin of Fauldhouse club wins 10th open.
Club Results;
Balerno 66 birds; 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th C Ross 1244.118, 1228.259, 1222.396, 1193.747
Bonnybridge 186 birds; 1st Law & Brady 1346.493, 2nd 3rd & 4th I McLelland 1321.312, 1231.408, 1231.104
Carnwath 117 birds; 1st Thomson Bros & I Thomson 1215.686, 2nd McArdle & Thomson 1203.425, 3rd S McArdle 1195.057, 4th J Stokes 1190.775
East Calder 98 birds; 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th Freddie Jamieson & Son 1314.720, 1283.142, 1268.265, 1247.431
Fauldhouse 254 birds; 1st 2nd & 3rd T Gavin 1301.405, 1295.230, 1267.511, 4th C Smillie 1256.107
West Calder 219 birds; 1st J Hadfield 1314.111, 2nd & 3rd J Bird 1313.053, 1312.775, 4th J Hadfield 1312.71
Space News
27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
Issued 29-05-2023
UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2023 May 29 150 12 4
2023 May 30 145 10 3
2023 May 31 140 5 2
2023 Jun 01 135 5 2
2023 Jun 02 130 15 5
2023 Jun 03 130 12 4
2023 Jun 04 130 15 4
2023 Jun 05 130 10 3
2023 Jun 06 130 8 3
2023 Jun 07 130 5 2
2023 Jun 08 130 5 2
2023 Jun 09 130 5 2
2023 Jun 10 130 5 2
2023 Jun 11 130 5 2
2023 Jun 12 135 5 2
2023 Jun 13 140 5 2
2023 Jun 14 143 5 2
2023 Jun 15 145 5 2
2023 Jun 16 150 5 2
2023 Jun 17 155 5 2
2023 Jun 18 155 22 5
2023 Jun 19 155 15 4
2023 Jun 20 155 12 4
2023 Jun 21 150 10 3
2023 Jun 22 150 5 2
2023 Jun 23 150 5 2
2023 Jun 24 150 5 2
Joe’s Joke
Fifty-one years ago, Tam Brown, a fisherman from Peterhead was drafted into the Army. On his first day in basic training the Army issued him with a comb. That afternoon the Army barber sheared off all his hair. On his second day, the Army issued Tam with a toothbrush, that afternoon the Army dentist yanked seven of his teeth out. On the third day, the Army issued Tam with a ‘Jock Strap’. The Army have been looking Tam for the past 51 years.
Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or you can also view online editions on: - - Pigeon Racing the Basics! - Who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland?
© Compiled by Joe Murphy