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The Joe Murphy Column - 09-06-23

The Joe Murphy Column

Joe Murphy

I came across an article on John Roach & son of Broxburn which I found very interesting and I have taken a few points out of this story. John had been amongst pigeons all his days but wanted to provide a hobby for my two boys, he decided to start a loft in earnest. It has always been his belief that boys with an absorbing hobby were never in trouble. They soon had a loft built but the next step, which was to stock it gave them some headaches. Like everyone else starting up in the sport; they made the same mistake as hundreds before us. That was to accept pigeons from Tom-Dick and Harry. ‘John said ‘This was the worst mistake that any novice can make and it took us six years to prove it’. By far the best thing to do was to purchase two pairs from a well-known family – breeding with these and these only--you would hit a winning streak long before the other method. He wrote; ‘We never knew any success until we purchased 2 pairs of ‘Logans’. These were kept together, breeding grand-daughter back to sire until we thought it was time to introduce a cross. This was an ‘Osman Fell’ hen bred by the late John Hendry of Broxburn, and was presented to John’s wife by a friend who was leaving the sport. They coupled this hen with a little Logan cock, in their opinion one of the gamest little birds they ever had, who lived to 20 years of age. Unfortunately, the hen died but they had left quite a few good birds. The hen herself won 1st club 82nd open Dol whilst the cock had a place in every race he was sent to. 1659 the SNFC Nantes winner was bred off them as was his brother 90689, 76th section 122nd open. Whilst another late bred 62-9386 won 9th club Leachworth; 4th club 11th fed Lewes, 1964; the following year won 11th Leachworth, 12th Lewes, in 1966 won 15th Leachworth, 1st club 14th federation Lewes, 1967; 6th club Lewes – looking back through some records I find that we have had 86 places in 62 races, not a bad show in a strong club like ours. Our method of pigeon husbandry is I suppose the same as hundreds more; the birds, 12 pair, are housed in a 14 x 8-foot loft -with an open front and a large louvre vent in each gable, thus the air in the loft is constantly in motion. It is cleaned out twice a day. After each cleaning a little dehydrated lime is brushed into all cracks and crevices. This we find is the best pest deterrent we know. Birds young and old are hopper fed on good hard beans only. This again we find keeps the birds on the light, lean and hard side that we think is best for racing. A little seed is used for trapping purposes only. The drinking water is changed twice daily (this is where a good wife comes in handy). As for green’s stuff, I am fortunate in having a large vegetable garden and here all the birds roam and choose their own salad. Training is voluntary, half an hour each morning and evening. There are no gimmicks or short cuts. We like to have the birds sitting ten days for each race. The moult, There is not much man can do so in the circumstances it is best to leave it to mother nature. Young birds if fit, are raced right out to the last race (200 miles) the basket being the best gauge of what not to keep; John Roach’.    

John Roach Son see text    Winner of 1st open SNFC Nantes 1967 see text

John Roach & Son see text                                             Winner of 1st open SNFC Nantes 1967 see text


Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club

News from Charlie Cameron who informs us that 5 members sent 117 birds to    these were liberated into a light north east wind. Charlie and son Glen took the first 3 places with Les McKay in 4th place and Chic & Ann Carrie took 5th place.

Almond Valley Federation

News from Secretary Lynn Stewart, who informs me that 1119 birds were liberated at Wetherby at 11-10 hours.  Topping the federation are Bald & Johnstone of Balerno with West Calder’s A Robb taking 2nd place. S McArdle of Carnwath is 3rd with West Calder’s John Bird takes 4th spot. His club mate J Hadfield is 5th with M Jackson of Bonnybridge takes 6th place. J Fairley of Balerno is 7th with T Gavin of Fauldhouse club taking the next 3 places.

Balerno 81 birds; 1st Bald & Johnstone 1462. 2nd J Fairley 1422. 3rd C Ross 1400. 4th Bald & Johnstone 1388.

Bonnybridge 274 birds; 1st M Jackson 1423, 2nd R & L MacDuff 1409, 3rd I McLelland 1396, 4th M Jackson 1385.

Carnwath 1st S McArdle 1448. 2nd Thomson Bros & I Thomson 1401. 3rd McArdle & Thomson 1382. 4th J Dorman 1356.

East Calder 124 birds; 1st Burnside & Drysdale 1411. 2nd F Jamieson & Son 1410. 3rd & 4th Burnside & Drysdale 1402 & 1401.

Fauldhouse 292 birds; 1st 2nd & 3rd T Gavin 1421.143, 1421.143, 1420.560; 4th Colligan & Hope 1417.

West Calder 213 birds; 1st A Robb 1452. 2nd J Bird 1426. 3rd J Hadfield 1425.4th J Burnside 1416.585

Dundee & District Flying Club

News from Brian Donnely on the Wakefield race flown on the 20th May; Hi Joe, For our 5th race of the season we were at Wakefield, around 207 miles to most club members. We had 13 members sending 271 birds these were liberated at 9.00 am into a light north wind. First and 2nd club is the inform loft of John Wiseman [who also topped the federation for the 2nd week running too!]. John’s winner on a velocity of 1496.7 ypm is a blue white flight yearling hen flown on the roundabout system. She is a full sister to John’s winner from Darlington last week, being bred from a pair of Micky Collin’s birds, sire is a Stefan Lambrecht’s / Hasendoncke and the dam is a granddaughter of ‘Donkere Leo’.  John’s 2nd club on 1496.5 ypm is another yearling chequer hen also flown on the roundabout system, she is bred from a son of Graeme MacKenzie’s double combine winner from Leicester. Third club on 1494 ypm is Danny Henderson; whose timer has been a consistent performer, having won two club 1st prizes and has also topped the federation in the past, he is of Vandenabeele bloodlines, all four grand parents have scored 1st national for Billy Bilsland. Our congratulations go to John and Danny. Joe, I have added a photograph of John Wiseman winner.

John Wismans Fed Winner see text

John Wiseman's Fed Winner see text

Fife Federation of Homing Pigeon Societies

News from Geordie Todd with the Wakefield race flown on the 20th May with the 1402 birds liberated at 11-00 hours into a light north east wind. Taking the first 2 places in the federation is J D Armour of Methilhaven club with his first 2 birds doing 1515 velocities. Dave Baldie of St Andrews is 3rd & 5th with Jim & Gary Peggie of Methilhaven winning 4th & 6th places, Davie Jack of St Andrews is 7th & 10th with his club mate John Harcus winning 8th & 9th open.

The East section had Methilhaven club sending 175 birds, with St Andrews sending 140 birds; the first 6 mentioned above take the east section places.  The Centre section had Kennoway club sending 270 birds with Glenrothes and Leslie sending 92 birds. Brian Chalmers of Kennoway takes 5 of the 6 places with S Fleming of the same club winning 3rd place. The West Section had Novar club sending 39 birds; Crossgates 301 birds Dunfermline 217 birds and Lochgelly club 168 birds. G Bell (1) of Crossgates wins the section with J Hynd & son taking the next 3 places. 5th spot goes to K Cochrane with A Simpson of Dunfermline club winning 6th place.

East of Scotland Federation

News from Tom McEwen who informs us that the federation were at Bubwith with the convoy liberated at 10-00am into a light north east wind. Topping the federation is Brian Lavery of Prestonpans with a 2-year-old blue hen; taking 2nd place is John Bird of the same village, with another ‘Pan’s’ fancier Dave Blair timing in a good treble to win 3rd 4th & 10th positions. Keith Howie of the ‘Pan’s’ is well to the fore winning 5th open. Gus Jackson of Macmerry had a great 4’ some winning 6th 7th 8th & 9th positions.

Prestonpans HS

The winner is a 2-year-old blue hen for Brian Lavery, she was bred by Jimmy Mack of Tranent. This hen won 5th federation from Harrowgate and 12th federation from Catterick. John Bird timed in a yearling hen to win 2nd club, she was put into a nest box a few minutes before being lifted into the race basket and this little trick worked for John; her breeding is from a pair of Frans Zwols stock pigeons. 3rd club is Davie Blair who timed in a yearling chequer hen.

Pentland Hills Federation:

News from Andy Miller of the Federation Bubwith race flown on Saturday 20th May; with 69 lofts sending 1513 birds; these were liberated at 10-00 hours into a light north east wind. The distance being 164-176 miles for the members.

Top spot goes to Black & Robertson of Danderhall club with their winner and nomination pigeon doing a velocity of 1599 and winning over £411. Brian Black & Robertson, not forgetting loft Laddie Craig, who is a great help around the loft. They timed their 2-year-old Busschaert crossed Willie Jacobs widowhood cock bred by Dougie Barnes from Crossgates. Joe, returns were excellent with most of the bird’s home within the hour; regards Andy.

Black Robertson see Pentland Text

Black & Robertson see Pentland Text

Kingdom Racing Pigeon Association

News from Pete Penman who wrote, ‘Hi Joe, the KRPA were at Wakefield flown on the 20th May with the convoy liberated into a light north east wind. Leading the way is the inform loft of Gary Hall of the Coaltown of Balgonie club; with a yearling blue cock on roundabout. In 2nd place was Leuchars Tom Berwick closely followed in 3rd place by club mate Alan Keanie. In 4th spot is Chic Dinsdale with a yearling white cock that is a grandson of his Arras section winner. Next again is Gary Hall with a 2-year-old blue cock also on roundabout. In 6th place was John Dinsdale with a homebred sprinter. St Serfs club saw John Proctor take the first 2 places and at Rosyth club Hugh Gormley took the honours with Lou Mitchell in second place, yours Pete’.

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie who informs us that 56 members sent 1380 birds these were liberated into a light west to south west wind.  Topping the East Section (25 members sending 708 birds) and Federation with a velocity of 1466-97 is Peterhead & District R H Whyte with Maskame & Cordiner of the same club 2nd & 3rd places with their first 2 birds doing 1466-78 & 1465-3, they also won 10th open. C & M Williams of the same club are 4th with G Findlay also from the same club winning 5th & 9th spots. Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District wins 6th 7th & 8th places, with the 3 birds all on the same yard and split by decimals.

The West Section had 31 members sending 672 birds; taking top spot and 31st open is G Wilson of Devern Valley (who take the top 10 section places) G Wilson is also 7th section and 37th open. A Hay wins 2nd section 32nd open; with Ryan Hay & Family winning 3rd section 33rd open. J Abel wins 4th 6th & 10th section 34th 36th & 40th open. With Fulton & Ritchie loft 2 winning 5th section 35th open and their 1st loft winning 9th section 39th open. A Wilson wins 8th section and 38th open.

Clubs First Bird

R H Whyte wins Peterhead & District velocity 1466.

C McRae wins Fraserburgh & District 1459.

S Witherspoon wins Inverurie 1424.

A Higgins wins Fraserburgh West End 1419.

G Wilson wins Devern Valley 1322.

A MacGillivray wins Elgin & District 1181.

R Wilson wins Keith 1171.

J Cumming wins Buckie & District 1150.

Well done to R H Whyte on TOPPING THE FED.

Well done to G Wilson on Winning the West Section.

Space Weather

27-day Space Weather Outlook Table: Issued: May 22nd at 02-29 UTC.       

UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest    
Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index

2023 May 22     160          22          5

2023 May 23     155          18          5

2023 May 24     150          22          5

2023 May 25     155          15          3

2023 May 26     155          10          3

2023 May 27     160           5          2

2023 May 28     160           5          2

2023 May 29     160           5          2

2023 May 30     155           5          2

2023 May 31     155           5          2

2023 Jun 01     150           5          2

2023 Jun 02     155          16          4

2023 Jun 03     155           8          3

2023 Jun 04     155          10          3

2023 Jun 05     160           8          3

2023 Jun 06     165           5          2

2023 Jun 07     160           5          2

2023 Jun 08     155           5          2

2023 Jun 09     150           5          2

2023 Jun 10     145           5          2

2023 Jun 11     145           5          2

2023 Jun 12     150           5          2

2023 Jun 13     155           5          2

2023 Jun 14     155           5          2

2023 Jun 15     160           5          2

2023 Jun 16     165          12          4

2023 Jun 17     165          10          3

Joe’s Joke

Received a phone call from Mr Ward who enjoys the column and the weekly ‘Joe’s Joke’. He gave me a short one for this week.

A man say’s to his wife, ‘I’m not sleeping well and I’m dreaming a lot. I think it is the liquorice I’m eating’.  His wife says to him ‘What are you dreaming about?’

‘ALSORTS’, he replied.

Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or you can also view online editions on: - - Pigeon Racing the Basics! - Who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland?

© Compiled by Joe Murphy