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The Joe Murphy Column - 07-07-23

The Joe Murphy Column

Received an email from Karl Murphy who wrote, ‘Hi Joe, Is there any chance you could email me the pedigree for SU 20 939 the red hen as I have deleted previous email with her details on it; as she has bred me nice birds with 3 of them clocked this week. Here are a few results I have had with your birds; 2nd club 3rd section 835 birds 178 mile; A granddaughter of ‘Gerald’ won 5th club 16th section 147th open Talbenny young bird national with an entry of 3191 birds flying 208 miles. Another granddaughter of ‘Gerald’ won 5th club 19th section flying 178 miles with an entry of 432 birds. Another granddaughter of ‘Gerald’ won 2nd section Talbenny Gold Ring Race. As a matter of interest ‘Gerald’ was bred by my good friend Gerald MacPherson hence his name ‘Gerald’. He was a direct son of the famous John Ellis of Dundee’s Champion pigeon ‘Blue Boy’ a 7 times winner from France; while Gerald’s dam was a ½ sister to ‘Wingdown’ a winner of 2nd 4th & 7th NFC flying 676 miles, ‘Wingdown’ was the only pigeon in the history of the NFC to win 3 top 10 prizes in national races. So, you will see that ‘Gerald’ was bred for the job. A son of your red hen 939, won 9th & 10th club; 29th & 37th section Penzance flying 314 miles.  I looked out the pedigree of the red hen 939 Sire and Dam for Karl, which I forwarded with an email. This pedigree made interesting reading and I thought I would let readers of my column see the quality of 939 breeding. Her sire was 814 a son of my No 1 stock cock a direct son of ‘Robbie’s Boy’ a winner of 1st open SNFC Falaise for Gilmour Brothers of Leven; when he was paired to a sister of ‘Mary’ bred by Pete Patrick. ‘Mary’ was Jock King’s 10 times national winning hen. My No 1 stock cock was paired to my No 1 stock hen Martha (she bred a 18th open Ypres; 4th & 19th open Clermont; 86th & 134th open Alencon 573 miles. Martha was a direct daughter of Ritchie & Whyte of Fraserburgh wonderful hen ‘Last Chance’ a winner of 12th north section Tours & 1st north section 42nd open SNFC Tours flying a distance of 721 miles, and she left a fantastic line of long-distance pigeons not only for me but for other fanciers as well. Sire of Martha was ‘High Hopes’ he flew the English Channel 6 times racing into Fraserburgh.  The dam of 939 is from a Mark Gilbert cock when mated to a hen from Tom & Scott McEwan of Elphinstone from their famous cock ‘TMAC’ who won a SNFC Silver Award his national positions were as follows; 21st region B 85th open Clermont 506 miles; 3rd region B 5th open Alencon Gold Cup 533 miles (Kevin won 4th open SNFC in this race with My Little Rachel) 17th region B 82nd open Clermont to win his Silver Award and he went on to win 13th region B 47th open Alencon. The dam of 939 is from 1582 who is bred from the best of Mark Gilbert x Tom McEwen x Mark Gilbert. I also explained to Karl that I already had a lad from Ireland phone and tell me that he had won from this weekend’s race from St Malo with birds from me. This was Tommy Tweed of Rasharkin & District RPC in Ireland who informed me that the partnership of Anne, Tommy and their son Christopher timed in their dark chequer white flight hen (see photo) now known as ‘Tommy’s Dream’ from the NIPA St Mallo race; she was flying a distance of 488 miles. This hen now wins her Silver Award as she has previously won 5th section B 43rd open in 2021 and the following year 2022 she won 7th section B 71st open to gain a Bronze Award. This year she has won 3rd section B 30th open from an entry of 1309 birds entered by 353 members. Tommy informed me that she has now won over £900 in 3 years for the partnership.

Tommy Christopher Anne Tweed see text 07 07 23

Tommy Christopher & Anne Tweed

The pigeon is bred down from birds Tommy purchased from me and the dam of ‘Tommy’s Dream’ was a mealy hen; her sire was ‘JS’ bred by Jock & Willie Strang of California in the North West federation. ‘JS’ won 1st club (only bird on the day) 26th east section 127th open Eastbourne flying 419 miles 4568 birds. He also won 11th section 66th open SNFC Ypres 454 miles 2347 birds; 15th section 36th open SNFC Clermont 539 miles 1741 birds; ALL AS A YEALING. He then won 23rd section 213th open Cheltenham 3780 birds flying a distance of 321 miles; and also won 107th Clermont 539 miles 1622 birds; Unfortunately, he was lost at Ypres going for his Silver Award.

Tommys Dream see text 07 07 23

Tommy's Dream

As a matter of interest, you will see that Tommy is wearing a Glasgow Rangers football top; believe it or not Jock Strang played for Glasgow Rangers away back in the 1960’s plus both he and his wife Betty married on the same DATE, (but a different year) from Margaret and I; and we have ALL been friends for many years. The dam of the mealy hen was a chequer pied hen; who won 2nd club Hexham as a young bird and had 5 races to Wakefield. She had 8 races as a yearling and won 6th club Eastbourne. She was then stopped as she was paired to ‘JS’ as Kevin wished her to be at home for him returning from a race. She was off the road for 2 years and then put back into the racing team in 2014 and she flew Clermont. The sire of 326 was bred from a Jim Cullen of Uddingston cock; his sire won 60th section 185th open Eastbourne & 16th section 138th open Ypres. He also turned out to be a top stock cock for Jim.  Dam of 326 was a Willie & Barry Kinnear hen; she was a ½ sister to their famous ‘Auld Reekie’ the winner of 1st 2nd 11th & 24th open SNFC races. He was the BEST COCK in Scotland over a 2-year period in fact he was a DOUBLE DEWAR TROPHY WINNER – which is awarded to Scotland’s Bird of the Year. As a matter of significance, Auld Reekie was also a double grandson of the Kinnear’s partnerships ‘Back to Basic’s’ their Runner Up for the Dewar Trophy in 1995. Sorry I digress; so back to Christopher email; who also informed me that a blue white flight hen from ME bred them a Bronze Award winner; which is awarded to a pigeon for winning TWICE from St Malo for the partnership. Her positions are as follows: in 2019; she won 4th section B 25th open, and in 2020 she won 17th section B 162nd open; unfortunately, she was lost going for the Silver Award in 2021. She was bred down from my George & Brian Hunter ‘Kingdom Spirit’ lines; many fanciers will know that ‘Kingdom Spirit’ was also a Double Gold Award winner from France into Scotland (10 times from France). She also won the Dewar Trophy for Scotland’s Bird of the Year Award TWICE and was Runner Up once. I have forwarded the above information to Christopher to read prior to it going into my column and he replied. ‘Thank you for your kind words, Joe, Dad is on ‘Cloud 9’. After nearly 60+ years of racing pigeons this is now one of dad’s grandest achievements; plus, it has brought us so much happiness not only as a partnership, but also as a family’. (Wonderful words and I’m happy to be part of the family’s happiness Joe M). As a matter of interest, the St Mallo old bird national had 353 members sending 1309 birds, these were liberated at 06-30am into a light north wind, the outright winner of 1st section A 1st open was to S McFlynn of Castledawson; our congratulations go to him as well.  


Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club

News from Charlie Cameron on the 10th old bird race of the season from Wooler flown on 24th June with5 members sending 58 birds. These were liberated into a light south west wind. Charlie and son Glen take the first 3 place with P Cameron winning 4th & 11th spots. Graham McKenzie is 6th & 8th with Chic & Anne Carrie winning 7th place and Les McKay wining 9th & 10th spots.

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie of the Huntingdon old bird race also flown on the 24th of June with 39 members sending 393 birds, these were liberated into a light south west wind. The East Section had 22 members sending 290 birds; Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District takes the first 2 places plus 4th 12th & 13th open and also wins 1st 2nd 3rd 11th & 12th east section. G Wilson of Devern Valley wins 1st & 10th west section 3rd & 36th open positions. The Peterhead partnership of my ‘old pal’ Stewart Maskame & Cordiner win 4th 5th & 13th east section 5th 6th & 14th open. Their club mate Neil Holt wins 6th east section 7th open with Inverurie’s S Witherspoon winning 7th east section 8th open. Robbie Higgins of Fraserburgh West End wins 8th 9th & 10th east section places plus 9th 10th & 11th open.

The West Section had 17 members sending 103 birds; as I have said above G Wilson wins 1st & 10th section with J Cumming of Buckie & District club winning 2nd west section 21st open. J Jack of Elgin & District club wins 3rd west section 29th open. A J Reid of Keith club wins 4th west section 30th open. A Hay of Devern Valley club wins 5th 6th & 8th west section 31st 32nd & 34th open. Ryan Hay & Family win 7th & 9th west section 33rd & 35th open.

Clubs First Bird Winners; Fraserburgh & District is Colin McRae velocity 1461. Devern Valley winner is G Wilson velocity 1445. Peterhead winners are Maskame & Cordiner velocity 1421. Inverurie winner is S Witherspoon velocity 1388. Fraserburgh West End winner is Robbie Higgins velocity 1380. Buckie & District winner is J Cumming velocity 1336. Elgin & District winner is J Jack velocity 1301; and Keith winner is A J Reid velocity 1298. Well done to Colin McRae on Topping the federation and also congratulations to G Wilson on winning the West Section.

Central Scotland 3 Bird Club

Received an email from Greig Drysdale regarding the above club; he wrote; ‘Morning Joe, Hope you are well, the Central Scotland 3 bird club had 32 members sending 85 birds to their 2nd race of the year from Brighton on 17th June with the birds convoyed with the SNFC who we thank. 

Winning 1st central section 1st open is Martyn Brown and his dad Alan who take the top spot. Here's what Martyn had to say on his winner SU 20 CA 930; now named ‘MAXIMUS’ continuing on Leach Brothers Naming Trend. He is flown on the roundabout system, along with plenty training on board Freddy Robertsons wagon with the Pentland members from Carter Bar which is 63 miles to Bo’ness. He had 3 of the 5 club races before Upper Heyford where he scored 27th section D 241st open & 7th open Scottish Central 3 Bird club. 

3 Bird Winner Allan Brown see text 07 07 23

3 Bird Winner Allan Brown

He was left to go down on eggs after that due to dwindling numbers and was given very little work in between the 2 nationals. He was sent sitting 5-day eggs. The Brighton Race flown in conjunction with the SNFC he Scored 1st club 3rd fed 3rd section D 26th open SNFC. His sire GANACUS was purchased from the leach Brothers Partnership in their 2018 stock reduction sale. He is a direct son of Leach Brothers Legendary ‘Syndicate Cock’. ‘Ganacus’ has bred winners right from the word go for ourselves. His Dam is ‘Iron Maiden’ was sent on loan to pair to ‘Ganacus’ and then was kindly gifted to us by Adrian Leach. ‘Iron Maiden’ herself was a winner on the road and among other results scored in a very hard race from ‘Ancenis’ a distance of 420 miles with the MNFC. Myself & my dad would like to congratulate all who timed in the 3 Bird Club. We would also like to congratulate Greig Drysdale on getting the 3 B C back up and running. The club is very much on the way back up again and it couldn’t be done without his hard work and commitment. See picture attached for Alan and their winner. Winning 2nd section 3rd open saw Peter Keogh with the 3rd section 4th open place won by the Brown partnership. 1st West Lothian section 2nd open saw the partnership of Colligan & Hope with the help of Peter Curran working in the background; the partnership also took 2nd section 9th open. Here are what they said about their winner. ‘The cock has various positions; he was 2nd section Billericay last year in 3 bird club. He was also my timer in Upper Heyford race this year and now wins 5th section 37th national Brighton. 3rd section saw the consistent dedicated loft of John Hadfield. 1st North West Section 12th open was the loft of David McBeath once again winning the section; this was the only bird timed in the section. David is a man of few words but here's what he said about his section winner. ‘It was the same doo as last race lol’ so 2 in a row’. 1st west section 7th open is the loft of McArdle and Thomson doing well in their 1st year of the 3 Bird Club. Glenn said the following; ‘The chequer cock was bred for me by Ian Thomson of Forth from 2 of his best birds. The sire won 16th section 74th open SNFC Burdinne Gold Cup in 2019 flying 510 miles. Dam won 2nd section 22nd open SNFC Falaise in 2017 flying 502 miles; so was bred for the job. He flew Upper Heyford this year just missing the result then in to Brighton and my plan is he’s going to the last national if sitting correct. 2nd section 8th open was Harry McNeil with Vic Couper wining 3rd section.  We are grateful to Bonnyside Engineering who sponsored the race. Our next race from Guernsey is convoyed with Lanarkshire federation; Race marking will be at Armadale club hut on Tuesday 4th of July with an earlier time of 16:45 till 18:45pm. Lanarkshire federation members can duplicate their birds into the 3 BIRD CLUB for this race. Any members looking to join the 3-bird club can still do so at a cost of £40; Yours in sport Greig Drysdale; on behalf of the Central Scotland 3 Bird Club. 

Kingdom Racing Pigeon Association

News from Pete Penman who writes; ‘Hi Joe, the KRPA had 121 birds competing in our open race from Ramsgate which is a distance of 380 plus miles. Leading the way again is Coaltown's Gary Hall, who is having a fantastic season with a yearling chequer hen sitting 7-day eggs. Her sire is a DeWeerdt and her dam was a gift bird from Peter Cuthbert of Dunfermline. Taking 2nd 3rd & 4th is another inform loft of Davey Whyte from St, Serfs club. His first bird is a home bred yearling red cock sitting 10-day eggs, he is bred out of his national winners. He was closely followed by a 3-year-old homebred blue hen sitting 8-day eggs. His next bird is one of his most consistent racers this year a yearling chequer pied cock. This bird won 1st section C from the SNRPC Young Bird Newark race last year. In 2nd place in the Coaltown club is Chic Dinsdale with a 2-year-old bred direct from his good blue pied hen. She has scored numerous times from the channel crossed with a grizzle cock, another of his consistent channel birds. In 3rd place saw Pete Penman with a 3-year-old red hen flying spare; sire was bred by Penman & Grubb. Rosyth Club saw Lou Mitchell take 1st & 3rd with Gordon Cree in 2nd place. Tom Berwick just edged out Eric & Elizabeth Young to win Leuchars club.

Gary Hall with his winner see text 07 07 23

Gary Hall with his winner

Joe; the following Saturday we had a comeback toss from Berwick; some clubs for a bit of fun made it a race. At Leuchars Alan Keanie took the red card with a M & D Evans Vandenabeele while at the Coaltown we saw Gary Hall take the first 3 places with 3 driving cocks; thanks once again for adding us into your weekly column, regards Pete’.

Space Weather Forecast

Issued 2023-06-26 

UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest   

Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index

2023 Jun 26     150           8          3

2023 Jun 27     145          12          4

2023 Jun 28     145          12          4

2023 Jun 29     140           8          3

2023 Jun 30     135           8          3

2023 Jul 01     130          12          4

2023 Jul 02     130          12          4

2023 Jul 03     130           8          3

2023 Jul 04     130           5          2

2023 Jul 05     130           5          2

2023 Jul 06     135           5          2

2023 Jul 07     135           5          2

2023 Jul 08     135          12          4

2023 Jul 09     145           8          3

2023 Jul 10     155           5          2

2023 Jul 11     160           5          2

2023 Jul 12     165          20          5

2023 Jul 13     170          30          6

2023 Jul 14     175           8          3

2023 Jul 15     175           8          3

2023 Jul 16     175           8          3

2023 Jul 17     175           8          3

2023 Jul 18     175           8          3

2023 Jul 19     170           8          3

2023 Jul 20     170           8          3

2023 Jul 21     170           8          3

2023 Jul 22     160           8          3

Watch out if you are training your Young Birds on the 12th & 13th of July….

Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy