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The Joe Murphy Column - 11-09-23

The Joe Murphy Column

While talking to a fancier the other day; the conversation came up about good pigeons and we spoke about Sinclair Thomson & son winner of 1st & 2nd national in 2 races. We then discussed the 4-year-old blue cock who is a Busschaert/Janssen crossed named ‘Jacko’ raced by (Super) Ally W Robertson of Edinburgh who has now won his SNFC Silver Award. I contacted my good mate Andy Miller of Edinburgh who flies in the same Pentland federation as Ally (Andy is their press officer so knows most members) so he contacted Ally to get in touch with me and Ally supplied me with some great information and he also informed me that Jim Hannah the Scottish photographer had taken his winners photos and had put them on a montage. Ally had been to collect this from Jim, so I contacted Jim and he kindly emailed them to me to go with this column, for which I’m truly grateful. Ally contacted me; and supplied the following information to go with the montages. His main pigeon was named ‘Pedro’ who turned out to be the main stock cock; he is the sire of ‘Jacko’ & ‘Teenie’.


The family of pigeons are based on the Busschaert x Janssen’s; crossed with a Jocky Robertson 4th open SNFC Roye winner. ‘Pedro’ won 12th region B 29th open SNFC Bedhampton in 2017; he then won 270th open from SNFC Maidstone and then won 27th region B 92nd open SNFC Buckingham. Then in 2018 he was sent to the SNFC Gold Cup race from Liege and he returned 3 months later covered in lice. Once he was back on his feet and returning to his best condition. Ally entered him into the Pentlandhills Federation Christmas race and he won 1st prize. What a pigeon!!!!  How many of us would have done this, not me anyway. So good on you Ally.

‘Jacko’ a blue cock bred in 2019 won 3rd region B 18th open SNFC Eastbourne flying 383 miles. Then in 2020 he also won 1st Pentlandhills federation mid-week race from Peterborough 259 miles winning £1700. In 2022 he won 2nd region B 8th open SNFC Gold Cup Alencon race flying a distance of 534 miles; and he recorded a velocity of 1234 ypm from an entry of 713 birds. In 2023 he was once again to the fore when he won 3rd region B 3rd open SNFC Gold Cup race again from Alencon which had an entry of 801 birds recording a velocity of 1030. A few weeks later he was sent to the SNFC Falaise race with an entry of 558 birds and he was once again to the fore winning 1st region B 6th open flying 505 miles and recorded a velocity of 1195. A daughter of ‘Pedro’ was named ‘Teenie’ she won 1st club 1st Pentlandhills federation race from Ripon with a velocity of 1504; flying a distance of 139 miles from an entry of 1897 birds. She then won 1st club 1st open Pentlandhills federation, 1st region B; 3rd open SNFC Buckingham young bird national; flying a distance of 284 miles and she recorded a velocity of 1057; when competing against 1833 birds. A grandson of ‘Pedro’ when he was paired to ‘Teenie’ was named ‘Jocky’ a chequer cock; who in 2021 won 4th region B 49th open from the SNFC Guernsey national flying 444 miles and he recording a velocity of 724. In 2022 he was to the fore once again when he won 7th region B 30th open SNFC Carentan a distance of 463 miles, recording a velocity of 687. In 2023 he was set up for the SNFC Gold Cup race from Alencon a distance of 534 miles and he won 11th region B 52nd open recording a velocity of 711 ypm. In this same year he was entered into the SNFC Falaise race which had an entry of 558 birds and once again he was to the forefront winning 8th region B 41st open doing a velocity of 832. I think you will agree the above performances and pigeons are very impressive and we take our hats off to Ally. Who must have had these 2 widowhood cocks spot on; as with the rest of his team in outstanding condition this year to win 2 SNFC Silver Awards; Well done, Ally.  I would also like to THANK Jim Hannah who has kindly forwarded the 2 montages of Ally’s pigeons to go with this short report, so thank you once again Jim!!!!


Almond Valley Federation

News from secretary Lynn Stewart with the result of the Catterick race flown on the 25th of August; with the 787 club birds liberated at 07:00 am. Taking top spot is I Jamieson of Balerno club with a velocity of 1251.9. West Calder G Young wins 2nd place on a velocity of 1251-5. Freddie Jamieson & Son East Calder are 3rd with club mates Mr & Mrs Fleming in 4th & 10th positions. Bonnybridge club members R & L MacDuff are 5th with 6th place going to S Russell. East Calder Freddie Jamieson & son are 7th & 9th open federation; Vic Couper of Bonnybridge club is 8th with

Balerno 33 birds; 1st & 2nd is I Jamieson 1251.902, 1051.822

Bonnybridge 245 birds; 1st R & L MacDuff 1223.417, 2nd S Russell 1218.536, 3rd V Couper 1214.746, & 4th B & D Halliday 1207.370

Carnwath 76 birds; 1st & 2nd Thomson Bros & I Thomson 960.056, 958.538, 3rd Dr J Salmond 935.577 & 4th S McArdle 924.268

East Calder 98 birds; 1st F Jamieson & Son1241.124, 2nd Mr Mrs Fleming 1231.031. 3rd & 4th F Jamieson & Son 1215.650, 1214.437

Fauldhouse 139 birds; 1st & 2nd Colligan & Hope 1209.630, 1178.423, 3rd T Gavin 1168.830, 4th Drummond & Hilditch 1145.666

West Calder 196 birds; 1st G Young 1251.526, 2nd 3rd & 4th is J Bird 1211.550, 1211.443, 1205.145

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie with the result of the Strathkinness (3) young bird race flown on 26th of August; with 32 members sending 721 birds these were liberated into a light north wind. The West section had 21 members sending 444 birds, and taking the first 3 places in the west section and open are the loft of Fulton & Ritchie Loft 2 from Devern Valley with the 3 birds all on the same yard. A Milne of the same club wins 4th & 5th west section and open, while N Holt of Peterhead & district club winning 1st 4th & 5th east section 7th 17th & 18th open; Maskame & Cordiner of Peterhead & district club are 2nd 3rd & 6th east section 8th 15th & 20th open; with J Abel of Devern Valley club winning 7th 8th & 9th west section 9th 10th & 11th open positions. N Raymond of Devern Valley club wind 6th & 10th west section & 7th & 12th open. The East Section had 11 members send 277 birds; the following fanciers won the remainder of the section and open positions. S Witherspoon of Inverurie club won 7th 8th & 9th east section 21st 22nd & 23rd open. R McKenzie of the same club won 10th east section 26th open. The remainder of the west section positions were won by the following A Milne of Devern Valley won 4th & 5th section 4th & 5th open. N Raymond of the same club won 6th & 10th section 6th & 12th open. J Abel again from Devern Valley club won 7th 8th & 9th west section 9th 10th & 11th open.

Clubs First Bird

Devern Valley winners were Fulton & Ritchie Loft 2 velocity 1185.300

Peterhead & District winner was N Holt velocity 1162.626

Inverurie winner was S Witherspoon velocity 1128.890

Keith winner was A J Reid Keith velocity 1031.899

Elgin & District winner was J Jack Elgin velocity 908.650

Well done to Fulton & Ritchie loft 2 on topping the federation; and also, well done to N Holt on winning the west section. My thanks once again to George for his result.

Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club

News from Charlie Cameron regarding the 6th young bird race from Darlington flown on 26th August with 4 members sending 78 birds, these were liberated into a light north -west wind. Charlie & Glen are 1st 4th & 5th with Les McKay winning 2nd place and Graeme McKenzie winning 3rd spot.

East of Scotland Federation

News from Tom McEwen regarding the Catterick race flown on the 27th August with the convoy liberated at 10-35am into a west to north west wind. Topping the federation and taking 5 to 10 positions is Keith Howie of Prestonpans, winning 1st 2nd 4th 5th & 8th positions. These were excellent results in what turned out to be a very testing race. Keith’s federation winner is a Vandenabeele blue cock; his sire is a full brother to ‘Blue Arrow’ Keith’s champion pigeon. The dam of the fed winner is also a Vandenabeele from Spider Rowley; she has bred 4 federation winners for him. John Bird from Prestonpans keeps up his great form taking 4 positions in the top 10, winning 3rd 6th 7th & 9th federation. Completing the top 10 is Grant French & son from Haddington. Cheers once again Joe; wishing you and Margaret all the best yours Tom. 

Prestonpans HS

First 2 places are won by Keith Howie with his winner a son of a brother to his champion ‘Blue Arrow’ and the dam is from Spider Rowley; this hen has bred 4 federation winners. Keith is 2nd club with the sire a full brother to ‘Blue Arrow’ while the dam is a Vandenabeele from Spider Rowley. Keith is 2nd club again with a full brother to ‘Blue Arrow’ while the dam is also from Vandenabeele bloodlines. John Bird is 3rd club with a blue cock from Woodside Lofts Vandenabeele lines. That’s it for another week Joe, wishing you and Margaret all the best; yours Tom’.

Pentland Hills Federation

News from Andy Miller with the result of the Harrogate race flown on Sunday 27th August with the 2127 birds liberated at 10-35am into a west to north west wind. Taking top spot is Freddie and brother Willie Robertson of Danderhall club with their bird doing a velocity of 1045.47. 2nd place goes to A Winter of Danderhall club with club mate A Baillie in 3rd spot. Sighthill’s Andy Miller is 4th with Mr & Mrs Lindsay of Danderhall club in 5th place. Helen Aitken & sons of Woodburn club take the next 4 places with T Nolan & son of Danderhall making up the top 10.

Kingdom Racing Pigeon Association

Hi Joe, the KRPA were at Harrogate for our 5th young bird race of the season and once again, the weather forecast was a bit hit or miss. With the possibility of a race on Saturday we basketed on Friday night, but on the Saturday, it turned out with heavy showers failing to clear and with a better forecast for Sunday the decision was made to holdover. Sunday was slightly better, but not as good as predicted by the met office. With the line of flight up the east coast all clear with sunny intervals at the time of liberation, and after some deliberation the strings were cut for a 10-00 am. This turned out to be a very difficult race with many Kingdom members finding it hard going. With many members reporting at least half their team missing on the day of the race; with only a few returning the following day. What is the cause of this? Was it the extra night in the baskets? adverse weather conditions enroute? or maybe clashing with north roaders, especially when the race controllers were informed what time the Scottish pigeons were to be liberated. 

Taking the first 2 positions was St. Serfs Sandy Proctor; his 1st was a chequer hen, then a blue pied hen both being gift birds by Dyke Armour. Gary Hall was 3rd 5th & 6th with his first two being home bred Herman Ceuster blue hens. Chic Dinsdale is in fourth place with a chequer cock that was 2nd to its full brother who topped the Kingdom from Berwick. They are out of his good blue pied hen that scored multiple times from the channel. At Leuchars Eric and Liz Young led the way with a gay pied gift bird from Penman & Grubb out their gay pied cock a winner from the channel five times. Unfortunately, Joe; at the time of press there was no information from Rosyth club.

Fife Federation

News from Geordie Todd regarding the Harrowgate young bird race flown on the 27th August with the 836 birds liberated at 10-00 into a light west wind. The federation top 10 are as follows; B Chalmers of Kennoway wins 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th & 8th Centre section (243 birds) and federation. His father-in-law Tam Laing is 2nd with Davie Jack of St Andrews winning 7th spot and Kennoway’s Brian Kinnear winning 10th position. East Section had Methilhaven club sending 109 birds and St Andrews sending 76 birds. St Andrews D Jack wins 1st & 6th section with Dave Baldie winning 2nd place. John Harcus is 3rd with Geordie Baxter of Methilhaven club in 4th spot followed by club mates Clark & son in 5th position. West Section had Crossgates sending 208 birds, Lochgelly 133 birds and Dunfermline sending 67 birds. J Hynd & son from Crossgates wins 1st & 3rd places; with D Huner of Lochgelly in 2nd spot. J Coltart senior of Lochgelly is 4th with A McCudden of Crossgates club in 5th spot and A Simpson of Dunfermline makes up the top six positions.

Scottish Central Federation

News from Bernie Britton who writes ‘Hi Joe, from our race from Thirsk the convoy of 949 birds were liberated at 07-30am with No wind at the race point. Club positions are as follows;

Winchburgh & District PC

Had 7 members sending 204 birds, with Mark Doran winning 1st 2nd & 3rd club; 14th 15th & 16th federation. His 3 winners were all darkness blue hens, containing the bloodlines of the following fanciers Tam Blair x John Duthie x Joe Davis. Tom & Georgina Weir are 17th federation.

Broxburn & Uphall Pigeon Club; Gordon Mackenzie takes the first 11 federation positions; he it then 13th 18th & 19th federation, I don’t this this has ever been done before Joe

Scottish Central Federation

From the race from Otterburn flown on the 27th August the convoy of 648 birds were liberated at 13.05pm into a west wind.

Winchburgh& District P.C.

Had 5 members sending 154 birds; Peter Keogh wins 1st club and 1st open federation with a blue hen on Darkness; her breeding is Page Brothers x Frans Zwols bloodlines. 2nd club and federation go to Tam Manger with a darkness blue hen, she is from Hermans x Ceuster breeding. 3rd club 9th federation is Tom & Georgina Weir with a Herman Ceuster darkness blue chequer cock; His sire is a son of the super breeder ‘Spiderman’ while the dam is the breeding of the best of Brother Bolt and Amy Bolt. Peter was also 14th 17th & 18th federation; Tam was 12th 13th & 15th federation; Tom & Georgina were 9th 19th & 20th federation; Mark Doran was 16th federation. 

Broxburn & Uphall Pigeon Club.

Gordon Mackenzie won 4th 5th 6th 7th & 8th federation; thanks once again Joe and you take care. As you know Joe our daughter Darcy was doing her nursing at Dundee University; well, she passed her exams and is ‘Coming Home’ as they say. She starts a new Staff Nurse post on the 11th of September in the Western General in Edinburgh and we are so proud of her. (And So, You Should Be) We now have 2 nurses in the house now Joe; you take care Bernie’.

Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy