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The Joe Murphy Column - 12-08-24

The Joe Murphy Column

Joe Murphy

The Fife and Tayside fanciers are doing very well in the national races this season; which is not unusual for fanciers north of Forth as they have obtained excellent records from long distance races for many a year.

However as hard as I have tried to obtain information on the present winning pigeons it is like drawing blood from a stone. I don’t know if they have been warned off by a certain individual not to give me information; So, to be honest it is their loss. My article will still appear weekly in the BHW and I will always find something interesting to add to it. So much so that I came across an article on one of the most famous fanciers from this area; the late and great Robert Strachan of Invergowrie who won the Tayside Fancier of the Year in 1965 written by ‘Taysider’ whom I’m assuming was the late Jim George (Round O) from Arbroath; who wrote.

‘After what has been regarded as the most arduous racing season for some years, the title of Fancier of the Year in this part of the country must inevitably go to Robert Strachan, the Invergowrie ACE. Robert’s birds flew consistently well all season and finished with a great flourish by taking 1st and 3rd positions from the Federations 550 miles Dol race under very trying conditions. This grand-slam finish gave him the bulk of silverware, including the R J Blair and Whitbread Trophies, for 1st bird Dol, The Melrose Drover for best average Christchurch 400 miles, and Dol and the much sought after Fyfe-Jamieson Trophy for the best average in the three longest federation races. However, his proudest moment ever, came when he won his own father’s Memorial Trophy-The Strachan Memorial for best average in ALL Federation races.

Since Bob started racing in the Dundee Club in 1947 (the year I was born Joe M) he has been to the fore on more than one occasion, winning club and federation averages frequently, the fact that his confined to a wheel-chair makes his triumphs all the more remarkable. Although he is a very successful club flyer it is his national performances that made the name of Strachan of Invergowrie a household word throughout the country.

Bob Strachan in Wheelchair see text 12 08 24a

Bob Strachan in Wheelchair

His finest hour was recorded by the great-hearted Blue Pied Hen ‘Tayside Princess’, who was 4th open Rennes 580 miles in 1955 and went one better the following year taking 3rd open, surely one of the greatest ever double triumphs at the distance in this part of the country. ‘Princesses lived to a good old age and left some excellent stock to carry on her line, then one day she just disappeared and Robert never knew the fate of his fabulous hen. (It would have more probably been a hawk attack Joe M). Another of the birds which helped make the name of Strachan famous was the courageous Red Cock ‘Starlight Special’, which was clocked at the unbelievable time of nine minutes to midnight on the day from Rennes to take 72nd open, two great efforts in this neck of the woods where day birds are rare indeed. He owes a lot of his success to his great friend and ex-partner Willie Wilson of Larkhall, another great name in the Fancy, they exchanged birds from time to time, and this no doubt keeps each other in the forefront of the racing fraternity. A recent introduction is a son of J & P Dora’s National winner ‘The Fifer’ which was a surprise birthday present from his wife.

Tayside Princess see text 12 08 24a

This year’s Dol winner was a long cast racy-looking red hen SU59T4866, who was timed in at 11-06am on the second morning, recording a velocity of 769 ypm and collected a nice cheque for £62. Known as ‘Leading Lady’, this grand hen is a grand-daughter of the legendary ‘Tayside Princess’. Next bird home was his more fancied contender Blue Chequer 62T5715, one which can be considered to be a Channel veteran with several 500 -mile jaunts behind her. She was timed at 11-26am and registered a velocity of 741 ypm and took the lion’s share of the pools with a fine total of £92. So much for the joys of pigeon racing on to the hard knocks one h as to take in his stride. Bob lost the bulk of his young bird team at the Riccarton smash, however, those that were left pressed on to the bitter end, in the true tradition of the Strachan pigeons, and no doubt next season they’ll be doing their best to make their master once again the Tayside Fancier of the Year.

Tayside Highlights

It was rather a barren year for Tayside fanciers in the National races and highlights were conspicuous by their absence. However, amidst the gloom one star shone brightly. That star was the Mealy Hen ‘Wellbank Pride’ owned by Jock Ellis, who earned the admiration of the fancy for her courageous performance in the Rennes race. While 6000 other birds faltered, this game hen plodded her lonely but resolute way northwards through the dusk, to be clocked in at 10-32pm on the first night into a north-west wind. This performance worthy of winning a National but ‘Pride’ had to be content with 8th open and 1st East section, and the thought, ‘Well, there’s always next year’. Jock had 4 other morning starts who came trickling in to give him a full house while most of us were still waiting for the first bird. Another performance worthy, of note was that of David Ree, of Broughty Ferry, in the tough Nantes race where velocities were once again very low. Dave’s Blue Chequer hen 60T4603, was clocked at 06-16 to take 31st open 9th east section with a velocity of 657. A really excellent performance from a distance of 645 miles with only 121 birds on the result sheet out of 2000 sent. I believed Dave’s birds come down from the old Ed Harrow strain, ‘Nuff said!!’


The Longest Race in the SNFC Callander for 2024 was from Nort-sur-Erdre; with 70 members sending 209 birds, these were liberated at 07-30am into a light east to north east wind. Only 3 pigeons made it home on the day with the inform loft of E Hodgson & sons of Annan timing at 20-46pm. A Little of Ecclefechan timed at 20-54pm and then George Veitch of Pencaitland timed at 21-20pm flying 590 miles. Fanciers may remember that George Veitch won the SNFC Reims Gold Cup race in 2016 with Karamojo flying a distance of 544 miles.

Karamojo see text 12 08 24a

Karamojo see text

Here we are 8 years later with George winning the Gold Globe for winning the longest race from Nort-sur-Erdre in 2024. George’s 6-year-old chequer hen has been a very consistent pigeon for him over the years. She was bred by his good friend Wilf Flockhart of Tranent and given to him with 5 other youngsters for racing. The SNFC winner is now named ‘Wilfene’ as a thank you to Wilf.

Wilfene 1st SNFC Nort sur Erdre see text 12 08 24a

Wilfene 1st SNFC Nort-sur-Erdre see text

In 2020 she won 12th region B 38th open from Maidstone with an entry of 2894 birds; the following year she won 12th region B 82nd open Guernsey from an entry of 1273 birds. Then in 2022 she was entered into the Brighton race and won 28th region B 46th open competing against 1480 birds. This year she was entered into the SNFC Alencon race flown on the 28th June flying a distance of 530 miles and as George had already timed 2 birds in (they won 62nd & 84th open) being his 3rd bird home he never timed her in (believe it or not she would have made the open result). She was then set up for this the longest race in the SNFC 2024 calendar and after a 2-day holdover (she was in the race basket for 4 days) She returned from this Nort-sur-Erdre with her 4th flight ¾ up as she had cast her 5th flight prior of going to the race. ‘Wilfene’ was sent sitting 14-day eggs and was in excellent condition so much so that George visited his good friend Wilf Flockhart prior to the race marking and told him he would WIN THE RACE. Wilf remarked; ‘You can maybe think that George - but you can’t say it’. Low and behold it HE HAS GONE AND DONE IT. The only other fancier I can see in the SNFC Year book that has done this feat was the famous John Kilpatrick who won Rennes in 1937 with ‘Coronation Express’ and Nantes in 1952 with ‘Galabank Prince’. Therefore, George will now go down in the history books by joining the famous John Kilpatrick as the only 2 fanciers in the history of the SNFC to win the Gold Cup & the Gold Globe; which is a Truly Wonderful Achievement. ‘Wilfene’ her sires & dam are full of Wilf Flockhart’s top pigeons; her sire is a son of Wilf’s 9th open SNFC Sartilly winner when mated to a mealy hen from Tom & Mary Paterson of Plean (she contained the bloodlines of Kardale Style x Regatta when paired to ‘Katy’ a 4 times SNFC prize winner who was lost while going for her Gold Award. While her dam from is from his SNFC Gold Award winner ‘Coal Neuk King’ (who contains the bloodlines of ‘Lothian Lass’ the famous John Ellis of Elphinstone hen who won 7 times in the SNFC) crossed with Geoge’s Reims winner ‘Karamojo’ so you will see that the Gold Cup winner is now in the breeding of the 2024 SNFC Gold ‘Globe’ winner. Readers will see that ‘Wilfene’ is bred in the purple.

George Veitch see text 12 08 24a           Wilf Flockhart see text 12 08 24a

George Veitch see text                                           Wilf Flockhart see text

E Hodgson & son of Annan are having a fantastic season and John is testing his team out before he moves house once again. He timed at 20-46 and had another 3 birds the following day. A Little of Ecclefechan was the other fancier to time on the day at 20-54 and timed another bird the next morning. 

Charlie & Glen Cameron of Arbroath are having a fantastic season and win the Mr & Mrs Joe Murphy Trophy which is awarded for best velocity in Sections C & G from the longest race; as they timed in at 09-08am the 2nd morning. J Leggate of Ferniegair look like winning 1st region E 1st west section as he timed at 07-11am the 2nd morning. I noticed there was only 32 birds on the lib line result. So, we will just have to wait until the official result comes out once Donna has compiled it.

Before leaving this Nort-sur-Erdre race I have just received a phone call informing me that Ryan Hay & Family (whom I cover in the North of Scotland Federation) who fly in Devern Valley club have timed in their bird from this Nort-sur-Erdre race flying a distance of 703 miles. CONGRATULATIONS to Ryan & Family. This young man left at 6am then drove down to Michal Main who took his pigeon down to the Dundee marking station prior to going to this the longest race from Nort-sur-Erdre. Then to have a 2 day hold over and then fly the 703 miles back to its home loft, is what dreams are made off. Ok it will never make the national result but how PROUD the Hay Family must feel to think that this little pigeon flew all these miles to get back to its home. Well Done each one of you. Before I leave this section of my column; I have contacted winning fanciers from the SNFC races regarding details of their winning pigeons; and to date I’m still waiting on them to get back to me. However, the feedback I have received from readers of my column is that they have enjoyed my efforts in highlighting good pigeons like ‘Wilfene’ above

Angus Federation

News from David Liddle of the above federation who writes; ‘Hi Joe, Please find the details attached for the final two old bird races. As we have trophies for Channel racing the Angus Federation included the SNFC Grevillers race in our programme although not in the averages as only members registered with APHA can take part. Charlie and Glen Cameron continued their outstanding record in national racing taking the first 3 places in the federation and were 2nd, 3rd and 5th section, 5th, 7th and 16th open in the SNFC result. David Liddle won the Forfar club and was 4th federation, 8th section and 23rd open SNFC. The final club and federation old bird race was in conjunction with the SNFC from Billericay and Ken Droog & Son had an outstanding result taking the first 4 places in the Forfar club, Angus Federation and the Angus & Dundee Combine. The icing on the cake was taking the first four in the Section and 4th, 6th, 7th and 21st open in the SNFC. Ian Scott was 5th club and federation and 5th section 22nd open SNFC. 

Forfar Racing Pigeon Club

From the Billericay race flown on 19th July with the convoy liberated at 06-45am into a south wind. The club had 10 members sending 86 birds. Kenny Droog & son took the first 4 places plus 10th open. Ian Scott was 5th & 7th open with Davie Glen ins 6th spot. A Golicki is 8th with David J Liddle in 9th place.

Angus Federation race from Billericay Old Bird race had 16 members sent 133 birds; Kenny Droog & son took the first 4 places with Ian Scott winning 5th spot D & D Hay of Gourdon club wins 7th place followed by Charlie & Glen Cameron who win 8th 10th 11th & 12th positions Chic & Anne Carrie are 9th open.

Club Winners

Arbroath 4 members 31 birds winners C & G Cameron 1442.70

Forfar 10 members 86 bird’s winner D Glen 2nd Droog & son 1502.45

Gourdon 2 members 16 birds winner D & D Hay 1428.66

Montrose No Entry

From the Angus federation Grevillers old bird race 7 members sent 25 birds these were liberated at 07-00 am into a light south wind. Chalie & Glen Cameron of Arbroath club took the first 3 places plus 5th & 7th positions. David J Liddle of Forfar is 4th 6th & 8th with Mike J Macpherson of Forfar winning 9th place and Davie Glen of the same club making up the top 10.

Club Winners; Arbroath had 2 members sending 10 birds Charlie & Glen Cameron velocity 748.30

Forfar had 5 members sending 15 birds; 1st D J Liddle on 671.51. No entries from Gourdon or Montrose.


News from Charlie Cameron with the Auchendinny result for the first young bird race flown on 27th July; with 6 members sending 168 birds; the convoy was liberated at 09.00am into a south west wind. Charlie & Glen Cameron take the first 3 places with the 3 birds arriving together. Graham McKenzie had a good race winning 4th 7th & 8th with A & A Shepherd winning 5th open. Paul Cameron is 9th with a new name to the club result in R Nowosad timing 3 birds to win 10th 11th & 12th positions.

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie informing us that 40 members sent 1081 birds to Brechin 2 Young Bird race with the east section having 19 members sending 535 birds; the West section had 21 members sending 546 birds, therefore 40 members entered 1081 birds these were liberated into a very light wind on 27th July. First 2nd & 8th east section and open is the man in form Neil Holt of Peterhead club who just won the Scottish National from      The Peterhead club took all the east section positions with S Glue winning 3rd & 7th section and open. R H Whyte is 4th section and open with Maskame & Cordiner of the same Peterhead club wins 5th 6th & 9th section and open. A W Buchan of Fraserburgh & District club wins 10th section and open place.

The west section had 21 members sending 546 birds; Taking the first 3 places in the section and also winning 31st 32nd & 33rd open is A Fulton of Devern Valley club, with A Hay of the same club taking the next 3 places in the section and wins 34th 35th & 36th open his club mate J Harvey is 7th west section 38th open with A Cruickshank of Keith Club winning 8th 9th & 10th west section 39th 40th & 41st open.

Clubs First Bird

Peterhead & District winner is N Holt velocity 1451.991; Fraserburgh & District winner is A W Buchan velocity 1431.841; Fraserburgh West End winner is A Higgins velocity 1315.517; Devern Valley winner is A Fulton velocity 1226.265; Inverurie winner is R McKenzie velocity 1205.720; Keith club winner is A Cruickshank velocity 1153.818; Elgin & District club winner is G Geddes velocity 812.487. Well Done to Neil Holt on topping the federation and also well done to A Fulton on winning the West section; yours George Duthie’.

East of Scotland Federation

New from Tom McEwan with the result of the Otterburn Young Bird race; with the convoy liberated at 09-30am into a south west wind. Taking the first 4 in the federation is Keith Howie of Prestonpans; with Mr & Mrs Peter March taking the next 6 places.

Prestonpans HS

Keith took the first 4 places in the club with his winner a dark chequer cock; his sire was bred by Tom & Scott McEwan from their Paul Stobbs bloodlines. The dam is down from Keith’s champion ‘Blue Arrow’. His 2nd club winner is down from Brian Lavery bloodlines and his 3rd bird is a blue hen once again Paul Stobbs this time through Graham Stewart of Whitecraigs.

Fife Federation of Homing Pigeon Societies

From the Wooler Young Bird race flown on the 28th July the 1098 birds were liberated at 10:15 into a west to south west wind. The Birdage from each club was as follows; Methilhaven 143; Kennoway 230 birds; St Andrews 135 birds; Lochgelly 214 birds; Dunfermline 200 birds, Crossgates 176 birds with Novar & Levin not sending. The Federation Top 10 are as follows; Jim & Gary Peggie of Methilhaven club are 1st velocity 1160.43. Dunfermline O’Reilly & Park are 2nd on 1128; Club mate A Simpson is 3rd with Frank Mitchell of the same club in 4th 6th 10th positions. C Buchanan of Crossgates club wins 5th 7th 8th & 9th positions

East Section Top 10 are as follows; Jim & Gary Peggie take top spot with B Chalmers of Kennoway in 2nd & 3rd places. Brian Kinnear of Kennoway is 4th 6th & 7th places with Tam Laing of the same club is 8th with club mate Mook Honeyman in 9th spot. Davie Hunter of Methilhaven club is in 10th position.

The West Section top 10 is as follows; O’Reilly & Part of Dunfermline club are 1st section with A Simpson of the same club in 2nd place. The ever-consistent Frank Mitchell also from Dunfermline club wins 3rd 5th 9th & 10th positions. C Buchanan of Crossgates club is 4th 6th 7th & 8th positions.

Central Federation

News from Bernie who writes; ‘Hi Joe hope you are well; from our race from Otterburn the 729 birds were liberated at 09-45am into a west wind on 28th July. Taking 1st & 3rd open is Martin Brown of Bo’ness club with Tam Manger in 2nd spot. Rab Henderson wins 4th 5th 6th & 7th open with Joe Smith taking the next 4 place. Five members from the Winchburgh club entered 187 pigeons and taking 1st club 2nd federation is Tam Manager with a Stuart Davenport Herman Ceuster on the darkness. 2nd & 3rd club 16th & 17th federation are Tom & Georgina Weir with two Herman Ceusters on darkness. Tam Manger takes 4th club 18th fed with a Ritchie Elliot Herman Ceuster.

Broxburn and Uphall

Had Hugh Rafferty with 3 in front (Gordon Wonders will never cease to amaze) his winner is a blood red cock purchased from Maurice Weir of Loughgall of Co Armagh this being the Luc Geerinckx strain. His 2nd is a blue hen and the 3rd bird is a chequer cock both being Gabby’s from stock obtained from M & D Evans.

Kingdom Federation

News from Pete Penman who wrote; ‘Hi Joe, my laptop playing up and it has taken me a couple of weeks to get some details of the leading pigeons. Taking the honours was Chic Dinsdale with a yearling cock bred by his brother John. Sire is a son of 1st section 5th open SNRPC Billericay crossed with Jock Mackenzie stock hen. The dam was a very consistent racer her bloodlines are N Black and son of Dromore x R O Jones. The 2nd spot goes to Dave Whyte with a home bred 2-year-old blue hen that was showing to her mate. In 3rd place we're Eric and Liz Young with a yearling cock pairing up to two young hens. Chic Dinsdale bird is a Jan Arden x Bob Cloven. 4th & 6th place's go to Gary Hall with 2 yearling mealy brothers’ out of different nests. First one was on 10-day eggs and the other was on a 4-day old youngster, this being its first youngster of the year. 5th place goes to Lou Mitchell and nephew Darren Stonehouse.  

27 Day Space Weather Outlook Table.

Issued 29th July 2024 at 02-18am


  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index

2024 Jul 29     210          18          5

2024 Jul 30     210          72          7

2024 Jul 31     210          35          6

2024 Aug 01     210          10          3

2024 Aug 02     190           5          2

2024 Aug 03     190           5          2

2024 Aug 04     190           5          2

2024 Aug 05     180           5          2

2024 Aug 06     180           5          2

2024 Aug 07     185           5          2

2024 Aug 08     185           5          2

2024 Aug 09     190           5          2

2024 Aug 10     190           5          2

2024 Aug 11     190           5          2

2024 Aug 12     195           5          2

2024 Aug 13     195           5          2

2024 Aug 14     190           5          2

2024 Aug 15     190           5          2

2024 Aug 16     190           5          2

2024 Aug 17     190           5          2

2024 Aug 18     185           5          2

2024 Aug 19     180           5          2

2024 Aug 20     180           5          2

2024 Aug 21     180           5          2

2024 Aug 22     180          10          3

2024 Aug 23     180           8          3

2024 Aug 24     180           5          2

Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy