The Joe Murphy Column
Last week I wrote about W T Gardiner of Lockerby and his outstanding results. This week I have attached photographs of his winner to go with this week’s column. This week has been a very busy time for us as our daughter Beth has undergone major surgery in St John’s hospital in Livingstone, we have been over a few times to see her and this week we took her youngest son Connor with us to see his mum. It was quite an emotional time as you can imagine as Conner is only 12 years old and is obviously worried about his mum.
Trophies Won During 1965 by Wm T Gardiner
‘I made a couple of mistakes on my short write up on George Veitch regarding his 1st open SNFC Nort-sur-Erdre winner; who has now been named ‘Lady Wilfena’ as Wilf Flockhart (who bred her) informed me. George’s wife added the ‘Lady’ part to the name; while ‘Ena’ was the name of Wilf’s late partner; so, when you add Wilf name to it, we have Wilfena. Now back to the mistake in her breeding Wilf informs me that her sire is a chequer cock who was a son of Wilf’s 9th open SNFC Sartilly winner; when he was paired to a chequer hen a great granddaughter of Wilf’s SNFC Gold Award Winner ‘Coal Neuk King’. The dam of ‘Lady Wilfena’ was a double granddaughter of ‘Cold Neuk King’ (who contains the bloodlines of ‘Lothian Lass’ the famous John Ellis of Elphinstone chequer hen who won 7 times in the SNFC). So, readers will see that ‘Lady Wilfena’ is bred in the purple.
North West One Loft Race
At the start of the season Jim Maxwell of Balfron near Glasgow contacted me and purchased some youngsters. These were going into the above North West One Loft Race and were collected here in Thronton by one of their staff. Jim contacted me last week to say that 2 of the birds were still at the loft and would be competing for the final race on 11th August from Purbeck a distance of 210 miles. The race seemed to be a success with Jim having 2 birds competing in the final event. Jim informed me that he won 4th open with 2888 in the white loft and 21st open in the red loft with 2895. I forwarded the breeding of the birds to Jim which are as follows.
2888 sire was bred by Billy Bilsland he is a full brother to the sire of 3 x 1st open SNFC Winners; Isla, Iain & Nicola plus he is the grandsire of Zoe 1st open SNRPC.
The dam of 2888 is a stock hen bred by Cramond & Langstaff being inbred to ‘The Special One’ winner of 1st International Barcelona (only bird on the day) when he was mated to an inbred daughter of the ‘New Laureaat’ winner 1st International Barcelona.
2895 sire is also a Billy Bilsland bred bird; his sister won 1st section 7th open Guernsey SNFC (only 2 birds on the day) when mated to ‘Billy’s Choice’ winner of 1st open SNFC Maidstone (she was sold at Billy Bilsland Entire sale for £675). The Dam of 2895 is a daughter of ‘Wilma’ winner of 1st open SNFC Maidstone in 2021 for Jim & Gary Peggie of Methil. ‘Wilma’ also won an SNFC Bronze Award winning (4 SNFC prize from inland SNFC races) when she was mated Jim & Garry’s 1st federation 1st section C 10th open SNFC Young Bird National winner.
So, readers will see that both birds are well bred as were the other 4 who did not make the final race. My congratulations go to Jim on his success with my birds and wish him well for the future.
East of Scotland Federation My old friend Tom McEwan has forwarded the details of the federation winners for more years than I care to remember. However, Tom is not too well just now and due to health reasons has given up the position as press officer. I cannot thank Tom enough for all his hard work done over the years plus the expense he has encountered during this time. Margaret and I would like to wish Tom & Marelene all the best and hope their health improves.
Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club race from Wooler 3 young birds was flown on 10th August with the birds liberated at 07-00am. The club had 3 members sent 131 birds, with Charlie & Glen Cameron taking the first 3 places in the club with A & A Shepherd winning 4th place.
North of Scotland Federation
News from George Duthie who informs us that 35 members sent 1023 birds to Strathkinness on the 10th August; these were liberated into a brisk west to south west wind. The first 3 birds on the federation result are all on the same second and on the same velocity but to keep them in the order they were clocked they had to change the time by 1 second which shows a different velocity. The East section had 16 members sending 546 birds with Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District club taking the first 3 places on velocities of 1796, A W Buchan of the same club is 4th 5th & 6th with Maskame & Cordiner of Peterhead & District winning 7th 8th & 9th positions with this year’s SNFC winner Neil Holt winning 10th position. The West Section had 19 members sending 477 birds. Devern Valley club take the section positions with G Wilson winning 1st & 8th section 31st & 38th open. A Fulton wins 2nd 3rd & 4th section 32nd 33rd & 34th open. J Abel wins 5th section 35th open with A Wilson winning 6th & 7th section 36th & 37th open. A Hay wins 9th & 10th section 39th & 40th open.
Clubs First Bird
C McRae wins Fraserburgh District with a velocity of 1796. Maskame & Cordiner win Peterhead velocity of 1774. Fraserburgh West End is won by A Higgins velocity 1696. Inverurie is won by R McKenzie velocity 1691. Devern Valley club is won by G Wilson velocity 1580; with A Cruickshank of Keith winning velocity 1504. Elgin & District winner was W Ritchie with a velocity of 1378.
Well done to Colin McRae on topping the federation with his 3 pigeons all on the same velocity. Also well done to G Wilson on winning the west section.
Fife Federation
News from Geordie Todd with the Alnwick 2 young bird race held on the 10th August with 579 birds liberated at 07:30 into a light south west wind. The birdage was Methilhaven 105 birds; Kennoway 111 birds; Lochgelly 69 birds; St Andrews 45 birds; Dunfermline 44 birds; Crossgates 205 birds. The federation and east section is won by David Armour of Methilhaven club who also takes the 6th open place. Brian Chalmers of Kennoway club takes the remainder of the section and open position. The west section first 2 places are won by A McCudden of Crossgates; with J Robertson of Dunfermline winning 3rd spot. C Buchaman of Crossgates is 4th & 9th with J Hynd & son of Lochgelly club winning 5th 6th 7th 8th & 9th places. Other club winners; Dave Baldie wins St Andrews club.
Kingdom Federation
News from Pete Penman with the news of the 3rd young bird race once again flown from Alnwick. Leading the way this week and taking the first 2 positions again is St Serfs Sandy Proctor. This time with two gift birds from Dyke Armour of Leven. 3rd place goes to Gary Hall of Coaltown of Balgonie with a blue Herman Cuester cock sitting 8-day eggs; this cock was 12th Kingdom last week and in 4th place is St Serfs Stuart Graham with the same bird that was 9th Kingdom last week. Tom Berwick of Leuchars takes 5th spot with the same bird that was 8th Kingdom last week. Chic Dinsdale of Coaltown wins 6th place with a grizzle hen that is a granddaughter of his good pied hen that scored from the channel on numerous occasions. Kindest regards Pete
Scottish Central Federation
News from Peter Keogh with the Hexham result flown on 11th August with the 951 birds liberated at 08-00 with no wind at the race point. Peter takes the top spot with a chequer hen doing a velocity of 1475; J Boyd takes the next 8 places with Peter in 10th spot.
Peter Keogh Hexham Fed Winner see text
News from Bernie who informs us that the members sent 314 birds to Hexham with the Central Federation with a total of 951 birds being liberated at 08.00am in no wind conditions. Taking 1st & 2nd club, 1st federation & 10th federation is Peter Keogh with a youngster from a Tayor Brothers Herman Custer x Dougie Barnes hen. (see photograph of Peter’s winner) Peters’ 2nd club is also crossbred from a Page Bros cock crossed with his Frans Zwols x Alfons Klass line. Taking 3rd & 4th club, 11th & 12th federation is Mark Doran with one of his Tommy Blair ‘Herman Custers’ with 4th club being one of 6 purchased from Freddie Jamieson. Many thanks again Joe for all your help and you take care Bernie’.
Almond Valley's
News from Lynn Stewart with the federation result from Alnwick young birds race flown on 11th August with the convoy of 669 birds liberated at 09:00 hours. The Bonnybridge loft of S Russell who wins the first 8 places outstanding well done. Geordie Harris of the same club wins 9th 10th 11th 15th & 16th positions. D McBeath of Armadale club wins 12th 13th & 14th with Law & Brady (2) of Bonnybridge club in 17th place. James Burnside of Armadale club wins 18th open with Vic Couper of Bonnybridge club winning 19th & 21st open
Armadale; 183 birds; D McBeath 1408.013, 1407.801, 1406.743, J Burnside 1394.507
Balerno; 9 birds; J Fairley 1312.262, 1143.690
Bonnybridge; 244 birds; S Russell 1465.593, 1465.593, 1465.172, 1464.752
Carnwath; 12 birds; McArdle & Thomson 1076.159, 1067.085, 846.874, 688.613
East Calder; 9 birds; P & R Fairley 1348.002, 1346.413, 1331.169, 1257.867
Fauldhouse; 124 birds; Colligan & Hope 1347.646, 1339.784, J Hendry 1297.352, 1292.997
West Calder; 88 birds; J Bird 1373.418, 1343.189, 1342.776, 1340.507
Angus Federation
News from David Liddle with the results attached for our second young bird race flown from Auchendinny on the 3rd August with 16 members sending 534 birds. These were liberated at 10-00am into a west to south west wind. It was an excellent race with the federation result filled in less than a minute. Winning the Forfar club and Angus federation and taking 5th in the combined Angus & Dundee result was Eric Galloway. Eric had six birds arrive but does not use ETS with his young birds and only timed in two. His first pigeon was a combination of birds from his late brother-in-law Douglas Ferrar and a bird from Ken Droog. Ian Scott and Davie Glen with nine birds each and one to Ken Droog completed the federation result. Regards, David’
Angus Fed winner Eric Galloway see text
Club Winners;
Arbroath had 4 members sending 141 birds winner P Cameron velocity 1370.98
Forfar had 9 members sending 292 birds, the winner was Eric Galloway velocity 1424.71
Gourdon had 1 member sending 32 birds winner D & D Hay velocity 1165.78
Montrose had 2 members sending 69 birds winner M Wallace & Son velocity 1393.10
Pentland Hills Federation
News form Andy Miller who writes ‘Hi Joe, The third young bird race of the 2024 was from Consett on Saturday 10th August, with 54 lofts sending 2176 birds; these were liberated at 07:35am in a west to south west wind. This turned out a bit of a howler for the majority with a lot of birds missing and being reported all across the Northeast of England. This has been happening for the last 15 to 20 years with the young birds when they cross the Tyne Valley for the first time. Only difference now, is each year the losses seem greater than previous years, but as always there are members who get good returns and the leading pigeons always do the expected velocity on the day. Winning the race and continuing their great season is John Dowling and loft manager Eric Willis who timed their young cock flying on the widowhood system. The sire is from Jimmy McSeverney from Ireland, breeding is a Dirk Van Echopol, when paired to a hen from Tommy Chorlton of Manchester of Wim Moens breeding; regards Andy. 2nd place goes to J Dowling of Danderhall club who took the top 20 places. Freddie & Willie Robertson are 3rd 4th & 7th with the Winter Family winning 5th & 14th positions spot. K Wright is 6th with Black & Robertson in 8th & 11th positions. D Brown wins 9th 10th 12th 13th & 16th positions. With A Baillie winning 15th17th 19th & 20th positions. S & S Tierney are 18th open.
Space Weather Forecast
27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
Issued 2024-08-12
UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2024 Aug 12 280 38 6
2024 Aug 13 270 15 4
2024 Aug 14 270 8 3
2024 Aug 15 270 8 3
2024 Aug 16 260 5 2
2024 Aug 17 260 5 2
2024 Aug 18 260 5 2
2024 Aug 19 250 5 2
2024 Aug 20 240 5 2
2024 Aug 21 230 5 2
2024 Aug 22 210 10 3
2024 Aug 23 200 8 3
2024 Aug 24 210 5 2
2024 Aug 25 220 5 2
2024 Aug 26 220 5 2
2024 Aug 27 235 5 2
2024 Aug 28 235 5 2
2024 Aug 29 245 5 2
2024 Aug 30 245 5 2
2024 Aug 31 240 5 2
2024 Sep 01 245 5 2
2024 Sep 02 270 5 2
2024 Sep 03 300 5 2
2024 Sep 04 300 5 2
2024 Sep 05 300 5 2
2024 Sep 06 290 5 2
2024 Sep 07 290 5 2
Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland
© Compiled by Joe Murphy