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The Joe Murphy Column - 15-10-24

The Joe Murphy Column

Joe Murphy

Recently a quite unique occurrence happened in my area of Fife when two fanciers from the same street both won 1st open Scottish Nationals. Jocky Scott of 135 Hawfields won the SNFC race from Maidstone while Stevie Ritchie from 115 Hawfields won 1st open SNRPC race from Bristol.  Some fanciers may recall that Jocky Scott has previously won 1st east section 1st open SNFC Roye race with his blue hen named ‘My Gem’. Whose dam was a direct daughter of ‘Robbie’s Boy’ the winner of the 1st open SNFC Falaise in 2006 for Gilmour Brothers of Leven. Moving back to this year 2024; Jocky timed in his chequer cock named ‘Mason’ from the SNFC Maidstone race which was flown on the 15th of June winning 3rd section C 24th open flying a distance of 376 miles from an entry of 2004 birds entered by 292 members with ‘Mason’ recording a velocity of 1195. Nearly a month later on the 12th of July the SNFC held their race from Grevillers which had 103 members sending 391 birds; with the convoy liberated at 07-00am into a south west wind. Two pigeons were timed into the south section with John Hodgson & son of Annan (who was having a fantastic season) timed at 19-50 flying a distance of 422 miles recording a velocity 964. Jim Ferguson of Eastriggs timed a bird at 21.02 flying 420 miles and recorded he recorded a velocity 878. These 2 pigeons looked unbeatable as the clock was against any birds flying further north. When I checked the SNFC Lib Line to see if there was any other birds recorded; low and behold Jocky Scott of Kennoway had timed his chequer cock at 21-50-50pm flying a distance of 486 miles, recording a velocity of 1029. At the time I thought Jock’s bird would take some beating. As it worked out, he was the only pigeon in the national race to record a velocity over 1000 per minute and won 1st region C 1st East Section 1st open SNFC.  This was truly an outstanding performance for a pigeon to fly on its own covering the extra 64 miles to get to his home loft. How many of us have imagined doing this, I like many other fanciers used to sit looking out of the kitchen window to see if a bird dropped. Jocky Scott must have received the thrill of a lifetime; as he came out of his loft he looked up into the sky when he saw the chequer cock racing home and as he closed his wings he was on the loft and in through the trap loosing no time; looking for the new hen he was given prior to basketing. Now for the breeding of ‘Mason’; his sire is ‘343’ who is a grandson of Fergie’s First (whom Jock and Willie Hay purchased when Gavin Ferguson when he gave the birds up). The dam of ‘343’ was a daughter of ‘Blue Boy’ the champion blue cock raced by the late John Ellis of Dundee, and was purchased by Gerald MacPherson of Broughty Ferry who is a good friend of Jock’s; and he would like to thank Gerald for the quality of pigeons he has received from him over the years. The dam of ‘Mason’ was a chequer pied hen L rung hen; her sire was a son of ‘Blue Boy’ when he was mated to a daughter of the famous Alwyn Hill mealy cock ‘Wing Down’ who won 2nd 4th& 7th open NFC Tarbes; again, down from Gerald. While her dam was to a chequer pied Mark Pollin hen named ‘The Vettel Hen’. Before continuing on Jock’s story; I must also congratulate Brian Kelly of Chirnside who timed entry the next morning at 05-30am to win 1st region B 4th open; well done Brian.

Mason 1st open SNFC Grevillers 15 10 24a

Mason 1st open SNFC Grevillers


While at Jock Scott’s obtaining the above information I asked if I could also handle his timer from the SNFC Longest race in 2024 from the Nort-sur-Erdre race point which was a distance of 610 miles to Kennoway. Jock timed in his chequer cock 13-30-49 to record a velocity of 804 to win 3rd region C 28th open. This cock had previously won 5th section C 33rd open SNFC Carentan doing a velocity 687 flying a distance of 483 miles in 2022. He was a nice cock as you will see from the photograph. His sire was a mealy cock a son of the 1st open German Barcelona winner whom Willie Hay & son purchased. This cock was mated to Jocky’s SNFC 1st open Roye winner ‘My Gem’ who in turn was bred from a daughter of ‘Robbie’s Boy’ the winner of 1st SNFC Falaise for Gilmour Brothers of Leven; when paired to a cock named ‘The Bully’ which contained Jock’s own bloodlines. He bullied everything in the loft. I wish to THANK Jock Scott for his time in assisting me with the details on his winning pigeons.

Jock Scott see text 15 10 24a

Jock Scott see text


Continuing with the story on Halfields; we now move on to the house number 115 which is the home of Stevie & Linda Ritchie, and is just round the corner from Jock Scott’s. In-fact, when you look from Stevie’s loft over the field to the south, you can see our old house in Seton Terrace where Margaret; I and our 3 children grew up. I have known Stevie Ritchie for quite a number of years since he lived in Cardenden. Stevie was always a helpful lad and if anyone was stuck or needed some assistance, Stevie was your man; and he has helped me out over the years. Stevie entered 5 birds into this year’s SNRPC Brighton race point, which was held on the 7th of July. The 260 birds were liberated at 07-00am into a light south west wind and Stevie timed his 5-year-old blue hen at 16-46-30 to record a velocity of 1176 to win 1st section C 1st national. He has named his hen ‘Anniversary Girl’ as it was his and wife Linda’s 32 anniversary the next day the 8th so double celebrations. At the start of the year Stevie had 12 cocks and 18 hens, however as the season progressed, he was down to 7 cocks, so these 7 were put in the hen’s section which only had hen boxes and the hens were given the next box section. Needless to say, Stevie’s hens started to pair up to one another and he had 3 hens sitting in one nest pan. He took the extra eggs out and put in 2 dummy eggs into the pan. The hens took turns of sitting the eggs and were quite happy with this arrangement. On the day of basketing for the Brighton race as Stevie entered the section, he noticed the 5-year-old blue hen ‘Anniversary Girl’ was sitting on top of another hen who was on the eggs. So, he took the hen off the nest and put her in the spare section and left ‘Anniversary Girl’ to sit the eggs until he basketed her to go the race marking. When she came home, she had 2 tail feathers missing but went right back onto these eggs. Stevie timed in 2 other hens to win 27th & 60th open on the Brighton result. Now for the breeding of ‘Anniversary Girl’ her sire was a mosaic cock bred by Stevie; his bloodlines being ½ Jock King of Kirkcaldy and ½ Brian O’Neil of Danderhall. While the dam of ‘Anniversary Girl’ was a Dutch pigeon from Callum Walker from Carluke in Lanarkshire. ‘Anniversary Girl’ sire has previously won the following results in the SNRPC; in 2016 he won 114th open Arras; 2017; 185th open Arras both these while living in Cardenden. 2018 he won 17th open Reims and 2 weeks later won 114th open Arras. In 2019 he won 3rd region 17th open Reims flying to the new loft location in Kennoway. However now that his daughter is a National winner; her racing days are OVER. My thanks to Steve and Jock Scott for the time and information given.

Stevie Ritchie see text 15 10 24a       Anniversary Girl 1st open SNRPC Brighton 15 10 24a

Stevie Ritchie see text                                                Anniversary Girl 1st open SNRPC Brighton

© Compiled by Joe Murphy

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© Compiled by Joe Murphy