The Joe Murphy Column
Continuing with my blast from the past; this week I’m going to cover an article on the 1967 SNFC Rennes winner ‘Eastriggs Supreme’ a wonderful mealy cock (see photograph) raced by R W Hope of Eastriggs; who wrote. After a wearisome wait the 5,701 pigeons were liberated at a quarter to six on Monday the 28th of June 1967 and the race was on. When news filtered through pigeons had been timed in the south the back of two o’clock, a rough calculation disclosed that this would be the fastest Scottish National ever. Well-known names in the running, Tom Little, Willie Gardiner and Hind & Crombie among them. Then news came that the actual winner was R W Hope of Eastriggs, Dumfriesshire. As is usual on the big open race days the phone kept ringing and there was the normal exchange of information. The repeated question was; who is this man Hope, do you know him? I had the notion that I had seen this name in Solway Federation results and hopefully searched them. This disclosed that R.W. Hope had won several positions in the Federation’s cross channel races and had scored from Avranches in the Scottish National 1966 with a two-year-old mealy cock SURP-64-107883; which turns out to be EASTRIGGS SUPREME the winner of the Scottish National Rennes race of 1967; from his photo he appears to be a handsome pigeon and I would think he is actually a strawberry mealy. His preparation for the national was four races up to 227 miles, four 20-mile tosses and sent sitting 14 days growing his 2nd primary flight at basketing. As a youngster he won 2nd Lancaster and was stopped at 90-mile race. As a yearling he flew very steadily but did not score. Last year he got four races and was sent to Rennes SNFC and homed second day. A month later he was sent to Avranches being 23rd section 58th open. Eastriggs Supreme is bred from a red pied cock, SURP-63-117445 winner of 47th section 118th open Scottish National Rennes in 1965. His dam is a mealy hen purchased from Dobie Brothers of Cummertrees, an offshoot of the Kirkpatrick family. Mr Hope started keeping pigeons in 1961 with a good few youngsters from well-known lofts, starting racing in 1962 and has enjoyed a fair measure of success, outstanding wins are 1st Fed Leyland; 2nd Fed Redditch; 6th Fed Avranches 1965; 2nd Fed Avranches 1966 and 18th federation Fed Dol and from Nantes with the SNFC he won 32nd section 96th open in 1964 and then 6th section 29th open in 1967.
Eastriggs Supreme 1st open SNFC Rennes 1967 from 5701 birds competing
Another article that caught my eye was regarding John Roach and Son winner of 1st open SNFC Nantes in 1967. John wrote; ‘We never knew any success until we purchased two pairs of ‘Logans’. These we kept together, breeding granddaughter back to Sire until we thought it was time to introduce a cross. This was an ‘Osman Fell’ hen, bred by the late John Hendry of Broxburn, and was presented to my wife by a friend leaving the fancy. We coupled this hen with a little Logan cock, in our opinion one of the gamest little birds we ever had. He is now twelve years old and retired but he certainly belies his age. Unfortunately, the hen died but they have left us quite a few likely birds. She herself was First Club Dol 82nd open; whilst he had a place in every race, we ever sent him to. The Nantes winner this year was bred from them as was his brother 90689; winner of 76th section 122nd open. Whilst another late bred SURP62-9386 won 9th club Leachworth, 4th club 11th federation Lewes in 1964. The following year he won 11th Leachworth 12 Lewes then the following year won 15th Leachworth, then 1st club 14th federation Lewes; 1967 he won 6th club Lewes. Looking back through some records I find that we have had eighty-six places in 62 races, not a bad show in a strong club as ours. Our method of pigeon husbandry us I suppose the same as hundreds more; the birds, twelve pair, are housed in a fourteen by eight-foot loft with an open front and a large louvre vent in each gable, thus the air in the loft is constantly in motion. It is cleaned out twice a day. After each cleaning a little dehydrated lime is brushed into all cracks and crevices. This we find is the best pest deterrent we know. Birds young and old are hopper fed on good hard beans only. This again we find keeps the birds on the light, lean and hard side that we think is best for racing. A little seed is used for trapping purposes only. The drinking water is changed twice daily (by the way this is where a good wife comes in handy). As for green stuff, I am fortunate to have a large vegetable garden and here all the birds roam and choose their own salad. Training is voluntary, half an hour each morning and evening. There are no gimmicks or short cuts. We like to have the birds sitting ten days for each race. The moult; there is not much a man can do so it the circumstances it is best to leave it to mother nature. Young birds if fit are raced out to the last race (200 miles) the basket being the best gauge of what not to keep. John Roach Uphall.
John Roach & Son 1st open SNFC Nantes for J Roach & son
SHU Trophy Winners 2024
I along with Billy Bilsland and David Elliot we selected the applications for the Scottish Homing Union Trophies for the 2024 season. The successful fanciers were as follows;
The Dewar Trophy Winner (for the best 2 channel performances by an old bird) was won by E Hodgson & son of Annan. Their pigeon won 1st section 2nd open SNFC Nort-Sur-Erdre (528 miles) & also won 10th section 14th open SNFC Alencon (475 miles).
Runner Up for the Dewar Trophy was Angus Orr & son of Brighton’s their pigeon won 83rd open SNFC Alencon flying 546 miles & also won 17th open from SNFC Grevillers flying 488 miles.
The Ogilvie Trophy for the Individual Performance by an old bird was won by Jock Scott of Kennoway who won 1st section 1st east section 1st open Grevillers 391 birds. (As a matter of interest this cock also won 3rd region C 24th open Maidstone in the same season)
SHU Yearling Trophy - Friendship Cup – For Outstanding Performance.
Winner is Jock Scott of Kennoway; who won 1st section (only bird on the day) 1st east section (only bird on the day) 1st open Grevillers flying a distance of 486 miles 1039 yards from an entry of 391 birds. (Only 3 birds made it home on the day with 2 in the south section and 1 in the East section)
The Celtic Trophy presented by Taffy Bowen of Wales (for the performances old birds up to 300 miles) was won by D H Ogilvie of Stirling. The winning birds’ performances were as follows; 20th April; 1st club 243 birds; 1st North Section 614 birds; 1st Federation 1184 birds;
18th May; Harrowgate 172 miles 1168 yards; velocity 1373. 1st club 151 birds; 1st North Section 437 birds; 1st North West Federation 867 birds.
25th May; Ackworthmoore; 198 miles 227 yards; velocity 1637. 2nd club 126 birds; 2nd NS 298 birds; 3rd North West Federation 556 birds.
1st June; Billericay 287 miles 741 yards; velocity 1160; 1st federation 4th section D 462 birds; 19th open SNFC 3175 birds.
15th June Coldstream 71 miles 1679 yards; velocity 1494; 9th club 40 birds; 9th north section 133 birds; 9th North West Federation 332 birds.
The British Homing World Trophy; Old Birds Lowest Winning Velocity in Channel Races;
Winners Ryan Hay & Family Banff; whose pigeon won 1st North Section 56th open SNFC Nort-Sur-Erdre; flying a distance 708 miles 742 yards recording a velocity of 477.08.
McCrae’s Battalion Trust Trophy (For the best combine averages performances for One old bird & One Young bird from the SAME LOFT. Winner Angus Orr & son of Brighton’s. Winning 83rd open SNFC Alencon flying 546 miles; Young Bird 42nd open SNFC Kettering flying 277 miles;
The Annie Ross Bowes Memorial Trophy; Won by Ian Noble; nominated by Anne McAleavey; who wrote; ‘I would like to nominate Ian Noble for the above trophy. He has been involved in the sport for a lot of years and served on various committees in that time and puts himself out to help in any way he can. He has been a strong supporter of the office and the staff over his years as President. He has been Junior & Senior Vice President and President of the Scottish Homing Union for the past 16 years. During the Covid crisis when Gordon Turnbull had to step down as President of the Scottish Homing Union, Ian stepped in as Acting President until such time as they could hold a meeting at which time he was unanimously re-elected. Ian was Secretary of Ayrshire Federation for a number of years and Secretary of Crosshouse club and has now been voted on as the Ayrshire federation secretary again. He is always willing to help fanciers in any way he can and most recently has been heavily involved at the Scottish Homing Union Show held annually. He is also on the British Medial Fanciers Committee. I feel Ian would be a deserving recipient of this award in recognition of his work over the years. Yours sincerely Anne McAleavey. The Scottish Homing Union Trophy selection committee would like to congratulate ALL the above winners.
Entire Clearance Sales; The first of these will be for the late George Briggs of Dundee. This will be held on Sunday 10th November 2024 in the Black Watch Club, 20 Arthurstone Terrace, Dundee DD4 6RS starting at 1pm. George was a good worker for the sport and was always willing to help anyone who required assistance with ANYTHING. He was also on the SNFC marking committee and covered the Dundee marking station. To his wife and family, we send our heartfelt condolences. The 2nd Entire Clearance Sale will be held the following week 17th of November; this will be for Tom McLeod of Elphinstone (Constellation Lofts) with the sale being held in Newmains Club rooms; viewing from 12 noon with the sale starting at 1pm. Tom has been in the sport for over 60 years and he has won 2 SNFC Gold Awards + a Sliver Award; plus, he has bred 2 Gold Awards and a Dewar Trophy Winner for other fanciers. Watch out for Tom’s advert in the BHW. Enjoy your retirement Tom, you have been a credit to the sport up here in Scotland.
Show Pens for Sale
Ian Anderson of Wick has just phoned to say that he has 200 show pens for sale (in sets of 4); these are in excellent condition (see photos)and if anyone is interested then give me a call 01592 7703331and I will give you Ian’s phone number.
© Compiled by Joe Murphy
Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or you can also view online editions on: - -
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© Compiled by Joe Murphy