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Joe Murphy Pays Tribute to Jim George




Joe Murphy pays tribute to


Jim George (Round O) of Arbroath: It is with a very heavy heart that I inform the pigeon sport of the passing of my dearest friend, Jim. I will miss our conversations together, as we spoke about every two weeks or so. Jim, as many of you know, has been a scribe for the pigeon fraternity for many years, in fact I think he started this task in 1948, which is a true sign of his dedication and he should have been awarded a knighthood for this contribution to the sport. Jim wrote how he spoke and many English, Irish, Welsh and even Scottish fanciers at times could not understand him but he was a great lad who served his country and did his duty for his Queen. I know for a fact that winning the Annie Ross Bowes Trophy in 2007 for The Fanciers’ Fancier of the Year was his proudest moment in his pigeon career. He told me often that it was like winning the Rennes National and the memories of this evening would live with him forever. When Kevin and I won the Scottish National Jim came to visit us for a loft report and he could not have been happier had he won the race himself. He has always had a soft spot for Kevin and now that he is living in Jim’s native Arbroath he became his adopted son, so to speak. During the racing season he would give me a phone to see how Kevin had got on, and if Kevin had a good one in the national race Jim would phone him up and congratulate him and, believe me, he could not have been happier - such was the man. I would often visit Jim and Edna when up in Arbroath and did so prior to going on holiday, and when we came back Jim had phoned the house 5 times and his last message was ‘Hey, you old bugger, do you know how much money these phone calls are costing me? And you’re never in’. When we came back I phoned him and explained we had been on holiday and I said ‘I told you we were going away’ but he was adamant that I hadn't, so I told him I would pay his phone bill and he burst out laughing. That, ladies and gentlemen, sums up Jim George - always happy to have a laugh and if he could not help you out, he would never do you a bad turn. Jim has helped race controllers and convoyers over a number of years and his assistance will be a big loss to many organisations. But the passing of this GREAT MAN will be felt by none more than his wife Edna and sons Bruce and Ian to whom we send our heartfelt condolences. Rest in peace my old friend and ‘Slan Leibh’ (Ta Ta for now).


Elimar - April 2014