Reports by Joe Murphy
Sunday 2nd November was our oldest son Mark’s and Veronica’s wedding anniversary and it is a day they will never forget as they also became a grand parents of the second time and of course Margaret and I became great grandparents when baby Daisy Bella Murphy was born. We visited the proud mum and dad (and big sister Dylahn) during the week. Moments like this are priceless and we were happy to join in the joyful occasion.
Epsom Weekend
Kevin and I flew down to Gatwick for the BICC week end and we had a great time. We met John Tyerman, his wife Linda and fancier Dave Farr from Bognor Regis who I found out has had some very good performances over many years and had an excellent season this year but more importantly, we found out Dave is a very genuine person. The Tyerman’s picked us up at the airport and then took us through Surrey viewing the sights and the one thing I could not get over was how ‘flat’ the whole place was you could see for miles. We travelled to Pat and Alasdair Muir’s house and had a pleasant and relaxing time with them and Alasdair showed us his pigeons. He has achieved a lot of top performances over the years and I have included a photograph of Alasdair and his BICC winner from Tarbes in 2010. We then travelled onto Epsom stopping off for something to eat on the way, when we booked in to the Holiday Inn it was quite full of fanciers with lots of chit-chat and a great atmosphere. We soon joined the fanciers and John Tyerman (being the president of the BICC) soon introduced us to nearly every table.
View north to Scotland
We had a great time and Kevin was 'over the moon' at meeting all these top pigeon fanciers that he had read about over the years. He was impressed with Ian Crammond who spent a lot of time with him and they discussed ‘pigeon’s’ what else. We travelled the short distance to the Duchess Suite for the international Moot and this was very well attended with 200 fanciers present. Prior to proceedings the Merit Awards were presented to the owners of these superb birds and my old friend Gareth Watkin’s has already covered these in the pigeon press so I do not need to steal his ‘thunder’. By the way I think Gareth does a ‘marvellous’ job as press officer for the BICC and I told him the same when we met up later in the evening. I know the hard work it takes compiling these reports but one thing that came over when taking to him was the fanciers assist him by supplying him with the details of their winning birds which makes all the difference and we Scot’s need to take a leaf out of their book. These Merit Award fanciers received a great ovation from the company as they like all good pigeon fanciers appreciated the fantastic achievements of these very good pigeons.
A group of top fanciers at the BICC hotel
International Panel
Consisted of the following fanciers: Hugo Battenburg of Holland, Dr Henk De Weerdt of Belgium, Mark Gilbert of England, Bernard De Weerdt of Belgium and Dave Padfield of Wales who stood in for Geoff Cooper who could not attend due to a his car breaking down on the motorway on the way to Epsom. Fellow scribe and author John Clements was chairman of a one to one session with each of the panel and he did an excellent job (couple of times problems with the microphone) but overall this was very interesting and I think it put each panel participant at ease. We then had a break for a light supper prior to the quiz. This was very good but some of the same type of questions kept coming up i.e. feeding prior to going to a long distance race. However they covered most topics with honest answers then there was a short break about 22.30 and everyone then started to chat away to the people at their table and my personal opinion is they should have stopped the quiz then and let the fanciers enjoy mixing with each other. Many fanciers had travelled long distances to attend both the Moot and the Show the following day with Derek Walton even traveling from Dublin. On return to the Holiday Inn Kevin and I stayed up for a short while but we had been on the go since before 06.00 am so it had been a long day and we retired to bed just after midnight.
Bernard Deweerdt, Kevin Murphy and Tim Deweerdt (Bernard's son)
Epsom Show
The following morning we chatted away to fanciers in the hotel prior to going over to the show and I have to say the venue was very good. None of the getting carried away in the throng of people like what happens at Blackpool. No it was very pleasant to walk round and have a look at the stalls and if you met someone then have room to have a ‘natter’. The show stands were displayed on 2 floors with the 3rd floor having the sale birds, a bar and sitting room with some stands as well. The top tier was where you could get something to eat and we met a lovely couple who work with sheep and they told us lots of stories. The view from the top tier of the stand was breath-taking and you could see the centre of London (which I was told was 30 miles away) one thing for sure it is as flat as a pancake. Terry Peart and John Donovan told me years ago when I met them at the Barcelona Challenge Race Loft that the SNFC should hold their inland national from Epsom and after seeing this venue and surrounding area with my own eyes then I agree as it is perfect for the first inland national. I have included a photograph of the North Downs for fanciers to see for themselves.
John Clements with Clare and Russell Bradford
I introduced Kevin to my dear friend Guy Reed and Bernard & Tim Deweerdt as well as Mark Gower and Andy Parsons from Salisbury who both had a very good season. We had a great laugh with the latter two fanciers and poor Guy was the brunt of their jokes and stories but it was all in good fun. I also introduced him to Clare and Russell Bradford the organisers of the BICC Moot, raffle and sale with the latter raising over £5000 for the 24 lots so well done to all and a special word of praise to the donors for making this sale a great success. Nothing is too much bother to Clare and Russell and they are indeed a credit to the BICC. The same goes for the organisers of the Epsom Show who worked very hard all day to ensure the show was a success and this was highlighted by the great number of fanciers who attended. This was our first time at the show and it is an excellent venue for the London and surrounding fanciers.
All too soon it was time to head for the airport and we cannot thank Linda & John Tyerman for all their help they were fantastic. I would also like to thank all the fanciers who came up and spoke to me over the week end even if it was just to shake my hand and say they enjoyed the ‘Jokes’. I also must thank Harold Hamplett of Stafford (who I remember reading his results in the pigeon press many years ago). We sat and had a good chat about the changes to the sport nowadays and it was very good to meet him. In closing we would like to wish all the members of the BICC all the very best for next year and we look forward to reading about your achievements.
Mark Gower, Guy Reed, Kevin Murphy & Andy Parsons
Gourdon & District
Are holding their annual show on Sunday 23rd November in the Masonic Hall in King Street in Inverbervie with the classes as follows: Class 1. AACTW;
Class 2 AAHTW; Class 3 LOC; Class 4 LOH; Class 5 LYC; Class 6 LYH; Class 7 Eye sign (can be duplicated). Birds are 50 pence per pen and penning is from 08.30am to 10.30am with judging starting at 11.00 am prompt there will also be a sale of young birds, raffles and refreshments are available. If you wish to find out more phone D Hay on 01561 361588 or D Hay (senior) on 01561 361526'.
Entries close at 10.00pm on Friday 21st November.
Joe’s Jokes
This week’s joke is dedicated to Tom Firmager’s sisters Angela and Edna whom he informs me look forward to the joke every week. I think they will get a good laugh at these two.
A woman and her ten-year-old son were riding in a taxi. It was raining and all the prostitutes were standing under the awnings. "Mum," said the boy, "What are all those women doing?" "They're waiting for their husbands to get off work", she replied. The taxi driver turns round and says, "Geez lady, why don't you tell him the truth? They're hookers, boy! They have sex with men for money." The little boy's eyes got wide and he said, "Is that true, Mum?" His mother, glaring hard at the taxi driver, answers in the affirmative. After a few minutes, the kid asked, "Mum, what happens to their babies?" "Most of them become taxi drivers", she said.
Continuing on the sex theme did you know you can now get insurance for sex in UK!! However make sure you get the correct, insurance for the sex you are having.
Please find a list of companies below catering for most tastes:-
Sex with your wife - legal & general.
Sex on the telephone - direct line
Sex with your partner - standard life
Sex with someone different - go compare
Sex with a lady of generous proportions - more than
Sex on the back seat of a car - Sheila’s wheels
Sex with a prostitute - commercial union
Sex with your maid - employer's liability
Sex with an OAP - saga
Sex resulting in pregnancy - general accident
And finally
Sex with a transvestite - confused com
Please make sure you are adequately covered
Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS at; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE.