Reports by Joe Murphy
Joe Murphy with his helper Conner
I continue highlighting good pigeons with a photograph and information on another of Bernard Deweerdt’s top pigeons, this time a red cock named CLOVIS who so far has only been late from one long distance race (the very fast St Vincent international). Clovis’ performances are written on the photograph but as you will see from my update below the final birdage in some of the national and international races are different to what are recorded on the photo. However this does not stop one admiring this lovely red cock who so reminded me of the old Kilpatrick pigeons from yesteryear. Clovis’ sire is Klein Kedirtje who won 40th national Dax from 5.189 birds; he was also 292nd national from Barcelona with 13.503 birds competing. He also won 433rd Euro providence Biarritz from an entry of 2.902 birds and won 502nd national from Barcelona 11.484 birds and 532nd national Perpignan from 5.547 birds. He also won 1330th national Perpignan from an entry of 6.765 birds and once again won from Perpignan winning 1546th national from 7.611 birds and finally he won 2071st national from Barcelona from an entry of 12.612 birds. He has also turned out to be an excellent stock pigeon being the sire and grandsire of countless winners. The dam of ‘Clovis’ is a full sister to ‘Iban’, ‘Joan’ & ‘Riban’ whom I highlighted in my pervious article on ‘PINA’. So you will see once again an international family of pigeons that continue to win in the present climate.
2011: Limoges - 2632 national 19.373b 366 miles
2011: Montauban - 1007 national 9091b 490 miles
2011: Narbonne - 230 national 6428b, 482 internat 13.779b 544 miles, vel 827
2012: Perpignan - 496 national 6724b, 953 internat 16.921b 567 miles, vel 1061
2012: St Vincent - 132 national 3786b, 395 internat 10.944b 546 miles, vel 395
2013: Perpignan - 1958 internat 15.106b 567 miles
2014: St Vincent - 388 national 3240b, 1183 internat 11.437b 546 miles, vel 839
2014: Perpignan - 125 national 6248b, 231 internat 17.971 567 miles, vel 1082
Ayrshire North Road
News from Mark Findlay who informs us that the Ayrshire North Road Federation are holding a quiz night on Friday 14th November in Drongan Primary School in Drongan, Ayrshire. The panel will consist of International winners Mr and Mrs Geoff Cooper of Bath and one of the most consistent SNFC fanciers in recent years Davie Jamieson of East Calder. Tickets for the event are £10.00 each which includes supper. This evening starts at 19.30 prompt and for tickets please contact Alfie Lawrence on 07794041688 or Margaret Lawrence on 07721081835.
Open Show
Brian Massey writes: ‘Hi Joe, Midlothian Federation are holding an open show on Saturday 8th November at Middleton Town hall; the post code is EH23 4QU. There are 14 racing bird classes and anyone wishing a schedule can email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0131-440-2503. Entries will close on Friday 31st October 2014, all are welcome and we’re hoping for a good day.’
Pentland Hills Federation
Andy Miller has forwarded a list of 2014 trophy winners for the above federation which is as follows:
1st Maidstone SNFC Nolan & Farwell of Danderhall who won 19th open; they also won the best average from Buckingham and Maidstone being 9th & 19th open.
Best Average 3 Longest young bird races with a velocity of 1262 and 1st Buckingham young birds SNFC are J & T Young of Danderhall.
Best Average 4 longest old bird races won by W Kinnear & son Barry of Danderhall with a velocity of 1150 they also won 1st Clermont SNFC being 24th open.
1st Buckingham SNFC winning 23rd open is S Gilchrist of Edinburgh Premier.
1st Alencon SNFC is won by A R Pringle of New Lothian who won 7th open national. He also won the A Pringle Memorial Trophy for the best average from Maidstone and Alencon SNFC race being 109th and 7th open national.
1st Ypres SNFC is won by John Baillie of Loanhead who won 9th open national.
There were no winners for the Best 2 bird average from Clermont or for the Ancenis races.
New Lothian Trophy Winners
The old bird average is won by Andy Miller of Sighthill with a velocity of 1271.69 with the runners up Willie Kinnear & son Barry of Danderhall with a velocity of 1271.62. How’s that for closeness and as Andy and Barry are both good friends the ‘banter’ has been something special. J & T Young of Danderhall win the Young Bird average with a velocity of 1275 and they also won the Combine average with a velocity of 1267.1.
Runners up for both the Young Bird average (1256) and the Combine average (1265.3) are Willie Kinnear & son Barry. The Points competition for Old Birds is won by Stevie Girdwood of Sighthill club with 17 points.
My thanks once again to Andy Miller who has supplied information on the above organisations throughout the season.
Good SNFC Birds
Continuing with my focus on highlighting good pigeons that have scored well in the Scottish National over the past few years, this week I feature two good chequer cocks with the first bird raced by S Morrison & son of Roslin in Edinburgh. This cock who has won 4 section prizes from inland national races and just needs one more section prize to win a Bronze award. His performances are as follows:
S Morrison & son Roslin with Chequer cock SU 10 ML 4019
Race Point |
Year |
Open |
Section |
Sent |
Miles Yards |
Velocity |
Members |
Birds |
Maidstone |
2012 |
119 |
B66 |
9 |
357975 |
1070.14 |
515 |
3442 |
Newbury |
2013 |
232 |
B33 |
10 |
319760 |
1216.58 |
560 |
3328 |
Maidstone |
2013 |
111 |
B46 |
6 |
357975 |
1106.61 |
645 |
4855 |
Ypres |
2013 |
101 |
B36 |
2 |
4281036 |
1225.97 |
470 |
2356 |
Maidstone |
2014 |
135 |
B95 |
11 |
357975 |
1122.4 |
590 |
4472 |
Ypres |
2014 |
210 |
------- |
4 |
4281036 |
1129.3 |
470 |
2404 |
The second pigeon is raced by the Fife partnership of Terry Turpie & John McCord and this cock should win a Silver Award as he has 3 section prizes from race points in France to his credit and has in fact won 4 times from France as well as an inland national.
Turpie & McCord of Pitlessie in Fife with Blue Chequer cock SU 10 F 715
Race Point |
Year |
Open |
Section |
Sent |
Miles Yards |
Velocity |
Members |
Birds |
Eastbourne |
2011 |
190 |
C35 |
25 |
406923 |
1072.06 |
698 |
4568 |
Clermont |
2012 |
92 |
C51 |
12 |
530372 |
951.49 |
370 |
1622 |
Clermont |
2013 |
130 |
------ |
13 |
530372 |
564.03 |
343 |
1500 |
Alencon |
2014 |
135 |
C22 |
5 |
558324 |
616.57 |
421 |
1427 |
Clermont |
2014 |
------ |
C36 |
12 |
530372 |
674.87 |
293 |
1169 |
Again I emphasise my request for pictures of quality pigeons like the above and also some details on their breeding as this would make writing about these birds a bit more interesting.
Joe’s Joke
Angus Broon of Glasgow comes to the little lady of the house exclaiming, "Maggie, cud ye be sewin on a wee button that's come off of ma fly? I canna button ma troosers." "Och Angus, I've got ma hands in the sink, go up the stairs and see if Mrs MacDonald could be helpin ye with it." About 5 minutes later, there's a terrible crash, a bang, a bit of yelling and the sound of a body falling down the stairs. Walking back in the door with a black eye and a bloody nose comes Angus. Maggie looks at him and says, "My god Angus, what happened tae ye? Did you ask her up the stairs like I told you?" "Aye," says Angus. "I asked her to sew on the wee button, an she did, everything was goin' fine but when she bent doon to bite off the wee thread, Mr MacDonald walked in."
and here's another one...
The kids filed back into class Monday morning and were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship. Little Sally led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made £30," she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success." "Very good," said the teacher. Little Jenny was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made £45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events." "Very good, Jenny," said the teacher. Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. The teacher held her breath... Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "£2,467" he said. "£2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?" "Toothbrushes," said Little Johnny. "Toothbrushes!" echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?" "I found the busiest corner in town," said Little Johnny, "I set up a Dip & Chip stand and gave everybody who walked by a free sample." They all said the same thing, "Hey, this tastes like dog shit!" Then I would say, "It is dog shit Want to buy a toothbrush?" and "I used the government's strategy of giving you something shitty for free, and then making you pay to get that taste out of your mouth."
Please continue to keep the news flowing: to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS at; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE.