Reports by Joe Murphy
Received an email from John Tyerman who wrote: ‘Hi Joe, I hope you and the family are all well many people commented on the photo in your column of Linda and I with the grandchildren, and I have given it to my son for their family album. Our last few old bird distance races were somewhat difficult, mainly caused by the excessive heat, high humidity and length of time spent in baskets due to holdovers. All caused by the poor weather conditions we experienced in France with so much rain and certainly not summer weather. John McGee said they had never seen so much prolonged rain in Northern France where they live. Many good birds are still missing and both the Belgian and Dutch Organisations have suffered the same fate. I have recently been asked about 'air conditioning' in transporters but I am not aware of any organisation that has this actual facility. I believe you would need a sealed unit if you were to use full air conditioning or even a climate control system. I don't know if you are aware of any organisation that has air conditioning or climate control? And if you do please let me know. I do know many transporters do have circulatory and extractor fans fitted but these systems do not actually cool the temperature inside the vehicle where the birds are located. Personally I don't think an air conditioned unit would be of much benefit, especially if you liberated pigeons from them into 26/30C temperatures, similar to what we have experienced racing here and in France these recent weeks. The BICC vehicles do have the full size net curtains fitted to both our transporters and although perhaps not perfect, this does allow a good circulation of fresh air to the birds and helps prevent any serious heat build-up. Incidentally, I have asked for this particular topic to be put on the agenda for discussion at the next 'Alliance of Specialist Clubs' meeting in the autumn and it will be good to hear the views from other members. The BICC are holding a special 'Moot' evening on Friday, 31st October 2014 in the Duchess Suite at the Epsom Racecourse, and next day is the actual Epsom show on Saturday 1st November. The 'Moot' panel will hopefully consist of many top fanciers and I understand Bernard De Weerd, Hugo Kipp???, Dr Henk De Weerd, Geoff Cooper and Mark Gilbert have all indicated they will sit on the panel. A maximum of 220 tickets are available and are priced at £10 to include supper. Russell Bradford is currently compiling an advert for the fancy press and I would think this is an evening not to be missed. The nearby Holiday Inn Express is offering pre-booked rooms at £68 for Bed and Breakfast and I already know many fanciers are staying overnight and will attend the show next day. The venue on Epsom racecourse is superb with good parking and as it sits high up on the North Downs there are stunning views towards London and the south coast. Last year the show was well attended and a great success, I am told that there are many more trade stands this year and several pigeon sales are being conducted by Tony Cowan. The BICC are having a sale of pigeons donated by many top fanciers, so again something NOT to be missed. I was speaking to Russell this morning and he wondered if you might be tempted to come down as he would like to meet up? Quite a few people you know intend going and staying overnight, including Guy Reed and Ian Crammond and of course Bernard De Weerd who you visited last year. I am sure it will be a very good weekend, best regards John’.
Russell has forwarded on more details which are as follows: the ‘Moot’ on Friday 31st October will be held in ‘The Blue Riband Suite’ of The Duchess Stand at Epsom Racecourse. This is the evening prior to the Epsom Show. Doors open at 18.30 with the starts at 19.30 hours. Tickets are £10.00 per head and this will include a choice of hot food, in this superb venue. The ‘Moot’ may not finish until around 23.00 hours and Hotel Accommodation is available in the area from as little as £39 for those who wish stay over for the Epsom Show the following day. Panel and Guest Speakers: are Hugo Battenburg (Ace Fancier from Holland); Bernard Deweerdt (Top Breeder and Distance Fancier from Belgium); Geoff Cooper and Mark Gilbert, (Both International Winners), and still to confirm a world class Veterinary. ~ Come and mix with the Superstars of the Pigeon World. One of many fantastic raffle prizes will include a ‘Personal Tour’ of Mark Gilbert’s loft with a pair of Young Birds thrown in. During the evening a very small but hugely important sale of quality pigeons will take place, to include a grandchild kindly gifted to the club by Geoff & Catherine Cooper that has 2 International winners in the pedigree. There will also be an auction of around two dozen top quality pigeons kindly donated by the “crème-de-la-crème” of the BICC membership on the following day at the Epsom Show. Tickets are limited to 200 places and will be sold on a first come; first sold basis, so don’t be disappointed. Send a cheque now made payable to the BICC to the treasurer, Russell Bradford the Cottage Farndish, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN29 7HJ or phone 01933 410322 for further details.
Lost and Found
Received a phone call from Billy Allison informing me that his friend Edward Robin had a pigeon with an unusual aluminium ring 08 HPED 12 S this is a chequer and was picked up in the street. If this is your pigeon or can help Edward out give him a phone on 0141 646 0153 or phone Billy on 0141 641 1901.
Angus Federation
Had 31 members sending 766 birds to Arniston on 3rd August liberated at 08-15am into a south south east wind the Forfar partnership of Macaulay/Ferguson & Curran took the first 20 places as well as the first 10 places in the west section. The east section 1st 2nd & 7th places are won by D & D Hay of Gourdon with Willie MacKnight of Montrose in 3rd 4th 5th & 8th places. M Peterkin of Gourdon is 6th with G Scott 9th and B Leven of Montrose in 10th place. Club winners: Arbroath C Cameron; Forfar Macaulay/Ferguson & Curran: Gourdon D & D Hay; Montrose W MacKnight; Letham J Anderson & son and Inchcape L McKay. Points League: D Liddle 204 with D Glen 184 points; my thanks to Ann Carrie for the result.
Arbroath Racing Pigeon Society
For the 2nd young bird race of the season from Arniston 3 members sent 36 birds liberated at 08:15 into a south south east wind. Kevin has not been racing his youngsters so far this year so news is sparse on details however first place goes to Charlie Cameron with Bill Dorward in 2nd place and A & A Shepherd in third spot.
Almond Valley Federation
News from Jimmy Young who writes ‘Hi Joe, I`m sorry it is a bit late this week with the result but I`ve been waiting on the fanciers that make up the result getting in touch with me but no one seems interested. In 1st & 2nd places this week is Dougie Bald for the second week in a row: his winner is bred from a David Reed cock paired with a Willie Hay hen and is same way bred as last week’s 3rd federation placed pigeon. His second bird is bred from a direct pair of Andre Clements he purchased through Willie Hay. In 3rd federation is A McCalley of the Armadale club who also took 6th & 7th positions. In 4th 5th & 8th positions is Freddie Jamieson & son from my own club in East Calder and his pigeons are bred from Galaxy birds from J Cornes from the Midlands.
East Calder
The first 4 places to go Freddie Jamieson and Son with yours truly Jimmy Young in 5th place ALL birds are Galaxy bred. Well that’s it for this week Joe all the best yours Jimmy’.
Central Federation
Broxburn RPC news from Bernie Britton who tells us that the club and federation were at Otterburn with 3 members sending 126 birds: liberated at 07-30am into a south wind the winner is G Mackenzie who takes the 1st x 4 places in the club. The winner is a blue bar cock a Gabby crossed Lindelauf with the 2nd a blue pied hen a Gabby crossed Mr & Mrs Geoff Kirkland and the 3rd placed bird is a dark chequer cock a Gabby a gift from Mr & Mrs A Forrest of Ratho. 4th is a blue bar hen Gabby crossed Soontjens from yours truly Mr & Mrs Britton from our stock loft from Mr & Mrs Mick & Val Crooks of the Up North Combine; thank Joe all the best to the Murphy clan’.
The New Lothian RPC & Pentland Hills Federation
News from Andy Miller who informs us that the above held their 2nd young bird race of the season on Sunday the 3rd August from Ridsdale a distance of 65 to 78 miles for the membership: Winning 1st New Lothian & 1st Pentland Hills federation is the loft of Willie Kinnear & son Barry they timed their winner on a 1676 velocity. This was one of a kit purchased in January and flown on the lightness system (fully wing moulted) from the Royal Oak Lofts near Manchester, from their Lambrecht imports. Returns were excellent in what are probably the best first two young bird races I can remember.
Pentland Hills Federation had 14 clubs sending 3015 birds Willie Kinnear & son Barry of Danderhall club are 1st 6th 7th 8th 9th & 11th federation with J Rodgers of Danderhall club in 2nd & 3rd places. D Anderson is 4th with J & T Young of Danderhall in 5th 10th 12 & 13th positions.
Club winners
Danderhall 551birds: Kinnear 1676 Rogers 1673.5 Rogers 1673.1
Gilmerton 319 birds: A.W. Robertson 1659 1655 & 1643
Woodburn 217 birds: Brown & Black 1632 & 1627 Moyes 1622
Edinburgh Premier 216 birds: Kirkland 1632 Cunningham & Cains 1630 & 1627
Castlebrae 129 birds: McCormack & Fraser 1628 & 1622 Sammels & Lunn 1617
Sighthill 234 birds: Affleck 1622 Girdwood 1614 & 1613
Edinburgh West 186 birds: I. Bennett 1616 Lamb 1604 I. Bennett 1585
Whitecraigs 102 birds: Kelly 1583 & 1578 & 1576
Bonnyrigg 222 birds: A. Dewar 1579 Russell 1573 & 1570
Loanhead 141 birds: Baillie 1556.5 & 1556.5 Cherrie 1550
Penicuik 153 birds: Lawrie 1462 Stark 1451 Watt 1445
New Lothian 26 birds:
Newtongrange 15 birds:
Traprain 217 birds: Thomson 1656 & 1656 & 1654
Other 287 birds
East of Scotland Federation
News from Tom McEwen of the Ridsdale race liberated at 08-30am into a south wind. Topping his federation and also 4th & 5th carrying on from last week is Rab Waddell of Prestonpans. Jim McNeil of Tranent with a great double finishing 2nd & 3rd federation Tom Waddell is again on the result this time in 6th position. Dougie Grieve of Longniddry has a great treble in 7th 8th & 9th places with Ian ‘Spider’ Rowley of Gladsmuir completing the top ten.
Prestonpans HS
First 3 places go to Rab Waddell with the winner a chequer cock on 1672 his breeding is Flor Engels bloodlines. Rab’s second bird is a blue cock on 1584 he was bred by Brown & Black of Dalkeith. The 3rd placed bird is a blue hen on 1583 and was bred by Tam McLeod of Elphinstone. Tom finishes off by saying ‘Another fast race for the youngsters Joe, cheers Tom’.
Dalzell FC news from Joe Boyle who asks for the last old bird race and 3 young birds races are submitted. Last old bird race from Ypres 14 members sent 62 birds 1st is J Cassidy on 1135 with a Jim Cullen crossed Robert Cormack. 2nd Steven Selfridge on 1093 with a King & Selfridge bred bird. 3rd is W McDonald on 1073 with a Jan Aarden For the 1st result for the young bird races from Otterburn 14 members sent 188 birds 1st IS Robert Clark on 1059 with a Joe Higgins from his Gondolas family. 2nd is C Murphy on 1025 with a John McNeil from Broxburn and 3rd is Robert Clark on 953 with a bird bred by Joe Higgins from his Gondolas. 2nd result again from Otterburn were 20 members sent 298 birds taking the red card is Robert Clark on 1337 with a Jimmy Cochrane of Mosshill crossed John Owen. In 2nd place is Rob Lanyon on 1335 with a Kirkpatrick and 3rd place goes to W McDonald on 1329 with a Jardarine from Louella Pigeon World. From the Stainmore race 19 members sent 332 birds with yours truly Joe Boyle taking the first 2 top spots on 1177 & 1173 with a Gondola bred of stock birds from Dalaine Ireland and the runner up was bred from Jardine bred of stock pair from G & J Palmer of Bellshill. 3rd place goes to Robert Cark on 1170 with a Jan Polder. Congratulations to each of the above winners and to all members taking part in the races, many thanks Joe Boyle.
Joe’s Joke
Two Irishmen were sitting around talking one afternoon over a cold beer. After a while Paddy says to Murphy; ‘If I was to sneak over to your house and make love to your wife while you was off fishing, and she got pregnant and had a baby, would that make us related’? Murphy crooked his head sideways for a minute, scratched his head, and squinting his eyes, thinking real hard about the question. Finally he says, ‘Well I don’t know about being related, but I reckon it’d make us even’.
Only an Aussie can make you feel like a woman
A plane passed through a severe storm. The turbulence was awful, and things went from bad to worse when one wing was struck by lightning and one woman lost it completely. She stood up in the front of the plane and screamed, 'I'm too young to die,' she cried. Then she yelled, 'If I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! Is there anyone on this plane who can make me feel like a woman?'
For a moment, there was silence. Everyone stared at the desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then the man from Australia stood up in the rear of the plane, he was handsome, tall, well built, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Slowly, he started to walk up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt as he went, one button at a time. No one moved. He removed his shirt. Muscles rippled across his chest. She gasped...
Then, he spoke...'Iron this -- and then get me a beer.'
This week's photos
Sheldon Leonard's 'hounds' being fed
Distance widowhood cocks of J & W Strang & Son
Federation widowhood cocks for J & W Strang & Son
Please continue to keep the news flowing to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS at; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE.
© Compiled by Joe Murphy