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Reports by Joe Murphy

Our hard work regarding training the pigeons and missing the comeback race proved to be a wise decision as Kevin had 5 birds on the SNFC Maidstone result from an entry of 4500 pigeons. He had 16 birds home from his entry of 20, which is good considering it was a distance of nearly 400 miles and with a north wind and the pigeons had to work and some were tired when they arrived home. We heard that Dave Nicol of Longforgan had timed a good bird at 16-12 from 06-30 liberation and Dave wins 1st section 12th open with his 2 year old chequer cock. Alex Smith has kindly forwarded a photograph of Dave holding his winning pigeon well done Dave. As we watched the sky we saw a bird homing to the loft when also of a sudden another bird came over the house and did a half circle and as it landed on the aviary the bird we were watching landed and went right in, beating the other pigeon by 3 seconds. The bird was ‘Lucky’ our blue hen that has now won 3 SNFC diplomas as he was 31st Maidstone last year, then 79th open Buckingham a few weeks ago and now wins 49 section C 222nd open SNFC. With the 2nd pigeon being her daughter and wins 223rd open. Our third pigeon in 282nd open position was the ‘P cock’ bred by my good friend Russell Bradford from Wellingborough in Northamptonshire. Russell is the accountant with the BICC. As a matter of interest this pigeon’s nest mate scored in the young bird national last year for Kevin. Our 4th bird in 347th open was a Deweerdt bred by yours truly and the 5th in 390th open was the hen who won 3rd Grampian Combine as a youngster. OK so they are soft tickets and every one of them is a national diploma and when I hear of the amount of birds lost at this race then we have done quite well.

Dave Nicol with his 1st section 12th open SNFC Maidstone 2014

I spoke to a lad on Monday and he was telling me that he had 4 home out of 16 while others have 5 home from 20+ etc., so it has not been as easy a race as you think when reading the result. Congratulations to Billy Bilsland from Ayton who took the first 3 places in the national with another 10 birds in 6th 14th, 21st, 36th, 70th, 142nd, 191st, 206th, 244th & 368th open places not bad having 13 pigeons on the result from his entry of 32 birds. Billy has now won 4 SNFC races in the past 2 years. Not only has he won the national but he has taken the 1st x 5 places from Leicester 2012, 1st x 6 places from Leicester 2013, and 1st & 2nd Buckingham and 1st 2nd & 3rd from Maidstone 2014. I’m going to visit Billy soon for a loft report as he has certainly excelled since moving to Ayton. Congratulations to all the others people who made the national result with some fanciers having an excellent race going by the amount of time their name kept cropping up in the open result. Congratulations to our new secretary Mary Pryde on the quickness of issuing the Maidstone result onto the internet well done. 

Billy Bilsland, 1st, 2nd & 3rd SNFC Maidstone



Angus Federation

The federation were at Maidstone with the SNFC were 31 members sent 252 birds liberated at 06-30 with no wind at the race point. Topping the federation and also 10th 16th & 19th open winning 1st 8th & 10th west section is Ian Scott of Forfar on 1171 velocity. 2nd 3rd 6th & 8th and 2nd 3rd 5th & 6th west section is Dave Glen of the same club. David Liddle of Forfar is 4th & 9th federation and also 4th & 7th west section. Charlie Cameron of Arbroath is 1st 2nd 3rd 6th 7th & 9th east section 5th 12th 15th & 17th federation.  Kevin Murphy of Arbroath is 3rd 4th & 8th east section 13th 14th & 18th federation with Eddie Mann of Gourdon in 10th east section position. Club winners: Charlie Cameron wins Arbroath: I Scott wins Forfar: E Mann wins Gourdon:  M MacPherson wins Letham: W MacKnight wins Montrose and L McKay wins Inchcape. Points League: D J Liddle 164 points and D Glen 142points.  

Arbroath RPC

News from Kevin who informs me 1st, 2nd and 3rd places go to Charlie Cameron with the winner a blue bar yearling cock bred from a pair of Leon Messiaen stock birds introduced last year. Leon is a Belgium fancier that concentrates on the long distance national races especially Barcelona. Second bird is a blue bar yearling cock his sire is also a Leon Messiaen bred stock bird and his dam is ‘Little Dorrie’ who was 2nd section C 3rd open SNFC Reims in 2010. The 3rd bird is a dark chequer late bred hen bred from a pair of Ferdinand Malfait stock birds. Charlie won 59th, 133rd, 211th, 217th & 234th open in the SNFC well done Charlie. As a matter of interest his son Glen wins 1st section G 1st north section 300th open from the Maidstone national so well done Glen.  


News from Mark Finlay who forwarded the following ‘Hi Joe, Ayrshire fed had a come-back race from Appleby on the 14th June with a 10-45 am  liberation with 529 birds released into a light variable wind. Topping the federation for the second time this season on 1268 with his good 2 year old blue chequer hen is Scott Simpson of Annbank & District. Well done Scott on another great performance. In 2nd place with a yearling blue cock on 1259 is the ever consistent Eben Stewart of Mauchline & District club with 3rd place going to Ardeer HS most senior member Jimmy Dunn on 1240, that’s it for this week thanks Joe Mark’.

Central Federation

Broxburn & Uphall Pigeon Club result from Bernie Britton who writes, ‘Hi Joe our result from the Maidstone race has 1st & 3rd  places going to G MacKenzie with a blue bar yearling hen flown on roundabout breeding Mr & Mrs Kirkland. His 2nd pigeon is a 3 year old blue bar ‘Gabby’ hen flown on roundabout direct from M & D Evans bloodlines. In 2nd  place is John McNeil with a blue chequer yearling hen also flown on roundabout she is a granddaughter of ‘Sanny’s Memory’  her sire being a direct son he is also sire of 2nd open SNFC Reims plus other winners, the dam is a Busschaert stock hen dam of 2nd open SNFC Messac.   On a sad note Joe many years ago I went to Wales in October with Gunn & Cherrie the same as you did. We had a great weekend visiting the top lofts and we stayed with Ivor and Margaret Garland. I have just heard today that Margaret passed away and wonder if you can send all our heartfelt condolences to the family as you know Joe Margaret was a ‘Gem’ off a lady. Thanking you in anticipation yours Bernie’.

Fife Federation

Dunfermline news of the Maidstone race from Walker Kennedy who wrote ‘We had 6 members sending 40 birds to the national with the 1st over the ETS pad this week Eric Reid with a velocity of 1051  this 3 year  old blue cock was sent sitting eggs. In 2nd place is John Robertson with 3rd spot going to A McInnes. This turned out to be a ‘funny sort of race’ with lots of good pigeons failing to show.

Pentland Hills Federation

From the Maidstone race flown on Saturday 21st June 2014 the convoy were liberated at 06.30 with no wind at the liberation point.  Winning 1st federation open is the Danderhall partnership of Tam Nolan & Steven Farwell who timed their 2 year old cock that won. No details have been received as yet. The partnership is also 3rd and 9th open federation winning 19th 24th & 40th SNFC. Sammels & Lunn of Castlebrae in 2nd federation place and are 23rd open. Willie Kinnear & son Barry of Danderhall had a good race being 4th 6th & 8th federation winning 30th 33rd & 37th SNFC. McCormack & Fraser of Castlebrae are 5th with this yearling hen winning 31st open national. Yours truly Andy Millar of Sighthill club won 7th open 32nd SNFC with club-mate Ronnie Bremner in 10th federation 41st open SNFC.  

Dalzell club had 16 members sending 88 birds to Ingleton with the 1st prize going to Steven Selfridge on 1202 this was a Chic McGinty crossed Jan Aarden. 2nd is W McDonald with no information on their bird. 3rd place goes to King and Selfridge with a John Crosgrove bloodlines. Congratulations to Steven Selfridge who claimed top position in Lanarkshire federation, well done. From the Bedhampton race 5 members sent 27 birds taking the red card for the second week in succession is Steven Selfridge with a Hartog doing 929, he is also 3rd with an Ebony Aarden. In 2nd place is J Cassidy on 902 with a Jim Cullen pigeon.

Joe’s Joke

Barak Obama and David Cameron are shown a time machine which can see 100 years into the future. They both decide to test it by asking a question each.
Barak goes first. “What will the USA be like in 100 years’ time?”
The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action and gives him a printout, he reads it out
"The country is in good hands under the new president, crime is non-existent, There is no conflict, the economy is healthy. There are no worries.”
David thinks “It's not bad this time machine, I'll have a bit of that” so he asks:
“What will England be like in 100 years’ time?” The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action, and he gets a printout. But he just stares at it. Come on David” says Barak, “What does it say” David replies, “Buggered if I know! It's not in English!”

Unknown Numbers

Everyone gets these Unknown numbers phoning mostly at the wrong time so the next time you receive a call from a blocked or unknown number: Answer and whisper ‘It’s done, but there is blood everywhere’ THEN HANG UP.


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS at; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE.


©Compiled by Joe Murphy
