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Reports by Joe Murphy

My good friend Guy Reed has moved house on the Isle of Wight and has been in the process of building a new loft. He was lucky in the fact that he had a good week weather wise to get on with building it and last week he informed me that he has moved the birds into the new loft. They are taking their time to settle but hopefully they will soon be going in and out and he can maybe get some races under their belts prior to the BICC races later in the year. I have enclosed a couple of photographs of Guy’s new loft which looks very impressive and we wish him luck at his new address.

Above and below, Guy's new lofts.

Gentleman Fancier

A couple of weeks ago I wrote in my column about Tony Rigby losing his granddaughter Olivia’s white pigeon and if anyone could help out then to give Tony a ring. That night he received a phone call from auctioneer Tony Cowan of Southampton offering 2 white young pigeons for Olivia. Tony and Olivia are over the moon at this fantastic gesture by Tony Cowan and they have asked me to thank him. Seemingly Tony is an ardent reader of the column and like others enjoys the ‘jokes’. This was a very nice gesture to help Olivia out so well done to Tony Cowan on a true showing of ‘sportsmanship’.

Hawk Problems

Received a phone call from PJ Doheny from Co Kilkenny in Ireland who informed me that after reading my column regarding deterrents to stop the hawk attacks he said: ‘Joe I have tried them all: beacon lights, eagle owl CD, everything under the sun and none of them work. When a hen sparrow hawk is on the hunt then nothing will stop her.’ He then explained to me proof of this as he has lost quite a number of birds to these raptors over the years. PJ believes that now that the hen sparrowhawk is nesting the kills have decreased and even he can let his young birds out on an open bowl. However make no mistake about it when she comes hunting again then she will cause a lot of damage, so make hay while the time lasts, my thanks to PJ for his phone call and conversation. I also received an email from Bob Whalen from Michigan Detroit who wrote: ‘Hi Joe, I read your column all the time and would like to comment on your use of Strobe lighting as a deterrent for hawks. I first started using strobes in 2000 after seeing an article on Sampson Brothers’ website. They had just come back from China and they talked about the Chinese using strobes to help young birds home. After they were ranging, as the Chinese believed the birds could pick up the flash from a long distance away. I put up 3 strobes with the same idea and as I live in the country I noticed that my hawk strikes stopped and the hawks fly over without attacking the birds. I used 1 of the strobes on the landing board and one at each end of the loft about 6 feet above roof level. These are red or orange in colour and I only turn them on when the birds are out. I haven't raced for a few years but still have strobes and they DO WORK. Another idea is Canadian geese decoys. They are pretty big and if you put a few of these around your loft this is another deterrent. My friend had a cage with 2 live crows in it and this was kept on top of his loft and the crows alerted him when hawks were around. Hope this helps your readers Joe. Now for a little bit about myself. I grew up in Prestonpans and was an indentured apprentice electrician with the National Coal Board and I worked in the Klondyke in Newcraighall and also Preston Links. I left Scotland in 1964 when the pits were closing and miners were going to England. I knew all the old flyers - ‘Little’ from Port Seaton and Rosses and Hoggs from the Pans along with the Thompsons and Hasties. I now live 90 miles west of Detroit in Lansing, Michigan and still have pigeons. I mostly send birds out with partners to various races. Please excuse the typing as I’m a one finger typist who can’t punctuate a lot as I had a stroke on my left arm (I was left handed) and now I use my right hand. Take care and good luck. Yours Bob Whalen.’ My thanks to Bob for his email and it was quite interesting to see that the Chinese used the strobe lights all these years ago.


For the first race of the new season it was the same old story with the wind coming out of the east and the fog rolling in from the North Sea and visibility down to 150 yards. The weather forecasters had predicted a slight change for around lunch time and this is exactly what happened with the sun managing to come through but it was still cold in the east wind. Kevin phoned to inform me that his federation were liberated at 11.15 and I explained that the sun was out and shadows were showing on the grass from the trees in the next garden. Kevin said he could not see along the end of the street and he was glad he had only sent 9 hens to this first race. He phoned me back a couple of hours later to say that he had timed in 3 birds with his first 6 minutes in front of the others and this was his good hen ‘Lucky’.

Arbroath Homing Society: Kevin J Murphy won the race on a velocity of 1194 with Lucky and this is now the 5th time she has won the red card including 31st open SNFC Maidstone 392 miles against 4855 birds in 2013. Lucky’s sire it ‘Anthony’ bred by Johnstone and Lilleby of Barrow in Furness from their famous ‘40 cock’ winner of 3 x 1st Combines: 4 x 1st section NWGNFC plus many more prizes. The dam of Lucky is ‘Jenny’ bred by Adrian Duggan from his Leo Van Jijn her sire is a son of 1st/14.055bs; 1st/7.467bs. Jenny’s dam Queen 712 is the dam of 1st/17.537bs; 9th/5296bs; 19th/5.249bs; 13th/5.173bs; 13th/2.413bs and 28th/4.502 birds etc. Kevin was also 3rd club with a 2 year old blue hen bred by Lumsden & Corrigan from Stoneyburn unfortunately I cannot give any information on her breeding as I never received any pedigree. Charlie Cameron is second club with a 2 year old chequer cock his nest mate was 8th section C 31st open YB National 2012. Sire was bred from a pair from Len Downie birds that won minor position from Clermont and Alencon. Dam is a Ferdinand Malfait who had a minor position from Ypres.

Angus Federation held their first old bird race from Lauder on 26th April with 35 members sending 510 birds, liberated at 11-15am into a south to south east wind. The winners made light work of the fog hazard with the first 6 birds all doing over 1400 ypm with the Forfar club taking the first 20 in the federation result.  Topping the federation on 1463 is I Scott who is also 3rd 9th & 10th west section and open with D Smith in 2nd 5th & 6th section and open. David J Liddle is 4th in both section and open result with Macaulay/Ferguson/Curran in 7th place followed by Davie Glen in 8th section and open places. East Section was won by Kevin J Murphy of Arbroath who also takes 6th section, G McKenzie of Inchcape club is 2nd east section with Charlie Cameron of Arbroath in 3rd place; W MacKnight of Montrose is 4th, 9th & 10th east section with R Pace of the same club in 5th spot. Bill Dorward of Arbroath is 7th with B Main of Inchcape in 8th place.

Club Winners are as follows:

Arbroath K J Murphy: Forfar I Scott; Gourdon D & D Hay; Montrose W MacKnight; G McKenzie Inchcape and Letham no result.  Federation Points: I Scott 20: D Smith 19: D J Liddle 17. 

Forfar R.P.C. 12 members sent 282 birds to Lauder with the winner I Scott on 1463.5 with a blue cock flown on the roundabout, he is no stranger to the prize list as he has some previous minor prizes his bloodlines are Busschaert. 2nd is D Smith on 1462.6 with a red hen flown on the roundabout. This hen was bred when Dave was in partnership with the winner I Scott she too has some minor positions and is of Janssen breeding. 3rd place is I Scott again on 1415.2 with a black cock flown on the roundabout and taking the pool money. He is a very consistent pigeon, being timed in from Maidstone and Ypres in the past. He was bought from Charlie Bell in 2010 at the club Breeder/Buyer sale and is from Cattrysse bloodlines. The first pigeons seemed to make good time but a few empty boxes at the end of the day all the best Gavin Ferguson.


News from Mark Findlay who wrote ‘Hi Joe, my name is Mark Findlay and fly my pigeons in The Clyde Coast HS here in Ardrossan. If it's ok with yourself I would like to send you the Top 3 winning pigeons in Ayrshire from the Clyde Coast Homing Society: Ardeer HS in Stevenston who have formed a 3 bird championship club and again I would like to include their details to you. I always enjoy reading your article so it would be good for our members to get a wee bit of credit within your column.  The majority of the Ayrshire Federation members voted to fly the west route for season 2014. Our season was programmed to start on Saturday 19th April 2014 however due to poor training weather and in the best interest in the birds the federation committee cancelled the first race. On Saturday 26th April 2,353 birds were liberated from Dumfries at 12-45pm into a south east wind. Topping the federation is Andy Barbour of Dalry Homing Society his winner is a yearling blue bar hen that had three races as a young bird last year. She had 10 tosses prior to the first race and flown on the roundabout system she wins on a velocity of 1682.214.This hen is a Koopman crossed Rietvink with both sire and dam from Galaxy lofts so congratulations to Andy on a great start to his season. 2nd and 3rd places go to club mate Tom Smith who timed in 2 good yearlings in quick succession, well done Tom and good to see you back into your winning ways.

The new Cunningham 3 bird club consists of most of the members from Ardrossan: Clyde Coast HS and Stevenston & Ardeer HS. Our very first race was from Dumfries with 17 members sending and the very first winner in this new club is Lindsay Cowan of Clyde Coast HS. Lindsay timed a 6 year old blue hen with a velocity of 1655 this hen now has 2 x 1st and 4 x 2nd plus other numerous other minor cards at club and federation level. Lindsay wrote ‘She was bred by good friend Mark Findlay and is a full sister to Mark’s 2nd open Bovingdon winner from 2010’. As a matter of interest yours truly Mark Findlay was 2nd on 1419 with a red chequer yearling that won her 1st race last year as a natural youngster. Fellow Clyde Coast member Derek Kane was 3rd on velocity of 1389 this was Derek’s good 3 year old cock. This new club are hoping to have a presentation smoker at the end of the season and once I have the details I will let you know Joe, thanking you for adding us to your column yours in sport Mark Findlay.

Almond Valley Federation

News from Colin Bain on the Balerno club where 7 members sent 73 birds to Otterburn liberated into an east wind on Sunday 27th April at 10am, it was a bad day for the pigeons (really misty) as they were well strung out as you will see by the velocities. First prize goes to yours truly Colin Bain with a blue grizzel hen sitting 7 days she is a 3 year old bred by Chris McCann being Donaldson crossed Ellis and she is out of his stock loft she won with a velocity of 839. In 2nd place is G & J Fairley with a blue Staff Van Reet hen sitting 10 days on eggs her parents were bred by his brother from his Brockelhurst stock birds and it was doing a velocity 780 .512. In 3rd & 4th place is Colin Bain with a 2 year old dark chequer Staff Van Reet cock on widowhood he was doing a velocity of 780 155. Colin’s third pigeon was a 2 year old Staff Van Reet hen sitting 10 days on eggs doing 758 that’s it for another week Joe best wishes Colin’.

Fife Federation

Dunfermline Pigeon Club news from Walker Kennedy who writes ‘Hi Joe before I start my race report could I just say the members of the Fife Federation would like to thank the fanciers from out with the federation for donating a young bird for our breeder buyer sale which raised approximately £1800 so thank you once again to ALL these fanciers. Well Joe we had 10 members send 138 birds to Kelso and by a short margin John D Robertson come out on top with a velocity of 1737.76 Johns club mate Dan McNeely bred this bird for him so well done John. In 2nd place is Alex Bryce with a yearling chequer cock bred from Steve Gilbert from Burnley from his Wildermeersch family and his velocity was 1737.41 so you will see Joe it was a close shave. In 3rd & 4th place is the ‘Flying Sparky’ Alistair McInnes with his Pauw Janssen family. There was a few empty perches at nightfall after this race Joe hope you and the good lady are both fine yours Walker’. My thanks to Walker for his report and I hope his son David is feeling a bit better as he is just out of hospital after a major operation to have a disc out of his neck. Take it easy young man and leave the pigeon chores to the ‘Master’ (you will know who I mean).

Fife Federation of Homing Pigeon Societies

Held their first race from Kelso on Saturday 26th April with the membership sending 1626 birds, these were liberated at 08-55 hours in a south east wind. Top Ten in the federation are as follows; 1st J Robertson of Dunfermline 1737.7. 2nd A Bryce of Dunfermline 1737.4, 3rd A McInnes Dunfermline 1731, 4th A McInnes 1728, 5th J Hynd & son of Crossgates of 1697: 6th D McNealy Dunfermline 1633: 7th K Cochrane of Crossgates 1623. 8th J Hynd & Son 1616: 9th J Brockie Lochgelly 1603 and 10th M Honeyman Kennoway 1526.

Topping the west section is John Robertson of Dunfermline with a velocity of 1737.7 Alex Bryce of the same club is 2nd 6 yards behind the winner. A McInnes of the same club is 3rd & 4th with another Dunfermline member Dan McNeely in 6th spot. K Cochrane of Crossgates is 7th with Jock Hynd and Son Ian (federation race controller) in 8th spot.  Jock Brockie of Lochgelly club is 9th followed by Dougie Barnes of Crossgates with the last top tenth place going to G Anderson of Perth.

West section birdage: Crossgates 242, Dunfermline 150, Lochgelly 127

East section winner is Mook Honeyman of Kennoway with club mate Alan Cassidy in 2nd place. Jim & Gary Peggie of Methilhaven club are 3rd with Brian Chalmers of Kennoway in 4th place. Dave Brown of Leven is 5th 7th & 9th with Austin Whittaker of Methilhaven in 6th spot. Dave Davidson is 8th with Honeyman & Paige of Kennoway in 10th place.  

East section birdage: Kennoway 142, Leven 103, Methilhaven 127, St Andrews 100.

Centre Section winners are David & Archie & Willie Frew of Novar with club mate Jock King in second place. Brian Kinnear of Glenrothes and Leslie club continues where he left off last year by being 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th & 10th with club mates Turpie & McCord in 9th place.

Centre section birdage; Glenrothes & Leslie 149, Novar 126, Perth 184 Downfield Friendly Racing Pigeon Club sent 176 birds.

1st 2nd & 3rd are Ness & Kempton with 176. Donachie & Stewart are 4th 5th & 7th with A Donaldson of Downfield in 7th place. My thanks to Alex Wight for the above information

Central Federation

Broxburn & Uphall news from Bernie Britton who writes ‘From the Otterburn 2 race flown on 26th April 7 members sent 308 birds the convoy were liberated at 09-30 into a south east wind. First place goes to Gordon McKenzie with a dark chequer yearling cock on 2152 velocity he won the club last week flying on the roundabout system. Second is Gordon McKenzie again with a dark chequer yearling hen on 2149 she is from Mr & Mrs Geoff Kirkland also flying on roundabout. Third is John McNeill with a blue bar pied hen yearling on roundabout doing 2143 she is a grand-daughter of Sanny’s Memory. Her sire is an inbred son of ‘Sanny’s Memory’ while the dam was a gift from John Duthie from Dundee and she is a ½ of his 1st open SNFC Reims winner.

West Lothian Federation

Fauldhouse Homing Club result of the Gretna race flown on Saturday 19th of April with 23 members sending 431 birds with a flying home distance of between 62 to 66 miles to our lofts in West Lothian. The birds were liberated at 10am into a light east wind and it was generally thought that the West would get the first drop and that is what exactly happened with the first 10 positions all going to the west section lofts. Taking the first red card of the season goes to the partnership of Wilson & Mackie on 1363 with a2 year old Louella Koopman flying natural. 2nd & 4th is the Harthill loft of L & N Redmond on 1357 with 2 yearlings Van Loon cocks flying roundabout. 3rd is W Francis on 1352 with a yearling Vandenabeele flying natural. Most lofts had good returns at clock checking with a few birds missing however by Sunday most had made it home to fight another day.  Onwards to our next race from Appleby, we would like to wish Eddie Callaghan of Fallowhill a speedy recovery from his recent operation at Edinburgh  Royal Infirmary we all miss your banter already so get well soon mate, cheers Joe Daniel.

Dalzell FC

Had 23 members sending 553 birds, with the winner going to the loft of O & J McFadden with a velocity of 1923.842 with one of their Ray Lander Busschaert this is the same bird that won the race last week. They are also 2nd on 1922.564 again with a Ray Lander in fact it is nest mate to the winner. 3rd place is J Cassidy on 1899.781 with a Cullen crossed Cormack.
From the next race 22 members sent 436 birds with 1st place going to O & J McFadden on 1715 with a Ray Lander Busschaert. 2nd place is yours truly Joe Boyle on 1696 with a Staff Van Reet bred from Karen Newcombe. 3rd are Brown & McKeon on 1689 with a Luc van Hoecke gifted bird from John Smith of Fife. Congratulations to all the winners yours Joe Boyle.

Joe’s Joke

A farmer stopped by the local mechanic's shop to have his truck fixed. They couldn't do it while he waited, so he said he didn't live far and would just walk home. On the way home he stopped at the hardware shop and bought a bucket and a gallon of paint. He then stopped at a feed store and picked up a couple of chickens and a goose. However, struggling outside the store, he now had a problem - how to carry his entire purchases home.   

While he was scratching his head he was approached by a little old lady who told him she was lost. She asked, "Can you tell me how to get to 1603 Mockingbird Lane?" The farmer said, "Well, as a matter of fact, my farm is very close to that house. I would walk you there but I can't carry this lot."

The old lady suggested, "Why don't you put the can of paint in the bucket, carry the bucket in one hand, put a chicken under each arm and carry the goose in your other hand?" "Why thank you very much," he said and proceeded to walk the old girl home. On the way he says "Let's take my short cut and go down this alley. We'll be there in no time." 

The little old lady looked him over cautiously then said, "I am a lonely widow without a husband to defend me. How do I know that when we get in the alley you won't hold me up against the wall, pull up my skirt, and have your way with me?"  The farmer said, "Holy smoke lady! I'm carrying a bucket, a gallon of paint, two chickens, and a goose. How in the world could I possibly hold you up against the wall and do that?"

The old lady replied, "Set the goose down, cover him with the bucket, put the paint on top of the bucket, and I'll hold the chickens."


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS at;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto  and Steve New Kid on the Block at who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland.

© Compiled by Joe Murphy
