I was very saddened to receive a phone call from my good friend and Pyrford club secretary, Christine Lomax, to inform me of the passing of Alan Tullett on Tuesday 15th August at the age of 87. Everyone who knew Alan were aware of what lovely man he was and the tremendous amount of good work he put in the pigeon racing sport over many years. He was a pasted president of the Pyrford and Guildford clubs for many years and did so much good work for both clubs and the Three Borders Federation. Alan was an outstanding pigeon racer and liked his racing from France. He only kept a small team of natural racers and won many premier positions in the Federation, Combine and Nationals over many years. His trade and work was an engraver and he ran his own trophy shop in Pyrford, supplying all the local sports organisations with their trophies. I have known Alan for 50 years and first time I met his lovely wife, Trish, was many years ago when I fitted a new kitchen for them in their house in Pyrford. Alan was a good friend of the late Roy Bishop, the editor of the Pigeon Racing ‘Gazzette’, which was based at Weybridge and he wrote several articles for them in the 1980’s. Alan and Trish have two children, Ian and Paula, and their son, Ian was an outstanding athlete, competing in pole vaulter for England many times and when Ian was young, Alan dedicated a lot of his time to taking his son to meeting so he could compete and further his talent. Ian’s wife was also a top athlete and ran for Wales in the Olympics. Our sincere condolences to Trish and the Tullett family at this very sad time. Alan Tullett RIP.
Keith Mott (August 2023)