I've had the great pleasure of writing in the pigeon fancy press for just over 50 years and in that time I have visited most of the premier lofts in the United Kingdom. I think it's fair to say that I have handled and inspected more National, Classic and Combine winners, than most fanciers. A premier fancier recently asked me for my top ten pigeons that I have come across in my 50 years visiting premier lofts in the UK and on the Continent. A very hard request to fulfil! I went through thousands of pigeon photographs in my archive files and came up with nearly 80 ‘once in a life time’ champion pigeons. There is probably more in there, but as always, Keith has done his best! This request inspired me to write about some of these great pigeon, so in the coming weeks we are going to feature my ‘Stories of the Champions’, which will feature pictures and the short stories of the history behind the best of the champion pigeons that I have come in contact with in my time in the sport. Over the coming weeks we are featuring the very best of long distance and sprint and one article on world class breeders. I have lined them up in no particular order or preference, as I do not want to offend anybody and I hope my readers enjoy my choices!
CH. ‘BRIAN’S BLUE’ – Brian & Thelma Denney of Strensall.
I first visited Brian and Thelma Denney in 1999 when I went to the Yorkshire loft to video ‘Mr Long Distance’ for my ‘Many Miles with Mott’ video series and since then we have met up at the BHW Blackpool Show every year, and I keep saying, ‘I will pop up and see you both this summer’. Well ten years had flown by and I still had not been back to Strensall, but in late April 2009, Peter Taylor and I ‘bit the bullet’ and headed north armed with my pigeon photography box and a battery of cameras, including the video units. The weather was brilliant and the thought of looking at one of the best long distance lofts of pigeon in the sport excited me and Peter! After some tea and a chat on the Denney’s patio, we had a look at all of his then current ‘Bri-Den’ 750 mile champions. What a great day we had!
Brian had put up another fantastic performance in the 2008 NFC Tarbes Grand National and had clocked his blue widowhood cock, ‘Brian’s Blue’, on the day of liberation, flying 748 miles, and recording 1st sect K, 61st open (4045 birds). This champion pigeon was clocked just after 22.00 hrs on the day, flying 16 hours 15 minutes and I believe, at that time was the furthest flying pigeon clocked on the day ever in a NFC race. ‘Brian’s Blue’ won 1st RPRA Region Long Distance Award and 1st RPRA UK Long Distance Champion for his brilliant performance from Tarbes in the 2008 season. A wonderful performance, too follow Brian’s brilliant 2007 NFC Tarbes performance when he recorded several premier positions in the open result, including 1st sect. K, 5th open. Brian recorded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sect K. (240 birds) in the 2008 race. ‘Brian’s Blue’ was bred down on both sides of his pedigree from Brian’s champion Pau National hen, ‘Blue Pau’, who was also a wonderful breeder. The dam of Champion ‘Brian’s Blue’ was ‘Foxwarren Pretender’ bred by Keith & Betty Mott at ‘Foxwarren Lofts’ and she flew the English Channel twice as a young birds, recording 4th club Guernsey and then as a yearling flew Bergerac (455 miles) on the day of liberation to win 151st open L&SECC. ‘Pretender’s’ nest sister, ‘Betty M’, was gifted to Brian Denney out of the nest and she bred several top performers for the Strensall loft including: ‘Elton’ winner of 30th, 182nd open NFC Tarbes ( 748 miles) and ‘Class Blue’ winner of 2nd section K NFC Fougeres. ‘Foxwarren Pretender’ was loaded to Brian for a season when she bred Champion ‘Brian’s Blue’ and she was a half-sister to our champion racing and breeding hen, ‘Foxwarren Complete’, with both being a daughters of ‘Pathfinder’ who was bred by Brian Denney out of the wonderful racing and breeding hen, ‘Blue Pau’. Brian’s third pigeon home from the NFC Tarbes race in the 2009 season to record 3rd section K, 12th open was the four year old blue cock, ‘Blue Boy’, and he is a son of Champion ‘Brian’s Blue’, winner of 1st RPRA UK Long Distance Champion in 2008 when mated to ‘Class Blue’, winner of 2nd section K NFC Fougeres (394 miles). What can I say about my ol’ mate, Brian, that I haven’t said before? A great friend and one of our greatest long distance champions of all time, putting up brilliant performance in the major National races every year! Brian and Thelma are two of the nicest people we’ve ever met in our time in pigeon racing!
CH. ‘NORTH STAR’ – David Impett of Blackpool.
In January, while in Blackpool for the B.H.W. ‘Show of the Year’, I had the good fortune to visit the long distance loft of David Impett, who I have known for some 20 years, originally through our mutual friendship with Eric Cannon. Dave is a dedicated long distance fancier and in recent seasons has put up some wonderful performances, with his Jan Aarden based, Brugeman Brothers of Holland pigeons. Dave has put up some brilliant performances in the National Flying Club in recent seasons and since 2005 he has won 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 6th, 8th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 18th Section L, 12th, 13th, 19th, 59th, 62nd, 66th, 97th, 118th, 149th, 174th, 177th, 267th, 273rd,373rd open Tarbes (748 miles), 1st Section L. Alencon, 8th, 14th, 16th, 20th Section L. Saintes (571 miles), 10th, 19th Section L. Angers, 12th Section L. Bordeaux, 13th Section L. Herstal. Many premier trophies have won over the years including: ‘Lancashire Rose Trophy’ for best average Section L, ‘Roy Gough Trophy’ best individual pigeon Section L, ‘The Burton Trophy’ first bird in to Lancashire and Merseyside (won twice), ‘Best Average in Section L. from Tarbes’ and several RPRA and Meritorious Awards have been won. A fantastic achievement in long distance pigeon racing!
The Blackpool loft has housed many champion long distance racers in recent years and one of Dave’s best was ‘North Star’ his fantastic blue pied hen, winner of 6th section L, 62nd open NFC Tarbes, flying 748 miles in to Blackpool and being clocked on the day of liberation. She was beaten by Brian Denney’s great champion, ‘Brian’s Blue’, that day from Tarbes and both pigeons were flying 748 miles. As a young bird in 2005, ‘North Star’ recorded 184th open NFC Fougeres, being clocked at nearly 400 miles on the day of liberation and later won 16th section L NFC Angers. What a fantastic performance, being clocked from nearly 400 miles on the day as a young bird and then to go on and being clocked on the day of liberation from Tarbes (748 miles). This wonderful hen is now breeding her like in the stock loft and is the grand dam of Frank and George Bristow’s 2014 1st open MNFC ‘Blue Riband’ Bordeaux race winner, ‘Brigitte Bordeaux’. The champion racing and breeding hen.
‘CHAMP SEVENTY SEVEN’ – Lewis & Angela Milne of Doncaster.
After the fantastic performances put up by their wonderful Gaby Vandenabeele cock, ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ in the 2013 season, Lewis and Angela Milne decided to race him on for one more season before retiring him to the stock loft. With the 2014 season being choker with hard National races in dominate northern and easterly wind, this could have been a bad decision, but the ‘Champ’ came out on top, flying well over 400 miles on the day three times, and scoring in four National races. He scored well up in the NFC Carentan National (9,317 birds) and the MNFC Ancenis National (4,670 birds), but his best positions were: 6th section, 51st open NFC Cholet (6,946 birds), flying 452 miles on the day of liberation, and 32nd section, 595th open NFC Messac (6,352 birds), flying just over 400 miles on the day. The husband and wife partnership have now retired ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ to the stock loft and Lewis tells me, he gifted a 2013 youngster, ‘36259’, out of the ‘Champ’ to his friend, Nial Bolker of Doncaster, and it has won this season: 1st club, 2nd Federation La Mans (495 birds), 1st club (257 birds), 29th Federation (2,065 birds) Buckingham, 1st club La Mans (57 birds). Lewis says ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ has bred other Federation topper from France this season and now he is retired to the stock loft, he hopes he will breed him a new dynasty of winning pigeons. A wonderful champion!
I quite often have very interesting conversations with Mark and Dick Evans of Whitley Bridge, who are world famous for their wonderful racing performances and breeding of the Gaby Vandenabeele pigeons. I was talking to Dick on the phone a few months ago and he was telling me about the success Lewis and Angela Milne of Sutton, near Doncaster, have enjoyed with one of their Gaby Vandenabeele pigeons. I have always thought of the Vandenabeele pigeons being brilliant between 100 and 400 miles, but Lewis and Angela won 1st North Section, 3rd Open MNFC Bordeaux ‘Blue Riband’ National in 2013. The partner’s section winner, ‘Champ Seventy Seven’, was their single entry in to the Bordeaux National and was bred by Mark & Dick Evans from ‘Calvin’ and ‘Cosmic Girl’, the 1st Up North Combine winner. ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ and his nest brother were purchased by the Milnes at the Mr. & Mrs. Crossley clearance sale and were broken pigeons to the loft at Doncaster. Dick Evans tells me, it has been confirmed that the partners Bordeaux National performance is a new 600 mile record, with ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ recording a velocity of 1685ym, flying 602 miles. This is the highest velocity recorded by a pigeon flying over 600 miles and the previous record was set by Dr. Tresidder in 1931! A fantastic performance! ‘Champ Seventy Seven’ is a champion in the truest sense of the word, having won many other premier positions before his Bordeaux record breaking performance including: 2011: 10th section, 17th open MNFC Chale (4080 birds), 69th section, 164th open MNFC Carentan (3949 birds): 2012: 221st section, 1544th open MNFC Vire (4756 birds), just three weeks after being broken in to Lewis’ loft: 2013: 98th section, 571st open MNFC Ancenis (5510 birds), 1st section, 3rd open MNFC Bordeaux (1352 birds), New British record holder for fastest velocity flying over 600 miles, 2nd open Great Yorkshire Combine Bordeaux, RPRA South Yorkshire & Derbyshire Region Award for best all round performance, 3rd National ‘ace bird’ Long Distance MNFC North Section. Plus other prizes in the club and Federation. A wonderful pigeon! His nest brother is the blue cock, ‘Super Seventy Six’, and he has also been an outstanding racer foe Lewis, winning: 4th Federation, 33rd section, 125th open National (4,379 birds), 65th section, 150th open National (3,949 birds), 376th section, 2,418th open National (6,861 birds). A fantastic nest pair of Gaby Vandenabeele racers!
CH. ‘UNIQUE’ – Balici Pavel of Romania.
Dorin Melinte started racing in the Harrow club with young birds in 2012 and won his first race that season. His first racing saw him with several premier positions, including 28th, 37th open NFC Fougeres (4,350 birds). His original Riley pigeons have won from all distances from the outset for the Melinte loft, including: three times 1st Federation and 1st Combine La Mans in the 2013 season, and 1st, 2nd section BICC Perpignan International. Dorin has become very interested in the long distance races from the south of France and northern Spain and says this new interest has made him aware of great fanciers like Mark Gilbert, who performances in the National and Classic races are ‘World’ class. Dorin only owns five stock birds and with the sole purpose of enhancing his long distance family, he recently purchased Champion ‘Unique’ from Balici Pavel in Romania. This fantastic cock is a history maker in Romania, being the only bird to fly Berlin (600 miles plus) five times and score five times, including 6th open in 1009. In the 2012 season ‘Unique’ flew Berlin twice in the same season to win 9th open National (3.900 birds) and three weeks later 37th International (350 birds). This great cock is proving to be a ‘gold mine’ at stock already, producing good racers for the Melinte loft including, ‘Unique Junior’, winner of 10th section, 21st open BICC Agen (514 miles) as a yearling in 2014. Dorin also purchased a hen that had flown Berlin twice in the 2012 season and she recorded 17th open. Champion ‘Unique’ the Romanian history maker!
CH. ‘CULMER GOLD' – Eric & Pat Cannon of Godalming.
This great old cock must have rate as one of the greatest long distance racers in the world when he was alive by recording 1st club, 2nd Surrey Federation, 9th open SMT Combine Niort (340 miles); 1st club, 3rd Surrey Federation, 11th open S.M.T. Combine Bergerac (440 miles); 21st, 70th, 83rd, 103rd, 111th open Pau NFC (540 miles) winning the NFC Pau Merit Award and in one season recorded 163rd open Nantes NFC to win the best average from Nantes and Pau in the NFC. 'Culmer Gold' was sired by blue cock '40799' who was one of Eric's premier stock cocks in the 1980's and he was full brother to the champion blue cock, 'Culmer Lad' who flew Pau ten times and was in the Pau NFC results eight times to record 22nd, 37th, 227th, 346th, 373rd, 467th, 614th, 761st. open Pau NFC (540 miles). 'Culmer Lad' also scored in two other NFC races, putting ten national positions to his name, and was also an outstanding breeding pigeon, being the sire of several premier long distance pigeons and grandsire of 'Culmer Belle', winner of 4th, 76th, 131st, 428th open Pau NFC. ‘Culmer Lad’ and ‘40799’ were both sons of Eric's first of his four NFC Pau Merit Award winners, champion 'Culmer Lady' and this great hen recorded 26th, 27th, 48th, 135th, 140th open Pau NFC. 'Culmer Lady' was also a champion breeding hen and was the grand dam of 'Culmer Gold'. The great ‘Culmer Gold’ was rated by many as Eric Cannon best ever champion, but he was certainly one of Eric’s favorites. He was always flying up on to Eric’s hand for a tit-bit! Over the years many premier winners have been reported through the ‘Culmer Gold’ line, including 1st open NFC Saintes and 1st Amalgamation Bourges (580 miles). ‘Culmer Gold’ one of the best that I have had the privilege to handle!
We have finished our first ‘Stories of the Champions’ with one my favorites, the great ‘Culmer Gold’! Next time we are going to feature five premier sprinters, including two of the best ever, ‘Super Lou’ and ‘Filmstar’. I can be contacted with any pigeon ‘banter’ on telephone number: 07535 484584 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TEXT & PHOTOS BY KEITH MOTT (www.keithmott.com)