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L J Parkinson - 11-07-24

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L J Parkinson

Going back 2/3yrs ago I had a few conversations with Geoff Bebbington about central marking for clubs. This was based on the membership dropping so much and not enough members to do the work and cover the markers and clubs under RPRA guidance. The problem is if that happens how many fanciers will not want to travel and pack up altogether. I do know there are clubs where fanciers have as much as a 30min drive to mark their birds, I know that for a fact because I was down in Essex when one fancier took me with his to put the club birds through. I heard there was something on Facebook, (You know the site where so much ill feeling arises) about going to other marking stations within the same fed and the word “Cheating” was used. There are good fanciers who don’t need to cheat to win, which can cause jealousy. On the other hand, if you do need to cheat to win you should not be in any competitive competitions. However, I do think central marking needs to become part of the everyday workings of pigeon racing. If that starts to happen there will no doubt be discussions of where that will happen for federations, is bound to cause heavy discussions regarding where they would be marked. Even so I still think it needs to happen because there are clubs where there are too few members to make it tick over in a sensible way. We are fortunate at Middlewich because we have 3 clubs marking so there are always more than enough fanciers there to do the work and there’s a good atmosphere. It all works like clockwork, plus Middlewich is the NWCC marking station, where I have heard good reports about efficiency, on race nights.


I am always prepared to listen and if necessary, change my mind about what is happening in the sport. When I look at a result, I don’t always think the winner is the best pigeon on the day. A few weeks ago, I was looking at a fed result and thought, that was a good pigeon over there when the wind was against them. I mentioned this to a very good fancier who went on to say that on the day of that race the birds were almost stopped by a cloud passing over the line of flight. This slowed the leaders down and most pigeons were on par with each other and that was the reason the pigeons were spread out across the fed. I never thought of it that way but when I look at the results I will do in the future because what the fancier said was correct and I could see what he was getting at, we learn something every day.

North West Classic

This was a slightly better send than the previous race for the club with 301 birds being entered by 40 members. The birds were liberated at 6.45 am into a light north northeast wind with blue skies at site and birds have cleared well. There was £2,575 paid out in prizes and pool money.

1st 2nd 3rd section A and open G Holker & Sons, the Swinton team who race a good pigeon wherever they go and, in this race recorded vels of 1434/1433 (2)ypm, collect £932. The pigeons are based on the following, 1st - Heremans Ceuster/Best Kittel. 2nd - Gust Jansen/Herman's Ceuster. 3rd - From Double National Winner Max/Jeff Keesmaker Belgium. The loft system is all pigeons are flown on the roundabout system and race both cocks and hens. All birds are fed a breakfast of race diet and are given Beyers sport as the main meal. Additions to water, the race birds are given Tolomans Forte twice each week. Training for the race birds exercise twice a day round the loft and are given a 25-mile toss once a week.

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Anthony Holker

4th open and section with a vel of 1421ypm goes to Stephen Turnock from Stoke on Trent who does well in this club and this week collects £310.The first to the loft is out of Stephen’s good grizzle cock who topped the North Staffs Fed and a hen from Robert’s Bro of Packmoore. He has had 3 x 1sts this year and has not been across the water before. He is raced on the roundabout system.

s turnock guernsey 2 4th 11 07 24a

Stephen Turnock

5th & 8th Open and 5th 8th section A go to P & L Brennen from Oldham clocked up 1417/1400ypm to win £179.75.

6th open and section go to Slavek Tomczak of Macclesfield with a vel of 1411ypm. Slavek sent 25 pigeons to this NWCC (2) Guernsey race and 18 arrived on the day. The first pigeon is a yearling cock he calls "Blue Spot" his sire is blue Bosma cock off Ray Lunt, while the dam is a Chequer Leo Heremans hen off Curtis Wall Lunt’s top hen. The system used is a form of widowhood/roundabout. Feeding is Vanrobaeys and Versela Laga corn from Roger Sutton’s Astbury Pigeon Supplies. They have clear water nothing is added before the race. This is the same cock that was clocked the week before with the NWCC race and been first in loft the club race from Cheltenham.

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7th open and section A is another fine performance for Brian Lee of Congleton on 1404ypm collecting £65. This is the same pigeon that Brian clocked in the last NWCC race and is another of the Congleton fanciers who are regulars in the Classic prize list and in this race clocked one out of the John Corris stock. The sire is from Philip Boal and is off a brother to Koletje 1st National winning son of Kanon. The dam of the sire is Perfect Light winner of, 1st NIPA 26,000 birds, 1st NIPA 11,000 bird’s 9th NIPA 26,000 birds and is an RPRA Award winner. Perfect Light is a direct daughter of the excellent Young Bobby 3 x 1sts section winner. The dam is also a top pigeon, being a direct daughter of the Superkoppel which makes her a sister to many winners. Such as, Olympic Marjolein 1st Gennep 14,228 birds. 3rd Deurne 12,469 birds. 1st best sprint ranking.

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Brian Lee

9th open and section A go to J Wood & Son from Oldham with a vel of 1399ypm.

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J Wood & Son

10th Open 1st 2nd 3rd section C are all won by Mr & Mrs D W Cox over at Warrington who clocked a 4yo cock off their Leo Sylvester family. This was a good performance as they clocked two in the first 18 on the result. To me what was good about this result is 16 of the first 18 are all in section A and they are section C which is a good way across country.

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Mr & Mrs Cox

1st & 2nd section B are won by Graham Mackay from Swinton clocking a 4yo and 2yo on the same yard 1382ypm.

graham mackay nwcc 11 07 24a

Graham Mackay


Starting with the Mid Cheshire Fed who were at Mangotsfield when 62 members entered 886 birds that were liberated at 10am in a light west south west wind. Leading the way are Mr & Mrs Carl Hickman racing with the Acton Bridge club ending the day with 1st & 3rd club, 1st north section, the first being a 2yo on 1633ypm being split by Eric Taylor 2nd club 18th fed on 1602ypm with a yearling. Wrinehill HS saw Mr Mrs Nigel Shaw come in with 1st club 1st South section 2nd fed after clocking a yearling on 1631ypm. J & B Oakley are 2nd 3rd 4th club 7th 12th 16th fed recording vels of, 1616/1610/1605ypm. Unusual but Ray Lunt from the Lymm FC was beaten into 3rd place with his team of yearlings collecting 1st 2nd 3rd 5th club 3rd 4th 5th 14th fed clocking up 1622 (2) 1621/1609ypm. Andy Roberts from the same club is 4th & 6th club 6th 17th Fed also with two yearlings on 1618/1602ypm. 1st 2nd 3rd club 8th 10th 11th over at St Helens are Arnold & Johnson with three yearlings on 1616/1615/1614ypm. The Arnold & Johnson partnership are also 1st Earlestown 9th Fed on 1615ypm with fellow club members at Rayds loft are 2nd & 3rd club on 1588/1581ypm. In the Middlewich FC Mark Smith continues his winning ways picking up another 1st prize after seeing home a yearling blue cock on 1610ypm that ends up 13th fed. Les Parkinson & Elizabeth Wilkinson are 2nd club 19th fed with a yearling blue w/f cock on 1600ypm. I was lucky on this one because Ebony Crowley’s “Hibbert” dark pied cock was there well before mine but decided to do a few laps of honor and prance along the landing board. When he was showing off one of mine dropped beside it and straight through the trap leaving Ebony to end up 3rd club 21st fed on 1596ypm. Sankey Bridge HS sees I Hill 1st & 3rd club on 1608/1591ypm with two yearlings with Steve Cooke coming in between with 2nd club 20th fed on 1599ypm. In the Halmerend FC P & E Mainwaring are 1st & 3rd club on  1589/1527ypm. Leigh & Atherton HS had a clos finish with the first three all on 1574ypm. They are Brian Vout 1574.77ypm, Jim Chadwick 1574.71ypm and Simon Kennedy 1574.39ypm. Meanwhile over in the Rudheath WMHS Dave Lowe keeps up his good run securing the top spot n 1558ypm. AJ Thornley is next on the list with a vel of 1546ypm followed by Gary Hodgkinson on 1543ypm. The South West Cheshire Fed were also at Mangotsfield when 40 members entered 389 birds to be liberated at 14.30pm in a strong west wind. The top 5 positions go to Greenbank members Turner & Son on 1485 (2) 1484 (2) 1483ypm with 3 2yo and 2 yearlings. Crewe West End winners Mr & Mrs Richard Young are 1st club 6th fed on 1481 after seeing home a 4yo. Bob Humphries has raced a good pigeon since he started and in this race is 2nd club 16th fed after clocking a yearling on 1411ypm. Steve Parkinson is 3rd club on 1395ypm ahead of Dave & Baz Mellor 4th with a yearling on 1392ypm. In the Hankelow FC Mr & Mrs Nigel Shaw are 1st club 7th fed recording a vel of 1475ypm. Joe Glover is 2nd 3rd 5th club 9th 10th 14th fed on 1437/1435/1422ypm adding a few more prizes to the long list he already has. 4th club is Jimmy Smith the main helper with Joe Glover, Jim clocked on 1423ypm. Frank Speed is 6th club 18th fed on 1404ypm after seeing home a yearling. 1st club 8th fed in the Middlewich FC go to the inform loft of Mark Smith who is taking some beating this year. Mark was telling me that he is going to get his young birds going earlier this year and not miss the Bamfords race, which he has done in the past. 2nd & 3rd club 12th & 15th Fed with two yearlings on 1426/1419ypm are Les Parkinson & Elizabeth Wilkinson from Elimar lofts. First in the clock is a blue cock bred by Alan Mann and is a g-s of “Supersonic Mike” and an inbred g-d of “Expensive Kittel” while the other is from the Curtis-Wall-Lunt stock and bred by our mate Slav in Macclesfield. 4th club 17th fed goes to Jones Bros & Karen Jones on 1404ypm. 5th club 20th fed goes to Peter & Dawn Latham on 1400ypm with another yearling. 1st 2nd 4th club are all won by C&A&C Jones from the Winsford HS recoding vels of 1431/1403/1359ypm. Richard Ormandy is 3rd club with a vel of 1370ypm. In the Duddon PFC KW Walker & Sons top the list plus being 3rd & 4th recording vels of 1364/1351/1350ypm being split by K & K Rowland with a vel of 1353ypm.That leaves the Halmerend FC where N&S Harvey top the list on 1387ypm with D & P Whitefield putting two on the list in 2nd & 4th places with vels of 1377/1366ypm with coming in between are Mainwaring & Simpkin with a vel of 1375ypm.

Les Parkinson. 11 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 0NJ.
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