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A few weeks ago I moved some of the stock birds from the main stock loft as part of finishing having them in the garden here at Elimar. When they are in the stock loft they don’t get as much attention as the rest so when I moved them they were a bit wary of being in the new loft. But after a couple of weeks and me working on the basis of “You don’t get fed until you eat out of my hand theory” they soon realised which side of the bread the butter was on and with the exception of three they knew that their breakfast was in my hand. If you work on that basis with young birds they are soon on your side and don’t forget plus the fact that I am confident in saying that they are even happier at home. When you look at most of the best pigeons in the loft throughout your lifetime you will find that the vast majority will come to you or are prepared to put up with you more than the rest. There are always going to be the exception to the rule, one of my best pigeons ever “Joe 90” was like that, no matter what he did not want to be handled and we lost time on many a race but he still won a prize or two. These are the type of pigeon you have and think “If only I had a handful of those” yes that word “If” my dad had a saying about that whenever we used the word “If the dog hadn’t stopped to s__t he’d  have caught the hare” Dad came from Shropshire and he was full of those little remarks. 

Nantwich Show

We took a day off and went to the Nantwich show which is quite a big one day agricultural show that has been going since before my time. There is a pigeon show held in one of the marquees and this year saw a record entry of 261, I am only giving a brief rundown because Phil Chesters is covering the event. I was talking to organiser Dave Windsor who works hard to make the show work and it does look as if it is being supported more and more. The first time I went to this show I remember the late Kenny Evans driving onto the showground with his pigeons and that was some years ago. In the show classes we walked round and before I knew who’s a pigeon was I pointed too it and said what a nice pigeon it was, turned out to be one of Bill Carney’s entries and it was one of his three winner’s on the day. I was always told by the late Jack Bate from Sandbach that when you walk into judge a class of pigeons you can see your winner. The more you walk around the more you get lost and lose focus on what you have gone to do and that is select what you think is the best in the show. The racing class winners were D&B Jones in the OC’s class who were also BIS and had a few cards, I was told that they were good winners last year as well. As well as winning one class they were second in two others. OH’s went to Ken & Mike Lamb and also BOS. S Warburton won the YC’s and GO Jones the YH’s. There was a total payout of £350 so a bit to go towards racing in the coming weeks for some. Thanks also go to Sponsors Osmonds of Whitchurch and judges for the day John & Ben Oakley also from Whitchurch. Well done to all who worked or entered the show whether you were a winner or not you put our feathered friends on show and more importantly for thousands of visitors to see.   


Are ongoing problems for fanciers and there is always a comment to make somewhere along the line. I have had a couple of pigeons this year that have gone missing and then turned up in immaculate condition so I know they have not been far away. The latest to turn up as if she has been prepared for the show pen is a blue hen that we bought in the Mid Cheshire breeder/buyer and bred by Frank Beck. She is wing stamped so wherever she has been anyone will know where she should be, I will keep her in a couple of days and whether she will stay when she goes out we will have to wait and see. Remember the mealy cock that I mentioned a few months ago, not seen him again since. While on the subject of strays I would like to thank Mr Marshall from Stourport on Seven for looking after a blue cock that had dropped into his loft from the disastrous Niort race. The gentleman got the pigeon right and had it liberated near Derby and he then came home under his own steam. I did say I would get the pigeon collected but Mr Marshall said he would get the pigeon right so that there was no cost involved, he did and he came home.

Last OB Race

It has been mentioned many times about the Niort race and what a disaster it was and there have since been many stories about the way the pigeons have been returning. I had a call from Joe Glover about his entries and how they returned home in fact it made Joe wonder how that actually got home with the damage to their bodies. The first home was a red cock on his 4th channel race of the year, this Jan Theelan was bred from the Ian Axe stock that have done well for Joe over the years. When he arrived home he looked as if he had been shot and had a2inch wide hole in his chest. The blood was dried into his feathers so Joe suspects that this was done on the Saturday. The next to arrive is the sire of the winner so again a Jan Theelan. When he came and landed on the brick building Joe thought it was a stray because he stayed there for 40mins and was really distressed. One week later Joe had his third arrival and this one was badly hawked with part of his wing missing. Then the following morning his very good hen arrived. On the Friday morning a good cock came and again he had been hawked with no tail and his back marked. On the Saturday evening another arrived on the loft and that one had also been hawked. The first looked as if it had been shot and three others badly hawked and it makes you wonder why we pigeon fanciers keep going. The way these pigeons returned is much the same way as myself and other fanciers have experienced. What has crossed my mind is why the pigeons from the longest club race Niort have returned and not the ones from the first two channel races.

First YB Race

Well the first young bird race is under the belt for our babies and what a good day it turned out to be for them. The officials did a good job and got them out at 7am with the first to our loft being 1hr 19mins and he came back out of the North East with the next two coming straight up Chadwick Road which is running near East to West. I have to say these young birds came back with no signs of stress on the first race and they were not panting which was pleasing to see, Ron Woodward called and he said how well they were looking as they arrived. I was pleased with them having 22 of the 23 drop in good time so as the saying goes, they live to fight another day. I know there was a rumour circulating in the morning of the first young bird race that the pigeons had not been watered but I could not see that happening. Malcolm Hewitt took the birds to Worcester on Tommy Gerard’s small transporter and we all know how well he looks after the pigeons. Anyway if they had not been watered they did not show signs of it but I doubt that was right anyway just another rumour started for someone’s advantage that was not correct in the first place. While it was fresh in my mind I was asking those who called how their pigeons had returned and all who I spoke to were happy. What is noticeable with the early young bird races is you don’t see them going in all directions as we did years ago I put that down to better preparation and even more training plus the birds being conditioned with their minds on the job. In other words in the early young birds races they are not looking as lost as they used to do 20 or so years ago. I know there has been concern over the birds being picked up on a trailer for the Mid Cheshire fed but I see that as no problem even if they are transferred to a transporter to go down to the race point. I remember years ago when we were always being transferred from one wagon to another and plenty of comments were made but nothing was said in those days. Transporters meeting up on motorway services so that they sent the least number of vehicles to the race point to save costs. Yes we are in a different era now and it is not one that is better than before. The reason I say that is because over the last 20 years or so there are too many new organisations registered just because someone could not win a race or two. These are the organisations that have caused the problems for transportation in the first place by reducing the numbers of clubs and therefore birds to be sent and then costs go up.     



A few weeks ago I included some photos of unusual pigeons mostly from Willi Theile and there was always going to be something else coming up. Jack from Doncaster sent me a photo of one such pigeon he bred in 2009 off a red pied hen & blue chequer cock, sadly it died last year. Jack went on to say he never raced him because he was so unusual, I wonder why he died so young.

A double coloured pigeon


I had a call from Dave Dickenson who was telling me that he had a Ferret or stoat in his loft that saw off most of his young bird team. Dave was distraught when he phoned to tell me what had happened and he was not sure how he would go on because those left were not happy in the loft. I remember Nigel Shaw having a similar thing happen to him in his stock loft a number of years ago when his stock cocks were wiped out. Like anything else that happens, once it is done you have to carry on and go forward.      

Derek W

Most weeks Derek Woodward calls to drop off some notes for his local club and every now and again he passes a comment that makes me look into it further. One such comment was about two 2012 late breds that Derek has raced this time and how many prizes they had won. I must add that if it wasn’t for these two Derek still had other’s chasing them down so he would still have top prizes. Anyway in the old bird season Derek & Marjorie won 15 x 1sts 15 x 2nds of which these two late bred brothers won 9 x 1sts with one winning six and the other three plus 2x2nds racing in the local clubs with the Mid Cheshire and Wrekin feds. The sire is out of Derek’s “Golden Pair” and I do mean “Golden” by any standards you would be hard peressed to find a better breeding pair. They are the “Golden Gaby” x “Favourite Son” pairing while the dam is a granddaughter of “Kleine Dirk” when paired to a daughter of “Drum” & “Gerrie”. I see that the “Gerrie” hen has popped up again only this time in another local loft and there are a few of those around. These Peter Fox pigeons have certainly made Derek one of the most competitive lofts around winning more than his share of first prizes. Also it is obvious now that his top pairing are going infertile he has another pair doing much the same job.    

Club/Fed News

In the Middlewich 2B race from Niort the pigeons found it hard going and there were only two birds on the day, one the next day and one on the third day making only 4 in race time. The winning loft was that of DJ&CJ Wilkinson who saw home a Red Hen known as "Red Witch" This is  good hen having previously won 2nd Middlewich 2B Messac, 2nd club 6th fed Falaise after losing 10mins, 1st club 2nd fed 3rd Cheshire Combine 3rd Three Counties Combine Messac 2,000 plus birds. Niort is a favorite race point for this loft having won about 8 Niort races and nearly all with the same line. This 3yo red hen was fancied being pooled all the way and the single nom. The only other bird on the day was racing to the lofts of Charlie Peel from Crewe. This is the only cock that Charlie has bred from this pairing but the hens have won well. Charlie’s pigeon is a Dark cock sent sitting 14 days being 13hrs 59 min on the wing, only two birds clocked on the day. Flew most of the programme last year, including 2nd club, 2nd Federation, 6th Cheshire Combine Fougeres and was also raced from Niort last year being his fist pigeon clocked next morning as a yearling. This year he raced most of the program being sent to Carenton NFC, Messac NFC where he spent 10 hrs, rested then sent to come back land race where he was ?rst bird to loft and then to Niort. His sire is WHU 06 S 09573 blue cock “Young Thurso” bred by R O Jones, sire is Thurso Cock outstanding racer/breeder having won Thurso twice when only 7 & 7 birds on the day, also sire of 2nd, 8th, 11th, 13th, 19th Open Nationals and purchased from Charlie’s good friends Wiggnal & Barnie. His dam is GB10K44763 dark hen bred by Garry Inkley, on the sires side bred down from De Paarsborst and ultimate lines, on the dams side bred down from Gouden Witpen 1st Bordeux 600 miles only bird on the day, and Enigma 1st open Dax 541 miles. Charlie went on to say “I would like to thank Ron, Howard, and Garry for the pigeons they have let me have and the help and advice they have given me. I wish to congratulate David on his performance from Niort”

Charlie Peel's Middlewich 2B pigeon

The second day was no better for returns with the only one in this club being to the lofts of Winsford’s G & A Jones collecting a share of the ABCD pool money. Another night out and another day was no better with only one more turning up before the race closed and that was also racing to Winsford where Ken & Mike Lamb clocked a 3y/o for 4th prize and a share of the ABCD pools. As always Chris Herbert is hot on with the result for the Moulton club where normal service was resumed when Pete & Mike Child took the first three positions in the Worcester race when 123 birds competed. They clocked a chequer pied hen, chequer hen and a blue pied cock recording vels of 1393/1387/1379ypm. 4th went to Mr & Mrs Roy Croxton who saw home a chequer cock on 1351ypm. The Crewe West End had a good race when 15 members sent 382 birds to Tewkesbury when the first red card of the young bird season plus 4th went to Colin Lindop on 1444/1403ypm. The next two positions with 2secs between them went to Mick & Wendy Mellor both being on 1405ypm. Kenny Burke has sent me a few Combine results to catch up on starting with the Cheshire Combine race from Fougeres when 175 members sent 1119 birds they were liberated at 8.30am in a Light North, North East wind. 1st 5th & 15th go to Wrenbury winners R Windsor, Son & Daughter with their first only winning by -45 of a yard so a tight race from Lostock’s Keith Herbert 2nd. Wrinehill top man Graham Davies is 3rd ahead of Duddon fanciers K&K Rowlands also clocked three in 4th 10th & 17th positions. The Crewe West End club saw Bob Humphries collect 6th in the Combine ahead of J Hignett who was followed by Sandbach red card man Eric Taylor in 8th place. Runcorn & District saw A Oates top their list and finish9th with Mellor Bros from the Crewe Premier 11th with Holmes Chapel winner Bernard Parkinson 12th. Rob Bennett is 13th, Mr & Mrs Richard Young 14th, K Riley & Son 16th. Tarbes section L winners Rick Geary and team won the Cheshire 2B to collect 18th on this result followed by John Allbutt just ahead of Cheshire FC winner Tommy Davies. After a couple of hard races the Cheshire Combine then went to their third channel race of the season from Messac where 135 members from 22 member clubs sent 544 birds that were liberated at 7am in a light South West wind. There are always good mixture of clubs see their members on these results with no real domination which is always good for racing. The Runcorn & District club saw their red card winner R&M Woodward also top the Combine ahead of Crewe Premier leader Steve Parkinson. The Cheshire 2B members had a good race with 4 in the first seven positions whose red card winner Roger Sutton is 3rd with Brian Lee 4th Dave & Baz Mellor 5th and Ian cooper who had a good race collecting 7th 18th & 20th with Mick & Wendy Mellor coming in 6th with their Crewe West End winner. Sandbach top man in this race Tommy Hulme & Son are 8th & 14th with 9th going to Mr & Mrs Geoff Matthews ahead of Charlie Peel 10th. The ever present Eric Taylor is 11th two yards in front of Wrinehill leading man this week Frank Speed 12th. The Greenbank club saw Mick Stockton finish 13th with Winsford’s Jones Bros 15th. Rudheath winner Malcolm Hewitt is 16th closely followed by Dave Jenks 17th and filling the remaining top twenty spot we have Kenny Burke & Gary Hodkinson from the Lostock club. The last old bird race of the season for the Cheshire Combine was a real stinker when after a hard season 104 members from 18 clubs sent 443 birds and came up against the hardest race of the season from Niort when only a handful made it on the day. Every time such a race happens the question is always asked “Why do some make it and others don’t”. There were only six day birds in this race when you would normally expect them to drop in. When I first started there were not sheds full making it out of Nantes a distance of 412mls to this part of the world on the day. In the modern day of racing Niort is the new Nantes type of race and I say that because there are more pigeons prepared for this type of race than there used to be. More fanciers are aware of how to condition them and able to train them than there ever was based on the number of fanciers per club. Sandbach winner’s Tommy Hulme & Son top the list ahead of Kenny Burke & Gary Hodkinson from the Lostock club and they had a good race finishing 2nd 6th & 9th so well done. The Middlewich 2B top spot went to DJ&CJ Wilkinson ahead of C Ratcliffe & Son who won the Whitchurch & District club. Charlie Peel is 5th with Mick & Wendy Mellor from the Crewe West End being 7th. I have noticed over the years that when it comes to the longer races the farmers in the sport fly a good pigeon and that is the case with R Windsor, Son & Daughter of Wrenbury who usually get them in these races and in this one they are 8th & 19th. Duddon members W Walker & Son are 10th & 20th while Holmes Chapel winner Bernard Parkinson is 11th. J Chaddock is 12th just ahead of J&B Oakley in 13th position followed by Rudheath winner Malcolm Hewitt. D&B Jones are 15th with G&A Jones are finishing 16th ahead of Mr & Mrs Derek Harding in17th place with Winsford’s top man Mel Bratt 18th and having a good season. The first young bird race of the season for the Middlewich 5B saw 11 members send 104 birds. Mr & Mrs Albert Austin take the top two positions with a blue hen and a blue cock recording vels of 1380/1378ypm. £rd goes to carol & Robert Carson who clocked a dark cock on 1373ypm with 4th going to Ken Bosson & Son Stan who saw home a blue hen with a vel of 1364ypm.  In the Middlewich FC Parkinson & Wilkinson take the top two with the first being well up in the fed so a good result under the circumstances. The winner is one of a batch of six that were sold on Elimar but not paid for so I decided to pay and have them myself, that’s the way things happen sometimes. On the breeding side I cannot say much because it does not tell me which are off which so I will have to find out, they are NEHU14Sun rings. The second pigeon was bred by John Whittaker and one of a batch of young birds I brought in to try and I am pleased with them to date. This red cock is bred from a bit of a cross from the Van loons and Wittenbuik on the sires side and Peggy’s Boy the grandsire of the dam. 3rd & 4th Carol & Robert Carson whose first is a paired Busschaert/Janssen blue hen followed by a chequer cock bred from their O’Hare & Woodward stock, the vels are 1300/1004ypm.  Latest news from our Winsford PO is as follows. I will start this week’s write up with the last old bird race from Niort. H. Bratt & Son took the red card with a yearling chequer cock being the only bird in race time. The breeding of this young cock is the Busschaert line of Jack Walker of Heywood, T3 lines with a touch of Charlie Blaines Janssen’s. I believe this cock also takes 2nd South West Federation, a very hard race indeed. We now start the young bird programme with the first race cancelled due to poor weather. A very good decision as Yvonne and I had been to Devon for our youngest daughter's wedding, travelling back on the Saturday it was very overcast with rain in the Cheltenham and Worcester area. The race from Tewkesbury saw 13 members sending 277 birds. Taking the red card is the young bird specialist Dave Dickenson & Son with a velocity of 1433ypm. This young cock was bred out of a kit of six Dave purchased earlier in the year from A.L. Painter of the Midlands. Not a bad start. Mike O'Grady was telling me that he saw this young cock finishing and said he came to win. Dave had the misfortune of having a mink get into his loft on July 13th killing 13 pigeons. In second position, continuing his success Richard Ormandy recording a velocity of 1428ypm with a young blue chequer cock the lines being Arien Verrecht which was a gift from Mike & Keith Hitchen, the Verrecht lines are through Ian Stafford. In third place, a vel 1426yp are G.K.C Hitchen with a son of Mike Hitchen's good racing cock a winner of 14x1st when paired to his own sister. It is nice to see Chris back racing after having to curtail old bird racing due health issues. "Nice to see you back Chris" Mel. In fourth with a velocity of 1394ypm are the ever consistent Jones Bros. Their pigeon being a chequer cock flying to the perch and bred out of the stock loft from their very successful Andre Clemens lines. In closing I would like to thank my very good friend Terry Edwards for looking after my birds for the week I was away. Thanks Terry! And finish with, what about the 9-15 liberation by the National FC at Saintes, madness! Are we not allowed day birds in the North west? Thanks to Mel Bratt for his latest news and views and I must add that i have lost count of the number of fanciers who have said the same thing and they are not all from the North West. Poynton  RBLHS. 8 member’s sent113 birds to Hullavington on 14th June.  Bradbury & Barnes were and 1st 2nd in a very close finish vels 1299.6 and 1298.6 with Kannibal and Van Loon cocks.  Pete Stanway was close behind in 3rd vel 1298.5 with a van Reet. Mike Webb was 4th also on 1298 with a Lefebre Dhaenen that won twice in 2013. In the next race from Frome 8 members sent 112 birds. Bradbury & Barnes took the red card and were also 6th Fed vel 1382 with yet another Troy related bird. Mike Webb was 2nd with a Van Loon and Pete Stanway was 3rd and 4th with two yearling Leo van Ryan cocks from Stuart Wood, Royton. In the next race the birds were back at Hullavington when 11 members sent 125 birds. Bradbury & Barnes continued their winning form and were also 11th Fed. Their winner was the same bird that won from Fome the week previous. Pete Stanway was 2nd and 4th the latter a four year old cock bred by Geoff Kirkland that won twice in 2013. Bradbury & Barnes were also 3rd with a van Loon. He final old bird race was from Ancenis with the Midlands National. Bruce Darbyshire won vel 1406 with one of Catrysse family which always do well for him on the channel. Mike Webb was 2nd and 4th vels 1388 and 1347ypm. The latter a Koopman X Jos Thorn, won the first channel race and has now won 3 X 1st from France. Pete Stanway was third vel 1355 with a very adaptable bird that won the first race of the season. In the Rudheath WMFC race from Worcester 6 members sent 67 birds when 1st 7 2nd places went to B&G Mainwaring with vels of 1378/13764ypm. George saw home a blue pied Cassaert/Lambrecht cock off Brian Barnes and a Staf Van Reet blue hen from Mike O’Hare & Ron Woodward. Paul Harrison is 3rd with a blue Janssen hen doing 1344ypm while 4th goes to Keith Herbert who clocked a blue Staf Van Reet cock on 1338ypm. The top three positions in the Sandbach FC all went to Eric Taylor on 1447/1425/1`412ypm. The winner is a chequer Hen bred by Paul Dewsnap before a chequer Verheye/Busschaert cock and then a blue Van De Rhees/Verheye Cock. 4th goes to Alan Woodcock on 1371ypm, I hear the lads are pleased to see Alan back racing in Sandbach. The Mid Cheshire Fed saw 39 members send 677 birds to the first young bird race of the season when the birds were liberated at 7am in a variable wind. The officials did well because of the warm heather they got them out early and the birds came well. I watched all mine come and they were showing no signs of stress in this the first race and they were not going to the drinker as we expect of such days. Ron called here and saw some come and said how well they looked. They came in two’s with the top two positions going to Mr & Mrs J Burnett & Son from the Kingsway club, just one second between these two. Then it was the turn of Wrinehill member Colin Lindop to clock two close together for 3rd & 4th with Roy Jolley also having two in 5th & 6th and was also 10th. The run of two’s was then stopped with Middlewich FC winner’s Parkinson & Wilkinson 7th while Curtiss, Wall & Lunt had the next two positions of 8th & 9th with just one second between them in the Acton Bridge club. Mr & Mrs Geoff Matthews won the Crewe Premier and collected 11th fed while Dave & Baz Mellor are 12th, Frank Speed 13th 7 17th, Martin Williams 14th& 18th. SDandbach winner Eric Taylor is 15th with the other three fed positions of 16th 19th & 20th going to Steve Cooke. Club winners missing the top twenty in the fed are Peter & Mike Child in the Moulton club while B&G Mainwaring top the list in the Rudheath club. There was a big drop in the numbers for the second channel race for the Three Counties Combine members when 580 sent 4,119 birds that were liberated at 8.30am in an East North East wind. There are four member combines that make up the Three Counties and it was the Two Counties who provided this week’s winner when B Morris clocked the winner to record a vel of 1135ypm. The next three positions all went to Cheshire Combine members starting with R Windsor, Son & Daughter who were 2nd & 10th, then we have Keith Herbert followed by Graham Davies. 5th goes to Lancashire Combine winners Winterbottom & Pomfret who topped the Combine in the first channel race of the season and finished just in front of J Bardsley & Son who finished 6th. K&K Rowlands who do well in these races are 7th with the Central Lancashire Combine winner R Lomas taking 8th place which means that all four member organizations provided members who appeared in the top ten of this race. Just one more top ten position to include and that is 9th taken by P Taylor. The next race for the Three Counties was from Messac when 379 members sent 1936 birds and this was the best of the four races held by the Combine. There was a two day holdover but race controller John winder got them away at 7am in a light south west wind and again all four member Combines saw their members in the top ten which is always going to be good for the channel races. Two Counties winner P Taylor tops the list ahead of Cheshire Combine top team R&M Woodward 2nd. Steve Parkinson is 3rd while Martin Joy who was the leader in the Central Lancashire Combine is 4th. Roger Sutton is 5th ahead of R Lomas. I Little topped the Lancashire Combine and ends up 7th just in front of fellow member Paul Beck 8th, Brian Lee 9th and Tim Webster 10th. In the West Coast Fed 58 members sent 1526 birds that were liberated at 9am in a light south wind. Tom Roskell & Williamson took the top 5 positions with the first being in the Stalmine & District with the next four being entered in the Pilling Inv these five all through the trap in 10seconds. Kenny Cardwell clocked the first two in the Blackpool Col to collect 6th & 7th fed. Mr & Mrs French are 8th & 17th with R Whiteside finishing 9th. Ron & Shirley Mott had a good race with 10th 11th 15th & 19th fed while Mr & Mrs Holloway & Family are 13th with their winner from the Fleetwood & District. J McLellen had a good race being 14th & 20th plus a further six in the 20’s of the fed. The Fleetwood HS was won by Blane, Edge & Blane leaving Mr & Mrs H Pearson to complete the top twenty in 18th place. A few club winners missed the fed result and they are I Culshaw from the Kirkham & Wesham while Cornell Lofts did likewise in the Marton Village club. P Hodgkinson won the Queens Inv while JA Devalle showed them the way in the Staining HS and J Brough finishes off this week after winning the Thornton 7 Cleveleys club. The South West Cheshire Fed made a wise decision and started a week later with a race from Tewkesbury that attracted 792 birds from 40 members to be liberated at 8.30am with no wind. Colin Lindop also had a good race in this fed after topping the list in the Crewe West End he headed the list with the fed. The next three positions went to Winsford members headed by Dave Dickenson & Son 2nd Richard Ormandy 3rd and G.K.C Hitchen 4th. Greenbank winner John Peever is 5th with the next five positions going to Mick & Wendy Mellor. The four member clubs all saw their members make the top ten in the fed.   

Les J Parkinson. 11 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 0NJ, +44 (0)1606 836036. +44 (0)7871 701585. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web site:

