For as long as I can remember I have always looked at number plates on cars and considering getting my own. I saw one in the paper that ended in LJP and asked Kim to look it up so she went on to the DVLA web site and found EL11 MAR so that was what I decided on having on the new car, see photo.
EL11 MAR car
Fred Holbard
I very often get asked about writing and how fanciers go about it with some just wanting to give good information out on winning fanciers or birds. In many cases people don’t write because they don’t want the publicity themselves but they feel good performances are being missed and fanciers not getting the credit they deserve. I have very often written articles on information received so here is one such report on a visit to Fred & Denise Holbard Cheshunt. I recently paid a visit to the Cheshunt partnership of Fred and Denise Holbard. The 2014 UBI combine winners from Carentan. In fact this partnership was also second as well. Fred has been amongst pigeons since 1968, when he started in Edmonton, with his late father, Fred senior, anyone who knew old Fred, knew what a formidable fancier he was, a pigeon man through and through, with many note able performances to his credit, including 1st open London north road combine Fraserburgh, a distance of over 420 miles, also 1st open BICC south road from Bordeaux. South road flying was his great passion, and to think his son Freddie would end up a south road combine winner, would have give old Fred a warm glow.
Fred Holbard outside his loft
When Denise and Fred got married in 1977, straight away they started racing on their own, south road by the way, with the Enfield continental flying club, mixed fortunes we're had, as young Fred was now having to learn his trade, although his dad was only a phone call away, to rollick him if things weren't going to well. In 1980 a move to Cheshunt in Hertfordshire, was on the cards, Fred got chatting to his father in law, another great fancier, with 2 x LNRC wins to his credit in 1983 and 1984, such was the devastation of these birds, young Fred thought he had to invest, so in 1985, several birds were bought from various people including Brian Haley, Fred's father in law, by the way these were gift pigeons. They were all of the Busschaert family, straight away, with drastic changes to the feeding, Fred was on the winning trail, in fact, it could be said, he was unstoppable at one point, win after win in the north London federation, culminating with first open London north road combine Morpeth young birds in 1987, Fred remembers it well, it was one of the toughest races ever for youngsters, the trees were bending in half, with the force of the strong west south west wind, he timed his good hen Denise, at 5 o'clock that September afternoon, another 5 entries were clocked that evening when a lot of people failed to clock. Her velocity was 971ypm. He also won the London north road 2 bird championship club that day with his nominated pigeon, Denise, this was then three wins from four in this great club in one season an achievement that Fred is rightly proud of. Twice more Fred and Denise won the then mighty London combine, once in 1989 from Berwick old birds and again in 2001 also from Berwick, which incidentally as far is Fred is concerned is the hardest race to win because as Fred says, all of London are sending their cream to Berwick as not all birds can win from Thurso, but London was sending up to 10,000 birds to Berwick at that time.
Fred's lofts
Fast forward to now, Fred was getting bored with north road racing, his beloved London north road combine was not what it was, and his federation made the decision to pull out, and start sending with the north of Thames combine, and although good racing, it wasn't a decision that sat well with Fred. So a return to south road racing was on the cards, this is only his third full season, racing south road again, and this great partnership, is enjoying the challenge of racing over the channel, last year they notched up a first federation from Bordeaux, with the inter counties federation, and it was decided in the winter of 2013, to compete more in the inter counties fed, because they have the option of sending over the channel, with the UBI combine, who would have thought they would win first and second in their first attempt. Well done Fred and Denise, your dad's would have been very proud of you, and of course, are looking down over you. A new chapter, is now going to happen, from next year, the partnership will be racing from a new address in Hunsdon, a sleepy village near Stanstead Abbotts, and I'm sure many successes will follow, this talented partnership, who can rule out a National winner in the future, not me that's for sure, all the best Fred and Denise, and thanks for a lovely day. This year’s combine winner, is a Cooreman cock, bred by themselves, from birds supplied by bob Fenech from his great family of birds, the second is a hen, also from Cooreman bloodlines, the father was bred by Steven Fenech and is a son of his champion bolt, a well known cock in the Essex area, Fred says these two brothers have been a great help to him and supplied him with some fantastic birds, and would like to say thank you publicly to them. By The Ghost Writer. Thanks for that another good piece of work.
Another shot of Fred's set-up
I wrote about how the pigeons exercised around home and how, many years ago, they would do about 15 to 20mins but nowadays they will do 1hr with no problems at all. I was asked what was I doing different. I think it is a case of times have changed and we do things differently without really noticing what that subtle difference is. Birds flying is a natural thing and you can see them going all day long when they are in the wild, in fact in fact in 2000 we left them on the open hole all day and when I got home from work I would get them in, basket them and take them for a 25mls toss, I also took them in the morning as well before I went to work. That was the only time I ever did that and we won most of the club trophies and the fed grand average. I couldn't do it nowadays, the pace has slowed down considerably for me. Going back to the question of them doing 1hr twice a day, I am sure many fanciers would be more than happy to see their pigeons freely spending that time on the wing. Anyway I am sure it is all down to the feed and by that I mean they are not hungry at any time and can always fly something off. Mark Anderson was here and I did something that I don't do nowadays and that was to let him handle a couple, "Nothing wrong with these apart from them being too heavy", he said, but as I pointed out, I need them to fly the channel races as well so I don't want them too light and wear them out before the proper races come along. Nothing to say that they will do anything then because pigeon racing is a strange hobby. We can spend so much time with them for little financial reward and they are not cheap but they are enjoyable.
Past winner
I am very often looking for something so come across bits and pieces from the past and this week I was in a folder and came across an article on the late Jack Sharrett who raced at Nantwich. Jack had some real good pigeons in those days and I remember him winning against all the odds in a good west wind when he topped the fed by 74ypm and he was well into the west. As I recall, the other pigeons on the result were on the other side of the fed. I have a photo of that Blue cock who won 1st club 1st fed Cheltenham 2,767 birds. 1st club 1st fed Weymouth by 74ypm 2,760 birds. 1st club 1st fed Weymouth 1,675 birds. 1st club 1st fed Wincanton 2,925 birds, plus many more positions and there were plenty of winners in the loft off this cock. There is also a Schallie Cock who was one of the very good stock cocks being sire & grandsire of at least 5x1sts fed winners. The other is the lofts that Jack raced to and he did race a good pigeon. At the time when Jack was racing the Cheshire Plains was a big fed and he would send his young birds with that fed to educate them on the racing line that he wanted and that was why it was believed he had such good races even in a west wind.
Blue Cock - 1st fed winner for Jack Sharrett
Jack Sharrett's lofts
Schallie cock of Jack Sharrett's
Present winners
I am always corresponding with pigeon fanciers about their winning birds so get a few photos etc. to add to these notes. The latest partnership to send in some information is that of the Roskell & Williamson partnership of father & son. I came across these winning fanciers through covering the West Coast Fed results. There are 4 photos that they have sent and they are a yearling blue cock being a son of "Zeus" their number one racing cock. "Zeus" has won 7 first clubs 3x1st fed 2x3rd fed plus a number of other cards and is a Lambrecht. Their 2yo blue cock a winner this year was bought from a Carnforth squeaker sale and is a Hereman Ceuster from a Mr J Hampson of Southport; this is his second time this cock has collected a red card this year and looks like he will be 2nd fed. The white flight cock was 1st club 2nd West Coast Fed and is a Staf Van Reet. We also have a photo of the partnership's roundabout loft which holds around 40 pairs. They have had 6x1sts at club level in 6 weeks and also 1x1st, 2x2nd, 1x3rd, 1x4th fed plus a few more top 10 positions. Their main breed of birds are Stickers Donkers which have won from the word go for them, also in the lofts are pigeons from the strains of Lambrechts and Staf Van Reets and they have maintained their interest in the ever consistent Van Loons that have served them so well over the years. Plus for the distance they have the Ko Nipius and Frans Rigole birds. The partnership's main aim is to create a family to fly the Nationals from 320 to 550 miles and with their performances in the West Coast Fed I cannot see that being a problem. The bigger clubs that they are members of include the Midlands National, National FC and North West Grand National. They also race in the local weekly clubs as Roskell & Williamson and they are the Stalmine HS and Pilling Inv FC. Just to clarify the name, the racing name is Roskell & Williamson so I asked what their actual names were because I have only known them as Tom’s Roskell & Williamson and this is the reply. “Tom Roskell Williamson, my dad is Tom Williamson. I just use my middle name to separate us and we are often known as “Sat Nav Lofts” hence the name “Tom Toms”.
Roskell & Williamson yearling blue cock
Roskell & Williamson's blue cock
Roskell & Williamson's blue w/f cock
Roskell & Williamson's lofts
Alison Cements
I had an email that contained a photo and some information from the Clements household over in Audenshaw. "Hi Les, Here is a picture of Alison with a wee bird which dropped in with Gerry's birds this morning. It was very tired so Ali and I found it some fine seed, stuff I have in house for wild birds, which it was eating out of my hand. It had pink coloured tail feathers and quite small. Lovely little thing, which soon looked a lot better from some TLC from us and didn't flinch when we put our faces close to basket to talk to it. I had to report it being found of course, albeit reluctantly, to the Sec. of the All England Roller Club, where Gerry had found it was registered, from ring details. Shortly after, the owner rang & arranged to collect it. Soon the time Alison & I were spending, getting photos of each other with it & fussing it came to an end, when he arrived to take it home. He'd come from Holmes Chapel & said it had probably had got a scare, from either a sparrow hawk, or peregrine attack on his flock. Said he was absolutely plagued with them, especially the peregrine & had lost 160 birds to them, over the last few years. So Ali & I had to say 'Goodbye' to our new little friend but it was a lovely way to spend our Sunday morning & we've got a few nice photos to remember him by. From Alison & Marie Clements". Alison is very often seen at events with mum and dad being Gerry & Marie Clements so many fanciers will know them well.
Alison Clements with a stray that dropped into dad's loft
This year racing into the North West has seen all the land races to date be fast races, blow homes, with in some races vels going well over the 2000ypm mark. This week sees our first channel race with the club so it will be interesting to see how the pigeons perform if, and I do say if, the wind changes direction because they have had no real work to date. This is probably the easiest old bird inland season I can remember. There was a season not far off being the same a few years ago and when they hit the channel the wind changed and there were heavy losses.
Club/Fed News
Competing with the Lymm Federation the Old Lodge HS birds were liberated at Mangotsfield. Tommy Jackson took the red card with a 2yo hen. Dave and Janet Hull of Harrison & Hull clocked a yearling Jan Van Coors cock flown on a traditional widowhood system to take 2nd club. The partnership was also 4th club with a yearling Janssen hen flown on a widowhood type system. The hen had won a 1st club at Worcester last year as a youngster plus other minor cards and is a daughter off Sky Master. Keith and Trish (Power Ranger) O’Hara finished 3rd club with a 2yo cock bred out of his stock loft. The distance is increasing for the Mid Cheshire clubs but it has not changed the winners in the Moulton club race from Yeovil when 9 sent 131 club birds. Peter & Mike Child once again dominate by taking the top three positions recording vels of 1577.8/1577.1/1576ypm. The winner is a 2yo chequer cock, then a yearling chequer pied cock followed by another 2yo chequer cock. 4th goes to K&S Bell who clocked a 3yo chequer pied cock on 1548ypm. PO Gary Hodkinson sends the following information. The Lostock FC race from Frome saw 7 members send 86 birds and another one two for the ever consistent lofts of Derek Woodward with a 2yo and a 3yo both widowhood cocks recording vels of 1555.4/1555.25ypm. Tom Howarth took the next two positions with two chequer cocks these being a yearling and 2yo on 1512/1497ypm. Congratulations to Derek Woodward for winning 1st & 2nd in the Wrekin fed with these two SyndicateLlofts birds. The club then went on to another race from Frome with 8 members sending 101 birds and again it was a one two for Derek Woodward recording vels of 1892/1891ypm with two 2yo chequer cocks. 3rd goes to Kenny Burke and Gary Hodkinson also with a 2yo chequer cock that was followed by another 2yo chequer cock racing to the lofts of Tommy Howarth for 4th place. Still with Gary’s news we move on to the Minshull mid week race from Cheltenham that saw Keith Herbert clock a 2yo chequer hen to collect the red card on 1564ypm from an entry of 126 birds from 8 lofts. George clocked two 2yo blue hens on 1545.8/1545.3ypm for the B & G Mainwaring team who ended up 2nd & 3rd. K. Riley 7 Son are 4th after seeing home a yearling chequer hen on 1541ypm. Gary went on to tell me about a visit he made, “On Saturday the 17th of May I had a phone call from Les Green to say that the young bird I purchased was ready for collection. So shortly after set off to collect it and as usual when arriving a brew is on its way with a sausage butty. Soon after Les took me to the stock loft where I was looking at some unbelievable quality pigeons he purchased from Hardy Kruger which he has crossed with his tried and tested Merlin family. I must say that every pigeon I handled was real quality and I would have been happy with any one of them never mind a shed full. Nothing in these lofts is neglected and the hygiene is top class because I have never seen a pigeon man walking through all his lofts barefoot. We were then off to the young bird loft where there were 70 young birds in big lofts with plenty of space. They are Hardy Kruger x Merlin bloodlines with the Drapa pigeons also making their presence known. The young birds have been flying round the loft as a team for two weeks and when the traps are open they land when whistled and shouted and all 70 trap within twenty seconds. Les then tells me that he is going to race young birds this year so I can’t wait to see the results. I will definitely be going to the NPA auctions in Blackpool this year to see if I can obtain some of these birds they are something special. A great set up with great pigeons and a top class pigeon man. Thanks for your time Les I look forward to seeing your pigeons again. Gary Hodkinson” The Middlewich FC race from Mangotsfield saw Mark & Heather Smith claim top spot with a blue Staf Van Reet hen that had 3 prizes in the Classic last year and a winner of several other prizes. This is the time of the year when Mark winds them up because he likes competing in a few races each weekend. 2nd & 3rd go to Dickens & Wilkinson whose first is a blue pied hen bred by Curtis, Wall & Lunt followed home by a chequer w/f hen out of an egg from Fell Bros both these pigeons have won before and in this race record vels of 1573/1562ypm. Alan Groom is 4th after clocking a blue cock recording a vel of 1519ypm. The club then went on to Yeovil when 1st & 3rd went to Dickens & Wilkinson who are having a cracking old bird inland series of races. The winner is a chequer w/f hen that won earlier in the season and was bred by Curtis, Wall & Lunt while their second in the clock is a chequer cock from another Fell Bros egg. Mark & Heather Smith are 2nd with a Harrison & Hull pied hen and raced on the roundabout. Parkinson & Wilkinson are 4th with a mealy cock on 1552ypm. The dam is a Taveirne-Rigole from the Barcelona Boy & Dax International lines with the dam being a Daughter of 1st National Ace Pigeon “Full Try” who is grandsire to 3 x 1st National winners and a host of other winners. I selected “Full Try” out when Vandersandens first bought him as one of the best pigeons I had ever come across and I still have that same opinion. Problem is he was sold to Japan a few years ago so they are becoming thin on the ground. I do know that David Coward-Talbott had a very good National pigeon out of a daughter of “Full Try” from Elimar. The Middlewich 5B were also at Yeovil with the red card going to DJ&CJ Wilkinson when David clocked a yearling Lefebre Dhaenens/Staf Van Reet chequer pied cock on 1572ypm. Ken & Stan Bosson clocked a blue pied and a blue both yearling hens to record vels of 1570/1555ypm. 4th goes to Dave & Lynn Healey who saw home a 4yo blue cock on 1554ypm. In the Poynton RBLHS 12 members sent 233 birds to Hullavington when Bradbury & Barnes won the Club and the Fed vel 2162.2ypm with a cock out of their good racer and breeder Troy which won 6 X 1sts and topped the Fed before being put to stock. Troy is out of Wall, Lunt & Green stock. Pete Stanway was 2nd Club and Fed vel 2158.5ypm with his good Wimy Moens Cock which has been a consistent prize winner including winning 2 X 1sts in 2013. Bradbury & Barnes were also 3rd Club vel 2115ypm with another cock related to Troy, this cock also won in 2013. D&G Brown were 4th vel 2114.9 with a cock that scored on the channel in 2013. In the next race from Frome 14 members sent 220 birds. Mike Webb came into his own taking the first three positions in the Club vels 1530.3/1530.1/1516.2ypm and 5th and 6th Fed. His first bird was a yearling Van Loon followed by a Leo van Ryan via John Wood & Son, Royton and his third was a Jos Thorn cross Koopman. Bradbury & Barnes were 4th Club vel 1511.1ypm with another cock related to their good racer which is now at stock, Troy. The Blackpool Col were racing from Monmouth about 140 miles to most lofts when the birds liberated at 9am in a south west wind which meant another fast race was on the cards. The winner was flying to the loft of Mick “Blow Home” Barlow in 2hrs 17mins to record a vel of 1805ypm. The winner was a blue pied Staf Van Reet cock that has won before and last year it won the West Coast Fed 3 bird race from Bedhampton. Ron & Shirley Mott timed for second place while Chris Jones having his best season yet was 3rd making it another good race. Moving on one week the birds were away at 10 am in a light south wind the red rocket of Ronny Mott showed them the way home, what a pigeon this is now on its 10th first prize and is a Lambrecht widowhood cock he was the £5 nom and took the lot. The partnership are also 2nd with a Davy Hunt yearling cock for a nice one two well done. Mick Barlow timed two hens just in front of the Motts pigeons but Mick gives Ron 1500yds (no doubt he earns it Mick). Mick’s first bird a Karel Boecks that is a previous fed topper. Mick said the pigeon of Ron's is a cracker and their pride and joy, get it sent to Nantes Ron LOL Mick Barlow. Latest from Janet Hull is on the Old Lodge HS at Mangotsfield competing with the Lymm Federation in yet another fast race in a south west wind this time, makes a change from the south easterly winds of previous weeks. Think we will pay for these races at a later date particularly if we hit northerly winds on the channel races. Taking the red card was Dave and Janet Hull of Harrison and Hull clocking a yearling Jan Van Coor cock flown on the traditional widowhood system. As with the majority of the partnerships’ cocks he was only lightly raced as a natural youngster having a 90 and a 105 mile race then stopped and allowed to mature. The partnership were also 4th club with a Louis Cooreman cock that came with the red card winner but decided to waste time spinning instead of going in, the joys of widowhood. This yearling cock is bred out of The Pencil Cock multiple 1st prize winner and sire of multiple 1st prize winners. Tommy Jackson took 2nd and 3rd club with 2 blue yearling hens flown on roundabout. Now on to the Macclesfield report on Frome which had 11 members sending 161 birds that were led home by the father and son partnership of George & Mark Greenwood to claim the red card on 1469ypm clocking a yearling widowhood cock bred by them. The winner is out of birds from their good friend and club mate Stuart Goldstraw, the sires a Flor Engels/Van Loon a previous winner of 2x1sts Hullavington and 3rd open in the North West Classic Club from Messac. The dam is a direct M & D Evans and this is the lads first winner for the newly formed partnership but with the enthusiasm and knowledge it will be surly the first of many. In 2nd we have the consistent Alan Senior on 1646.7ypm with a 3yo widowhood cock bred by him through his good stock team from Paul Stobbs of Durham. This cock is a multiple prize winner now having 5x2nd prizes to its name. Roger Bowers is 3rd on 1646.1ypm after clocking a 2yo widowhood cock bred by roger out of the stock loft and is a Frank Sheader direct on the sire’s side on to a Sootjenn hen purchased at the late Derick hill sale at Meir. Ben Walton is 4th on 1645ypm with a home bred 2yo widowhood cock the sire is a son of Wall, Lunt & Greens famous Adonis which scored 2nd fed 11section Vire for Ben last season, the dam is one Ben’s good Koopman hens. As always thanks to club PO Kev Bowers. The Lostock FC race from Yoevil saw 9 members sending 105 birds when the red card went to Kenny Burke who saw home a 2yo chequer hen on 1584ypm and also clocked a 2yo blue hen with a vel of 1560ypm to claim 4th place. Ian cooper clocked a yearling blue pied hen for 2nd position on 1583ypm while Derek Woodward is 3rd after seeing home a 3yo blue cock on 1563ypm. In the Minshull midweek race from Worcester 10 members sent 203 birds. It is another red card for the gardener Tommy Howarth with a 2yo blue cock on 1157ypm ahead of Kenny Burke and helping hand Gary Hodkinson who clocked two both on 1151ypm, they are a 3yo blue cock and a 2yo blue cock. 4th goes to K Riley & Son on 1149ypm with a yearling blue cock. 11 members of the Rudheath club sent 141 birds to Yeovil when they were liberated at 9am in a North West wind. The top spot went to club secretary Malcolm Hewitt with a John Richards blue Vandenabeele cock on 1564ypm and also collects the nom of £10. Malcolm is also 3rd with a blue cock being out of a Staf Van Reet cock paired on to a hen from local fancier Derek Woodward. 2nd is Derek Woodward on 1546ypm after seeing home a blue cock that is a grandson of Golden Gaby cross Favorite Son, this has to be one of the best breeding pairs in the country. 4th are Frank Lockwood & Ann Curbishley with a mealy Busschaert cock on 1538ypm. In this race 10 of the first 12 were all cocks. The latest result for the West Coast fed is from Monmouth where 65 sent 1553 fed birds that were up in a light south wind. Jones & Harrison top the list this week racing with the Kirkham & Wesham HS. Earlier in these notes I included a piece on the Roskill & Williamson partnership and there are photos with it. In this race the father and son team had a good race collecting 2nd 3rd 4th & 5th with their entries from their two local clubs being the Stalmine HS and Pilling Inv FC and they were all clocked in 7 short seconds. The ever present Blackpoll Col winners are Ron & Shirley Mott whose first two in the clock are 6th & 7th fed while the Queens Inv saw P Hodgkinson take the red card plus 8th & 13th fed. Walsh Bros won the Staining HS and finish 9th & 12th with Paul Fisher 7 Son having a quiet day with 10th position. Fleetwood HS winners are 11th with Mick “Blow home” Barlow having two in the clock in 2 seconds for 14th & 15th fed. Mr & Mrs Holloway & Family took top honour in the Fleetwood & Dist and collect 16th & 17th while 18th goes to J Stockton, 19th is Kenny Cardwell with 20th going to JA Devalle. Just two club winners missing out on the top 20 this week and they are Cornell lofts in the Marton Village and C Mellor & Son leading the way in the Thornton & Cleveleys club. Now we move on to the Sandbach club when 7 members entered 145 birds to go to Yeovil. Eric Taylor had his birds on form by taking the first three positions on 1596/1593/1582ypm, these were good birds on the day. The winner is a yearling blue Verheye cock closely followed by a Roland Janssen grizzle cock collecting a second prize this year before Eric’s third prize winner of the weekend another yearling blue Verheye cock. 4th goes to John Allbutt n1578ypm with a 2yo blue Staf Van Reet cock that was also 2nd from Mangotsfield. The top four in the club are all raced on the traditional widowhood system. The latest race for the Mid Cheshire Fed members was from Yeovil when 88 members entered 1449 birds which is another good send for the fed and making it worth winning. The partnership of Andy Noon & Geoff Callan take the top four positions and they are the only ones in the 1600ypm bracket. The lads entered their birds in the Kingsway club who were the highest senders in the fed for this race and they made that entry show on the fed result. Mr & Mrs Jones are 5th & 6th with Sandbach winner Eric Taylor having a good day taking 7th 11th & 19th positions. The Acton Bridge winners are again Curtis, Wall & Lunt taking the top three in the club after seeing three go through the trap in 4 seconds. Crewe Premier was won by Steve Parkinson who also collects 12th fed followed on the fed result by fellow club members Mr & Mrs Geoff Matthews who are 13th & 15th. Cheshire FC winner is AJ Thompson in 14th position with Dave & Baz Mellor 16th with Winsford winners Jones bros having a good race in the club and taking 17th & 18th fed in the process. That leaves 20th which goes to Carl Hickman. There are four club winners who missed the top 20 this week and they are Dickens & Wilkinson in the Middlewich FC. Malcolm Hewitt leads the way over at Rudheath. Peter & Mike Child win the Moulton club with Colin Lindop taking the top spot in the Wrinehill club. 64 members of the South West Cheshire fed sent 892 birds into the Yeovil race when the birds were up at 10.15 in no wind. Crewe West End winners Mr & Mrs Richard Young take the top spot 5yds ahead of Winsford HS leaders Mr & Mrs Albert Austin who are 2nd & 8th fed. Steve Parkinson is flying a good pigeon and ends up the winner in the Greenbank club and 3rd fed. Mr & Mrs Parker & Son are 4th, Mick & Wendy Mellor 5th, Mellor Bros 6th, Mick Stockton 6th & 9th with 10th going to Bob Humphries. Two club winners missed the cut and they are Roy Jolley in the Hankelow club and DJ&CJ Wilkinson in the Middlewich 5B.
Added a few more photos taken at my birthday party a few weeks ago.
Birthday boy LJP with Roger Sutton
Kerry Wilkinson with two of her daughters. Not got her son Sam on this one - he is the next Wilkinson in line to be a pigeon fancier.
LJP with NWCC secretary Mark Cliffe, who had to show off his shirt.
Les J Parkinson. 11 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 0NJ, +44 (0)1606 836036. +44 (0)7871 701585. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site: www.elimarpigeons.com