A few weeks ago I mentioned the stock loft and how for one reason or another the breeding was not going to plan with stock birds leaving their eggs. Well that bad spell appears to be over and they are now starting to hatch, a bit late but they are looking good, so whatever was causing the problem now looks to be a thing of the past. Since I mentioned this problem I am finding quite a few who have had the same thing happen to them this year and three fanciers have called to say that it has hapenned to them in the past so whatever has caused the problem is nothing new. I wonder why I don't hear of such problems until I mention them in these notes and then the calls start coming. It is no surprise that fanciers have health problems with their pigeons because through experience with the import and export we are aware that adding pigeons to an existing team is never a good idea. When we were in Belgium recently I had a conversation with a vet who was telling me that he has had several UK lofts send him samples that show signs of ill health. He was also aware that there are quite a few lofts on the continent having health issues in their lofts so problems with racing pigeons is not restriceted to the UK. Year after year we see fanciers having problems with their young bird team and that has gone on for the last 25yrs or so that I am aware of. At one time I stopped going to the breeder/buyer sales because every time I introduced someone elses birds I had problems so now if I bring in new young birds they go in a crate first and are treated before going into the loft. There are lots of those sales coming up so be aware of introducing new young birds; they are fine as long as you take precaustions before they go into your own team. There has been a lot of money gone on young bird racing over the years and it is the belief of many that far too many prospective good pigeons are ruined before they have a chance to prove their worth in a racing and breeding loft. On top of that clubs are calling meetings for the clocks and subs in preparation for the new racing season that is all but on top of us, so we are having a busy month in the pigeon world.
After racing last year, Highline International Auctions ran an online auction for the Ichthyosis Support Group who support Kim's daughter Ebony who has this rare skin problem. The sale raised £6281 for the ISG charity and to get the best out of it Kim was chasing the people concerned to get the best possible coverage for pigeon racing. We have to thank the BHW & RP for their support and also Curtiss-Wall-Lunt who paid the excess advertising costs. Most of all those who donated pigeons that went so well on the Highline website. Kim, Steve, Ebony & Graysen were invited to the This Morning studio in London where the Patron for the ISG charity Philip Schofield met them. What was noticeable was how quick the photo got onto Facebook. Kim, Steve, Ebony & Graysen Crowley were invited to present the cheque and this is what Kim had to say about the event (Kim put the pigeons on the auction site for HIA). "After the wonderful fundraising that Highline International Auctions did for the Ichthyosis Supoprt Group, we were able to raise £6281.00. We were invited to the ITV Studios in London where we could present the cheque to Phillip Schofield, who is the patron of the Ichthyosis Support Group, at the This Morning studios. We travelled down to London with Ebony & Graysen and met with Mandy Aldwin, Director of the charity and went to the studios. We met with a lady called Fleur, who was a floor manager, and she showed us around the studios. Firstly we met Justin/aka Mr Tumble, then the children got to meet Mr Bloom & Mr Maker from ITV children's shows. At this point, the children were very star struck. We were then invited into the studio, where we were able to watch some of the filming of This Morning, where Phillip & Holly were trying on over £1 million pounds worth of jewellery. We got to meet Holly first and then we talked with Phillip about the fundraising we had done and raising more awareness for the charity. The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and it was certainly a worthwhile trip to the capital."
Ebony & Graysen with Mr Bloom & Mr Baker from the This Morning TV studios
Ebony & Graysen with TV presenter Holly Willoughby
Entrance to the This Morning TV studio where they presented the cheque
Cheque presentation: Mandy Aldwin, Philip Schofield, Kim, Ebony & Graysen Crowley.
I have been asked about Microbials in pigeons and with me just emailing Ferdy Vandersanden about something else I thought he would have the answer and he has. "The term probiotic has been defined as a live microbial feed supplement, which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance (Fuller, 1989) and has been used to describe viable microbial cultures, culture extracts, enzyme preparations, or various combinations of the above (Yoon and Stern, 1995). Therefore, the U.S. FDA has required feed manufacturers to use the term direct-fed microbial (DFM) instead of probiotic (Miles and Bootwalla, 1989) and has narrowed the definition to a source of live, naturally occurring microorganisms (Yoon and Stern, 1995). Microorganisms used as DFM for pigeons include viable cultures of fungi and bacteria."
There are always questions to be answered in pigeon racing and there is generally someone out there who has the knowledge or can research and find it quite easy. Thanks to Ferdy for taking the time to answer.
Finally this week, here are a few more pictures from my recent visit to the Fugare Show.
Frans Rigole, LJP, Mr & Mrs André Gyselbrecht from Ghyselbrecht Madeira and Guillaume Vanneste.
John Tyerman studying this years crop
Frans Rigole, Viktoria Feher from the FCI, Petra Balazs, Guillaume Vanneste plus two young fanciers.
LJP with Leo Heremans
Luc Sieon and his family with Mr Johnson on the right and sorry I don't know the other fancier but I believe he is from Taiwan
Les J Parkinson. 11 Rushton Drive, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 0NJ, Tel: +44 (0)1606 836036, Mob: +44 (0)7871 701585, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.