Well another year done with and another ahead of us and who knows what is going to happen apart from my official retirement in May - only on paper I might add. Still, as we know, we are only as old as we feel and sometimes I feel that age has caught up with me while at other times I am raring to go but mostly in mind only; musn’t complain because we still do what we want. What am I going to do? I really have no idea because we all make plans and sticking to them is not always easy. What I would like to do is complete the full programme in the local club and throw in a few specialist races whether National or Classic.
Had an email from Michael D about an article that he read that was nothing to do with anything that I had written but I did feel it is worth a mention. “Dear Sir. Out of interest regarding the Roy Mundy article written by Brian Newson, I visited his loft at Astley Bridge to enquire about his birds as I raced against Roy in the Halliwell HS as a young man way back in 1969. I and my brother did not handle any of his birds as Roy would not allow this as we were both novices, even at marking night. What I did remember is I asked Roy what strain his birds were and he replied Bosacks. I have tried to find other information of this strain but to no avail. Kind Regards, Michael D.” Families of pigeons come and go and you know that some time in the future what is today’s modern day winning line will crop up again in the future. In this case I have not heard of this family for many years but no doubt there are a few out there who can rhyme off many winners that were on the scene in the heyday of the Bosacks. I have heard of them but only fleetingly so cannot make a great deal of comment on them.
Club/Fed News
A few weeks ago I included the photos from the Crewe Premier with a limited amount of information on the evening. At the time I did send an email to John Peever who sent the photos but with not getting a reply I contacted the club secretary Dave Jenks who did give me a rundown on the prize winners. Time went by and I found out it was not a case of John ignoring me, he was away on holiday in Las Vegas. We went to Las Vegas a few years ago and I really did enjoy it and would go again but even though the boss enjoyed it she did say it was not a place to visit too often. Anyway John went on to add that the presentation saw a joint event with the bowling clubs plus the Greenbank and Crewe Premier clubs that saw 130 guests sit down to a meat and potato supper. The entertainment was by a band called Back to Back who were very good. We had the Premier winners a few weeks ago so here are those from the Greenbank club. At the top of the list are Mellor Bros collecting £151 to go with the land ave. Next and a partnership who have had a few good seasons are Mr & Mrs Geoff Mathews with £117. M Stockton £62. J. Peever£36. Steve Parkinson and Powell & Wiliams both picking up £34 with the later also winning the chanell ave. Other winners for the year are Charlie Peel, A Williams, John Allbut, Ken & Stan Bossons, Dave Jenks, Tommy Wright, Jed Talbutt, Peter Berry and Ray Lovell. Well done to everyone.
I have a couple of shows to catch up on for the Moulton club. The any age cock class was again well supported with 72 birds entered with Ronnie Woodward judging a quality class. 1st Carl Rowledge. 2nd & 6th Ken & Mike Lamb with a mealy Dordin, these are real lookers and they have had thm for many years. 3rd Mr & Mrs Chris Hebert with a pencil blue Van den Bosche. 4th & 8th Carol & Robert Carson. 5th Albert Jones & Son. 7th A Farrell & Son. Thanks to Ronnie for donating a £5 special to the Best YB won by Mr & Mrs Chris Herbert. The show season at Moulton finished off with an excellent final show followed by the Mouton Prize Presentation. The show of 34 cocks and 30 hens was judged by the Bebbington Bros. Thanks for doing a splendid job in what was a tough handling class with results as follows: Best in show with a chequer cock Ken & Mike Lamb while best opposite sex with a chequer hen went to Mr & Mrs Chis Herbert with best young cock going to A Farrell & Son and best young hen Mr & Mrs Chris Herbert. The remaining card winners are as follows; Cocks: 2nd 4th & Com Albert Jones & Son. 3rd A Farrell & Son. Res. Ken & Mike Lamb. VHC. Mr & Mrs Phil Buckton. Hens: 2nd 4th VHC & Com Ken & Mike Lamb. 3rd A Leech. Res & HC Mr & Mrs Chris Herbert. When you look at the way the cards were won there must have been some good judging. Kenny Lamb was presented with a trophy for most points over the show program by Albert Austin who also presented the Moulton prizes and trophies. It’s good to see Albert looking well again and thanks for your help and time Albert. Thanks also go to those who have who have supported the Moulton Shows to make them so successful. Final thanks also to Pauline Herbert, Tracey Molyneux and Denise Buckton for making a fine buffet.
Moulton BIS
Moulton BOS
Moulton 2nd
Moulton members
Moulton Top prize winners P & M Child with Albert Austin
Another year
We would like to say a well done to all those people who get stuck in to make sure the sport keeps going; without those people many would struggle to enjoy the sport so much. We would also like to wish everyone a very happy New Year and all the best for the 2014 season.