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Hello Folks, another week down and another week closer to the young bird campaign. On Saturday 10th June the North Liverpool Fed held their tenth old bird race of the season from Yeovil in conjunction with the second of the North West Combine’s 2023 events. The convoy were liberated at 7am into yet another East wind. Whilst the heatwave continued into its third week it was vital the pigeons got away early to beat the rising temperatures throughout the day, which were set to reach as high as 29 degrees in the early afternoon.

77 members sent 1553 birds with the leaders covering the 177 miles in three hours and twenty minutes to record velocities of mid 1500’s and although the race was straight forward with many reporting good returns, there was also some empty perches by dusk.

I had a pigeon call by my lofts for a pitstop late afternoon with my youngsters. He was in fantastic condition and enroute to Ayrshire, Scotland and after a quick refreshing drink, he set back off on his journey, hopefully he made it.

Before we head into the results, I’d like to congratulate Harry & Peter Rees and Thomas Caples on their finish in the combine last week taking the top 2 places, a result that you should be proud of, Well done!

First result in this week is from Bill Green om behalf of the Pirrie FC (10/203) and Billy Fulton and Dave Lee claim top spot back this week. Their winner is bred by club mate Tommy Hibbs. Big Noel Quarless & Son, Josh, take runners up position with a roundabout cock which has always been a sturdy pigeon, he was bought at the club sale and was bred by Kevin Moran. The ever-present Ste Gildea & Son & Frankie take 3rd place with a original Bart & Nance Van Oeckel pigeon x Willy Thas which topped the fed in 2022 as well as other multiple federation prizes. Kenny Simpson & Son bag themselves a 4th position, their timer is a roundabout Patrick Boecks x Alwin Petrie hen which has had previous form this season winning 2nd club 19th federation from Hereford as well as prizes in 2022.

Next to report in Ashley Healey on behalf of the Litherland FC (7/166) where this week’s provisional fed topper was clocked in at the lofts of Ted Davin & Son. Their winner is now known as ‘Big Ted’ after Teddy Davin Snr and is a previous winner of 2nd and 10th fed. He comes from a long line of performance pigeons with the sire being a son of ‘Aurelius’ and the dam being ‘Irene’ who is dam to two fed winners as well as being a federation winner in her own right, she is a daughter of ‘Big Kev’. All birds via Kevin Moran. Joe Perry & Son take 2nd place with a Van Loon bred by good friend Ste Goulding. Back with this week’s champions now, and Teddy Davin & Son take 3rd club with a yearling daughter of ‘Big Kev’ when paired to a daughter of “Aurelius” 4th club Mr & Mrs Murtagh – no details.

J Devine & Son clock two widowhood cocks to take the top two prizes in the Princes Park HS (7/160) the first timer is a yearling cheq pied cock from his own family of pigeons. The sire is a minor card winner whilst the dam was bred by Nicky Lyth – Middlesborough. Next it was a yearling Mealy cock bred by Les Cooke from his Lambrecht family. This cock was also second club last week from Yeovil. Team Heague takes the next two spots. Taking 3rd club is a two year old blue pied widowhood cock bred from their own pigeons followed by another two year old blue pied cock, this time bred by good friend Frank Bristow. Both pigeons are previous 1st prize winners. Well done all!

1st Club Princes Park HS J Devine Son

1st Club Princes Park HS - J Devine & Son

Some good feedback for Peter Morris from the members of the Garston FC (6/127) were Chris Jones takes the red card with a Heremans Ceusters bred by Peter, whilst Neil Brown clocks a brace of pigeons again bred by Peter to take 2nd & 3rd club. 4th club Alan Jones – No details.

The ever-present Eddie Naylor & Son take 1st & 4th Spots in the Bootle FC (8/137). The winner is a pigeon that has won many prizes before, his sire is a Janssen bred by John & Lee Maguire whilst the dam is the good red Walter Docx hen bred by Les Pinfield – Midlands. Their second timer is a Northeast pigeon which has won earlier in the season as well as having other prizes on his CV. He was bred by Steve Coulter – Newcastle. Mr & Mrs J Warren & D Foat & Son clock two Willy Jacob cocks to take 2nd & 3rd club the first of which is a latebred.

Next up is the Central FC (15/217) were Terry Hodson takes 1st & 4th positions. Terry’s first bird is a yearling cheq pied widowhood which was showing all the right signs through the week. He is a homebred cock, bred on the sire’s side from Anthony Coburns stock via Curtis, Wall & Lunt’s ‘Box 9’ Cock crossed with Ste Williamson’s original unrung Kittel Hen through Kev Moran stock. Terry’s 4th placed pigeon is the same game hen that won the fed a few weeks back gifted by Ste Maylett – Manchester, Bred by Ray Lunt from the De Jan Hartog lines. This hen has also taken a 2nd club this season. Tony Hawkins takes 2nd & 3rd club, first in the clock is a yearling blue pied widowhood cock bred by Rees Bros & Caples. Tony would like to thank the lads for the pigeon. Tony’s next arrival is a 3 year old blue wf widowhood cock via Andy Gregsons Gaveart stock and is one of the famous brothers that have raced really well for Tony. The money winners this week were Tony Hawkins winning £50, John Farley - £30, Terry Hodson £20. Finally, all the lads of the Liverpool Central would like to congratulate club mates Harry, Peter & Thomas on their combine win last weekend, a brilliant result and well deserved.

Rees Bros & Caples consolidate their dominance taking 1st, 2nd & 3rd in the Vauxhall HS (6/144). Their winner is a yearling blue wf cock, a half-brother to their 1st fed winner this season. His sire is a son of ‘Padeli’ x ‘Kamala’ whilst the dam is ‘Marcel’s gift’ which is a daughter of ‘Tiamo’ x ‘New Kittel Queen’. Both parents bred by Marcel Sangers. Next is ‘The Bad Stump’ a pencil hen which is the nest sister to ‘The Good Stump’ a winner of 3x1st including 2nd federation a few weeks back. The sire is a grandson of ‘Sagan’ whilst the dam is a granddaughter ‘Kittel’ once again bred by Marcel Sangers. The super ‘Irish37’, now known as “Always Early’ after the late Billy Early, a good friend and mentor, is next in the clock and this is his final race of the season after racking up some impressive prizes winning 4x1st, 2x2nd’s, once beaten by loft mate, 1x3rd, 4th & 6th. He will now go to four of our best stock hens to ensure we have his bloodline as we intend to race him next year. Ste Williamson & Murphy take 4th club with their consistent German from John Gerard which also scored two weeks prior.

Over at the Netherton FC (7/214) Brian Halsall bags himself the red card with the ‘Latebred 81’ Hen that was beaten on the trap the week previous by a loft mate to finish 15th combine. The sire is a son of the good ’79 hen’ which is a top racer breeder, and he was paired to the ‘Black Saturday Sister’. In runners up position this week is mick & Robyn Macdonald with a very consistent bird which was a federation winner in 2022 and has also been 1st club 10th fed this season. 3rd & 4th McCardle, Archbold & Maguire – no details.

Mr & Mrs Muirhead & Son, Graham, Wendy & Connor had a fantastic race in the Kirkdale WMHS (6/105) taking 1st, 2nd & 4th spots. Their winner is a blue hen which has had previous form winning 16th & 21st Fed, she is a granddaughter of the partnerships number one cock ‘74’ when paired to a daughter of the old originals ‘43’ & ‘29’. Next, they clocked a blue cock who is bred from a federation winner making him a grandson of ‘Stitches’ when he was paired to a daughter of the ‘Latebred’ x ‘Pied Hen’. The third timer is a pencil blue cock this time a direct son of ‘Stitches’ x ’87 hen’ which is a daughter of ’29’ and ‘Ste Smith Hen’. Johnson Bros & Pattison finish 3rd club with the nest mate to a hen that was 1st club from Yeovil and was bred from a cock bred by Will Saggers when paired to a Vandenabeele hen that was 3rd Taylors Arms breeder buyer winning the partnership £3000. Well Done all!

Are final stop this week is the Edge Hill HS (5/80) were Ste & Pat Moffit continue their winning streak finishing 1st, 2nd, and 4th. The winner is a 2 year old cheq cock raced on the roundabout system. He carded last season, and his two brothers has won this season including other positions which all originate from the Van Loon stock via Planet Brothers. Next up they clocked a yearling blue cock, again raced on the roundabout and his brothers have taken cards earlier this season. He was homebred in the stock loft from the Lambrecht stock. Finally, they clocked a blue yearling cock which is a full brother to this week’s winner. He has been in fine form recently winning 1st & 2nd club the two weeks previous. Daniel & Ray Scotton finish 3rd with a yearling blue cock bred by John Mowbray from the North East.

Federation Provisional top 10:

1st & 4th E Davin & Son (1544) (1531), 2nd B Halsall (1541), 3rd J Perry & Son (1539), M & R Macdonald (1525), 6th & 8th McCardle, Archbold & Maguire (1524) (1518), 7th T Hodson (1518), 9th Rees Bros & Caples (1517), 10th Mr & Mrs Muirhead & Son (1516)

Congratulations to all our Prize-winners this week, especially to our federation winners Ted Davin & Son who are never far away from the top week in week out, year after year.

Provisional Fed Winner E Davin Son

Provisional Fed Winner - E Davin & Son

Next week’s race is from Weymouth in conjunction with the North West Combine.

Many Thanks

Thomas Miller

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