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Lanarkshire Federation - Bubwith Race - 30-05-23

Lanarkshire Federation - Bubwith Race

This week we are in east Yorkshire, England which is around 189 miles flight back to this week’s winner in Lower central Scotland.

The birds were given plenty of time to settle as the transporter had a blow out of one of its tyres.

The 4,000 federation birds and 30 crates from other organisations  were away at 10 30 in a light east wind turning more south. It soon became clear that the birds had been seriously effected in flight. The birds just didn't home to any great regularity with gaps between returning .

There was only one reason that's falcons, these things are terrorising our pigeons and killing our sport.

To think that our pigeons have a great history of helping our armed forces in overcoming tyranny in the great world wars .

Pigeons in war 30 05 23

Pigeons at War didn't see many falcons saving life's

Councils erecting nesting boxes to support more of them is just sick. We need to fight back. The power of the pen is mightier than the sword, we  should be looking at legally challenging these introductions.

The National organisation's should be supporting such action!

I think a percentage of all profit making aspects of the sport should be used for fighting to save our sport.

Weekly adverts in National papers and web sites highlighting to the public what is happening.

But will it happen? I don't think so because of the apathy in the sport.  

You can’t exercise your birds as they get attacked, road train at your own pearl, even returning from races they are followed home.

It’s the death of our sport, birds returning traumatised ,injured and generally scared pigeons. How can we attract new fanciers if they can’t get a foot hold in the sport with most of their birds getting lost as youngsters.

When you see fanciers who have a history of three and four generation packing in the sport, it’s like global warming its probable too late to save the planet/sport. 

Personally I witnessed my birds being attacked frequently and have birds home injured due to attacks and its only getting worse..

You very seldom have 100% returns and we haven't even got to the critical period of the year when this year’s youngsters have to face four times the amount of these things in the sky. 

Last season we started the young bird season two weeks earlier but have returned to normal YB race dates. So it will be interesting to see the outcome.  

Like most fanciers we dedicate our free time to promoting our sport in the right manner and keeping our birds in the best of health only to run the gauntlet each week.

Just remember when the birds don't home don't jump to condemn them! 

I have over forty years’ experience and my Dad over sixty years in the sport and can reflect on times when fanciers used to breed 12 young birds a year and be left with them all. You would need to keep them as prisoners to achieve such numbers nowadays .All you here is fanciers talking about missing birds.

It’s sad when the biggest percentage of fanciers cannot complete a race programme because of the heavy losses.

I honestly think pigeon racing will regress to racing from short distances that gives the birds a better percentage of return or we will die as a sport

Pigeon racing will regress to flying only short distance events.

It’s just my opinion of what the sport will be like in the future.

Some prefer the one loft race game, it’s not for me it’s all about conditioning your own birds and the social aspects of the sport.

Saturday was a blue sky day at race point and this is  always going to be tough, very little wind is just doubles the odds in favour of the falcons. And again that's what we got with the gaps in returns.

Last week the federation sent 5,400 this week 4,200 significant number that is it not!

How many will make it to the last race from Guernsey in July 

Well that's my rant for the night!

This week’s 1st North sect 1st Open federation 4,200 birds is the world class GWP Macaloney partnership who continue to dominate the leader board and are top of the average board with their spectacular team of pigeons. Is if this isn't anything I haven't told you most weeks. They are just different class.

GWP Macaloney 3 30 05 23    Bubwith 1st Open federation for GWP Macaloney 30 05 23

GWP Macaloney & GWP Macaloney 1st Open federation winner this week

Have a look on Lanarkshire federation website and see the amount of pigeons they score with in the section and Open competition.

If it was a point trophy average they would probably retire their team after the first six races and still comfortable win the trophy.

The gap between them and the rest of us is quite frightening.

This week’s winner is a blue yearling hen that only got one race as a youngster and already has a 1st & 7th Open federation. Bred out of their own New Dream Pair lines that incorporates all the best of their winning gene pool.

It’s very sad that this partnership are leaving the sport with an entire clearance sale October/November 2023.

I am not sure if 

any of the above reasons, what I was talking about earlier could be a factor, as I know that they have major issues exercising their birds.

Their likes will never be seen again!

Well done to the partnership on another brilliant performance!

Section winners


1st GWP Macaloney 1st Open

2nd Gault & Quinn

3rd J McPheat & Sons

4th D Love

5th T Corrie Son G/son

Paul Macaloney 30 05 23

Paul Macaloney winner of 1st Open

Billy Alec McPheat 2022 30 05 23

Billy & Alec McPheat win Clarkston this week


1st J Hendrie & Sons

2nd C & E McMillan

3rd Lindsay & Henderson

4th Eadie & Kelly

5th Wilson & Cairns 1 

Jim Hendrie Sons 30 05 23

Jim Hendrie & Sons win Airdrie club and 1st Centre section ,2nd Open federation

Callum McMillan 30 05 23

Calumn McMillan wins Newmains club


1st M Krivokapic

2nd W Boswell

3rd P White

4th D Allison

5th M Krivokapic

Mio Krivokapic 30 05 23

Mio Krivokapic wins Greenfield club with a McCormick & Hughes line.

Walter Boswell of Burnbank club 30 05 23

Walter Boswell wins Burnbank club

Tom Corrie jnr

Lanarkshire Press Officer

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Davie Burnside 30 05 23

Davie Burnside wins another in Lanark club

George Truesdale 30 05 23                                      Colin Gray 2 30 05 23    Colin Grays Bubwith winner 30 05 23

George Truesdale wins another in Chapelhall club           Colin Gray wins Chryston club this week & Colin Grays club winner who slept out the week before and                                                                                                       rectified itself.

Bill Traynor with his Bubwith winner 30 05 23

Bill Traynor wins Uddingston club with a pigeon bred by club mate Wullie Collins

Pollock Cairney winners of Coatbridge SC 30 05 23             Marshall Findlay 30 05 23                    Billy Gordon 30 05 23

Pollock & Cairney win Coatbridge SC      Marshall Findlay wins Carluke club           Billy Gordon wins Blantyre club

Kelly Gillon 4 30 05 23

Kelly Gillon wins another in New Stevenson