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Lanarkshire News - Autumn News - 13-10-23

Lanarkshire News - Autumn News

Well as we know it’s the moulting season for our birds, not everyone's cup of tea and probable the most non exciting time of the pigeon calendar.

Abuse this time at your pearl as it’s possible the most important time of the year. Any birds that aren't meeting your expectation should have been moved on.

The papers and the internet are full of paper birds that are all so called "Champions" Paper takes on anything.

This is the time for some to attend social gatherings ,usually in the format listening to a panel and generally getting a blether with other like pigeon fanciers.

It’s good to get out and socialise and get out with friends and fellow pigeon fanciers.

In time gone by I organised an inexpensive night in my own club Clarkston, inviting a guest speaker Davie Elliot of Newbiggin a highly respected fancier and Champion racer at the distance, Davie spoke brilliantly about the art of pigeon racing, What a pigeon fancier, What a night !

Why not try this approach, It’s not difficult to organise with such rewards, so step out there and make it happen. have a club show or just get together with club members and friends to have a cuppa and a chat about the sport.

Lanarkshire as a federation is like others, its shrinking in membership ,we need to make the sport more  appealing for members to join. It’s up to you to have a think tank and try and improve things. But most  will just sit back and do nothing, have a moan about this that and everything.

Great gesture by the top table

The federation President John Lawrie and John Leggate had been ask by the staff to attend a local elderly care home to talk with the staff and residents about the pigeon sport, it’s always a great conversation starter as everyone remembers someone in their neighbourhood that kept pigeons. This was a great gesture by them and shows the committee leading by example in promoting the sport. Feedback was great!

John Lawrie John Leggate visit 13 10 23z

John Lawrie and John Leggate having a sharing and caring time, showing the pigeons in Ryan Meadows Care Home 

Myself in the company of my Dad and son Christopher took up this initiative a couple of months ago, attended a local day care centre for pensioners who get together during the day to give them meaningful contact out with their home environment. I found the experience extremely rewarding and we got great feedback from staff and residents.

So have a think about if everyone, what can you give back from our sport.

I have been busy on some loft reports visiting the average winning lofts of 2023 ,still some to catch due to holidays but there is no hiding place Andy!

These will be published in the Lanarkshire federation website and in the fancy press over the coming weeks.

It’s always good to promote our sport in the right manner. 

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Helping Papa with the pigeons 

The time for motions to the federation will probably be passed by the time this goes to press with the letters to each club Secretary sent out weeks in advance .But like most things there is plenty of talk on social media but usually very little in the hands of the federation Secretary.

The business of the federation is at the AGM and the race programme meetings. The dates for both are in the federation book provided to each member every year.

Well club AGM meetings should be coming up after the Federation one so get along a support your club attend any social events they are having and enjoy your sport. 

Blackpool pigeon weekend has been booked and will be attending this year’s SHU show at Lanark. 

Hopefully the dreaded bird flu hasn't an impact on these cracking events.

Hopefully I will get to some of the clubs presentation nights for some photos and  don't be shy to send any photos or details of what's happening in your clubs.

The lofts will still be full of birds holding their last flights and the daily chores of lifting old feathers continues, but as quickly as the ugly ducklings that our pigeons look at the moment in another month they will look like champions. 

If you are like me the plan in your head will have your birds paired and any adjustments to lofts should be completed. The lofts should have been sprayed with Virkon S after the racing season and left alone thereafter.

Remember to thank your wife/partner and family for putting up with your selfishness we call pigeons.

My own break after racing was on the Island of Madeira it’s a cracking Island off the coast of Africa ,great for recharging your batteries. 

Fereal pigeon in cave 13 10 23z    Typical house in madeira of the yesterday years 13 10 23z    IMG 7412 1 13 10 23z

Spotted this mealy perching in a cave on the Island of Madeira, it was one of seven mealies in the group, A typical Madeira home in the 1600-1800s & Falcon spotted in Madeira ,on ledge below was a feral pigeon. Game of cat and mouse I think.

Show Dates

Clarkston club are running their  Wednesday night shows

Club Premisses ,Ashgrove, Craigneuk, in Airdrie

Wed 15th November OCC Handle & YHP 

Wed 22nd November OHH & YCP

Wed 29th November YHH & OCP

Wed 6th Dec      YCH & OHP

Wed 13th Dec    Pied or Grizzle YB Peep & Late Bred Handle

Wed 20th Dec     All Winners 

50p per bird

Club opens 6 15pm show starts 7 30pm

Come along and enjoy a great wee social night competing or for a blether.

One Loft Racing -Kevin Doherty reported that his syndicate Ant Hill Mob were 6th place and winning 2nd pooler from Stranraer(207 miles) in  Moray firth One loft classic 

Jim Forsyth of Coatbridge bred bird bred out of Wall Lunt Green cock x Marrianne Vink Hen

Well done lads and all the best in Final 

Thanks for those who regularly support Lanarkshire news.

Check out Lanarkshire racing pigeon website for results and articles.

Tom Corrie jnr 

Lanarkshire Press  Officer

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Andrew McCrindle BC 13 10 23z

B/Cock that had returned for Andrew McBurnie after racing, where have you been?

The old yin enjoying his birthday 13 10 23z

Tom Corrie snr enjoying his recent 82nd birthday. Tom had a terrific season in Lanarkshire federation this year.

Sam Shanks Montage 13 10 23z

Montage of Sam Shanks cracking season in Airdrie and Lanarkshire federation young bird programme

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Top performance partnership, Champion YB loft Barclay McCrindle & Son. Loft report to come

Andy Eadie 4 13 10 23z

Andy Eadie (R) Champion loft 2023 season Lanarkshire federation. Loft report to come.

Chris Corrie having a wee night out with his sister Megan and cousin John 13 10 23z

Chris Corrie(L) enjoying a night out with his cousin and sister, Chris has took a keener interest in the pigeons. 

Ian Lindsay with his Billericay winner 13 10 23z

Always enjoy a catch up with Ian Lindsay

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Walter Boswell had a fantastic season. Report to follow

Front of new unit 13 10 23z

For those that missed the photo, new lorry for Lanarkshire used during season

Black Bull 13 10 23z

This big fellow spotted on a trip to Etal miniature steam train

Davie Allison 1st sect 13 10 23z    Davie Allison winner of 1st sect2nd Open Billericay 13 10 23z

Davie Allison B/C double section winner ,1st West sect Alnwick 2 & 1st West sect Thirsk races this YB season ,not many of them in a thousand. Cracker Davie! & Davie Allison Cheq C 1st club,1st sect,2nd Open Billericay 344 miles

Eyemouth Bay 13 10 23z

Cracking trip to Eyemouth bay in July

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Pair of youngsters I liked in nest, a couple of years ago ,the hen on right went on to win 1st club 5th Open Lanarkshire fed ,2nd club,2nd Yearling Derby Lanarkshire federation, beaten in club by its Sire. Also bred a winner. "The Silver line" Sister to my 1st Open Billericay 2023