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Lanarkshire News - November 17-11-23

Lanarkshire News - November

I attended the Scottish Homing Union show on Saturday 11th November in the Lanark Agricultural Centre .It was a great honour to be asked to judge by Andy Frame and his team.

I personally think it’s a terrific venue for such an event and appeared to be well supported by fanciers throughout the country.

Managed a quick look at the stalls and pigeons on display. They were a credit to everyone.

The feedback from those I spoke with was very positive. Well done to all who helped make this a great day out.

Had the opportunity to have a chat with Wullie Smart and his son also Dr Lynch(Pigeon Fanciers Medical Health) and also this year’s major prize winner AW Robertson of Gilmerton who were all sitting at table.

Long may the show continue and be a centre piece for Scottish Pigeons!

Well done to all the SHU trophy winners, again it’s always a great honour to be presented at the SHU show for their achievements.

Special mention for our own federation President John Lawrie on winning the Annie Ross Bowes Memorial Trophy for outstanding service and contribution to the pigeon sport.

Lanarkshire Federation meetings and Social dates.

AGM -Saturday 25th November at 12md in the Motherwell Miners Welfare Club,274 Ladywell rd,Motherwell,ML1 3HD

Race Programme meeting Saturday 2nd December at 12 md in the Motherwell Miners Welfare Club

Presentation Night Friday 23rd February in the Motherwell Miners Welfare club

Jim Wood of Airdrie club sent me  details and photos of the 2023 season club presentation. Thanks Jim

Combine Average  winners Gault &Quinn  

Old Bird Average winner John Murphy senior

Young Bird Average winner Sam Shanks

Clarkston & Dist. Annual Open Show result Wednesday 15th November


1st D Hay

2nd D Hay

3rd  Muir & Gillespie

4th Wilson & Cairns

5th D Sloan & Son

6th  Muir & Gillespie  

7th D Sloan & Son

8th D Hay

9th D Hay

Judge Malcolm Mathieson


1st D Hay

2nd T Corrie Son G/son

3rd Wilson & Cairns

4th D Hay

5th D Hay

6th W Boswell

7th T Corrie Son G/son

8th Wilson & Cairns

9th Wilson & Cairns

Judge Andrew Suckle

Tom Corrie jnr

Lanarkshire Press Officer

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Tommy Hendrie L of J Hendrie Son 17 11 23

Tommy Hendrie (L) of Jim Hendrie & Sons winners of Bubwith trophy and the partnership were 2nd Open federation in this race.

Sam ShanksR being presented by Ian Thompson 17 11 23

Sam Shanks (R) had a brilliant YB season winning 5 x 1st prizes and 2nd in other race from 6 races. He also wins the Young bird Averages. He was presented his cup by Vice President Ian Thompson. 

John Murphy L being presented by Martin Hilley 17 11 23

John Murphy senior(L) wins the Old Bird Averages and was presented by good friend Martin Hilley. John Had an excellent season with the old birds.

Airdrie District Trophies on display 17 11 23

Airdrie District display of cups

Jimmy Quinn L being presented by club Secretary Ian Rankin 17 11 23

Jimmy Quinn (L) of partnership Gault & Quinn had a great season and Champion loft winning the Combine Averages. Jimmy was presented by club Secretary Ian Rankin. Well done lads very difficult trophy to win.

Jim WilkinsonL being presented by Sean Peden 17 11 23

Jim Wilkinson (L) being presented by Sean Peden. Jim had another outstanding season in Scottish National races 

Ian ThompsonR being presented by John Murphy 17 11 23

Ian Thompson winner of longest YB race recording 1st sect,2nd Open in this race. Ian was presented by John Murphy 

Eddie Porter L being presented by Bobby Peden 17 11 23

Bobby Peden (R) presenting Eddie Porter with the National trophy he won

Ian Rankin with Ian Thompson 17 11 23

Ian Rankin(R) winner of 1st club Worksop and 1st Open Worksop under the management of Jim Wood, so Jim says anyway.

Performance Pigeons Uk John Short 17 11 23

John Short of Performance Pigeons UK who had a fine team of well-bred pigeons on display at the show. Many lofts throughout the country are winning with his top lines and our federation Inland Average winner Walter Boswell is testament to that. The birds in the pen looked in terrific condition!

Andy Eadie 4 17 11 23

John Lawrie(L)winner of the SHU Annie Bowes Trophy at SHU show.

Malcom Mathieson LDerek Hay C Andrew Suckle 17 11 23

Derek Hay(C) with the two judges Malcolm Mathieson(L) & Andrew Suckle (R). Derek had a terrific first show at Clarkston winning both classes.