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Lanarkshire News - Dalzell FC - Centenary Presentation Night - 14-02-24

Lanarkshire News - Dalzell FC - Centenary Presentation Night.

Dalziel club in my opinion has always set the standard's and its always a pleasure to attend their presentation and quiz night. 

The venue for the presentation was Motherwell Miners club hall, which was set out splendidly for such a great occasion.100yrs in existence for Dalzell club!

The club had a wonderful banner on display incorporating historic photos which club President Douglas Telfer took the time to explain the 100 years history of the club.

Part of this wonderful history was a white hen pigeon called "White Vision" who was bred by Fleming brothers of Dalziel club, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

White Vision.jpg

Immortal " White Vision "

During the Second World War she was lent to the National Pigeon Service and was stationed at Sullon Voe in the Shetland Islands with 190 Squadron RAF. On 11th October 1943,White Vision was aboard Consolidated PBY Catalina flying boat when it was forced to ditch in the North Sea near the Hebrides off the coast of Scotland. With the plane radio out of action she was released in little visibility in rough seas by the plane’s crew. White Vision flew the 60 miles against strong head winds to deliver the vital message that saved the lives of the eleven crew members, who had spent eighteen hours in the sea.

White Vision received the prestigious Dickin Medal, referred as the animal Victoria Cross.

Such history for such a great club. Possible many sons and daughters hold their existence to this brave pigeon and the brothers that bred her.

There was a cracking turn out for such a wonderful event and to think that the club has maintained its identity over all these years and still provides excellent membership and racing in the Lanarkshire federation is testament to the clubs DNA.

The club has a seen its Champion lofts over the years including in the more recent past the R  Telfer & Son, John King ,Wullie McDonald to name a few.

But every year is a new clean sheet for everyone to compete for the top prizes.

Club Champion was Joe Boyle winning 10 trophies which included Combine averages.

Joe over the last two seasons has recorded some remarkable results at club level, only being beaten in one race in YB racing over  two seasons. Equalling the record of R Telfer & Son for winning every YB race in one season 2022. 

Top racing Joe!

Other members to make their mark this season was Jim Cassidy winning 9 trophies including Old Bird Averages All races including longest race Guernsey.

Guernsey winner for Jim Cassidy

Logans Becky winner of 1st club Guernsey for Jim Cassidy

Jim Latimer winning 8 trophies including Inland averages including longest inland race Billericay and Ace Pigeon award.

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Beechwood Lass winner of 1st club Billericay for Jim Latimer

Robert Girwood winning 4 trophies including Yearling average.

Robert Dunsmore won the Ace Young bird and novice trophy.

Well done to all.

Douglas took the time to introduce the top table for the evening Jim Hannah, James & Gary Green and Tom Corrie jnr giving those in attendance some information of their time in the sport. 

Everyone enjoyed a lovely three course meal with tea& coffee to set up the night before the award of the splendid array of cups and trophies to this year’s winners and thereafter a bit of time for the panel to answer some questions on their pigeon management.

A  raffle and sale of YBs took place to help provide funds for the club.

All in all it was a great night of history of the past and hopefully the future for the club.

Thanks to all who made it another successful and enjoyable night and I wish the members all the best for next season. 

Tom Corrie jnr

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1)  l-r Joe Boyle, Jim Latimer, Robert Dunsmore, Robert Girdwood, Jim Cassidy             2)  l-r  Panel for the evening.   Tom corrie, Jim Hannah, Gary Green, James Green


3)  l-r  John King (special guest). Harry Brown (commissioned Centenary Mugs)                            4)  l-r  Dalzell's Trophy Array

5)  l-r  Dalzell Club Officials. Jim Latimer (Secretary), Douglas Telfer (President), Joe Boyle (Vice President/ Race secretary)


6)  l-r  Joe Boyle, Tom Corrie                                                                                                                7)  l-r  Jim Cassidy, Jim Hannah


8)  l-r  Jim Latimer, James Green                                                                                                            9)  l-r  Robert Girdwood, Gary Green


10)  l-r  Douglas Telfer, Robert Dunsmore                                                                                              11)  l-r  Jim Latimer, Willie McDonald


12)  l-r  Jim Latimer, Harry Brown                                                                                                         13)  l-r  Jim Latimer, David Penman.