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Lanarkshire News - Wooler 2 - 02-08-24

Lanarkshire News - Wooler 2

This we arrived back at Wooler in Northumberland, around 74 miles back to this week’s winning loft.

The race was delayed for 24hrs due to the unpredictable weather forecast for Saturday.

We got underway with 2,800 federation birds and 10 crates from others being liberated at 09 00hrs in a light west wind.

The winners started arriving into Lanarkshire at 10 42 for a velocity of 1283 to most potent lofts in the federation this season, that of Gault & Quinn of Airdrie club.

I phoned Jimmy Quinn to congratulate him on another fantastic performance been truly outstanding. Jimmy game me the details of their winner that was bred from a Woodroffe Bros lines from George Harris of Denny x Derek Nichols " Premier lofts" Herman Custer hen.

The young cheq hen is racing her first race and was prepared on the darkness system and trained throughout the week from Carnwath (18 miles) by club member Ian Thomson.

Jimmy reported the winner and most of his birds wasted time on arrival because of the family of peregrine falcons that are patrolling the village.

As earlier stated Wullie and Jimmy have been on top of their game throughout the season with this being their 4 x 1st Open federation win and their 6 x1st sect winner. The federation wins and section wins are up with the best!  

Brilliant flying lads.

Hopefully get a loft report done at end of season.

The returns were good for the first hour and then quickly dried up with some reporting losses and others that's birds had previous Wooler reporting good returns.

So what's new in pigeons east or west is always difficult especially YB racing .

Excellent team performances

Walter Boswell of Burnbank club winning 1st,2nd,3rd West section with his John Short (Performance Pigeons UK) These birds have been outstanding for Walter who has been winning at the very top level over the last few years with these lines.

J Green & Son of Burnbank club were 4th,5th7th,9th,10th West section

Young & Kelly of Chryston club had a cracking race winning 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th North section ,their winner is a Luc Vervoot x Philip Baadjou.

The partnership sit are at the top of the Average board after the first two races.

Andrew McBurnie of Chryston club was 10th,11th,12th,13th North section.

Tam Richardson of Newmains club had a good race winning 2nd,4th,5th,9th Centre section 

Section winners

North section

1st sect,1st Open Gault & Quinn

2nd R & S Peden

3rd Young & Kelly

West sect

1st,2nd 3rd  W Boswell

Centre sect

1st Wilson & Cairns loft 2

2nd T Richardson

3rd Cameron & Fan

Tom Corrie jnr

Lanarkshire press officer

John Sirrel 02 08 24d

John Sirrell winner
in Carluke club

Quinn Gault 2 02 08 24d

This week 1st sect,1st Open
Wullie Gault and Jimmy Quinn,
a partnership that have really shot to the top of Lanarkshire federation.

IMG 7750 1 02 08 24d

Danny Cairns of the Wilson & Cairns partnership,
1st Centre sect,1st  Newmains club

Mio Krivokapic 02 08 24d

Mio Krivokapic winner in Greenfield club


Performance Pigeons Uk John Short 02 08 24d

John Short of Performance Pigeons UK ,their birds are winning out of turn in Lanarkshire federation

Robert Cairns 02 08 24d

Rab Cairns had a great day winning the section,
bird that topped the centre section
it was off a pair old birds we got gifted
for Tony Kirman and were from his Dads birds
who sadly passed away last year, Terry Kirman (RIP)
Terry was an outstanding pigeon man
and gentleman as well the first yb race
we won Newmains with one of the gift ybs from them and was 2nd section the Kirman are from Liverpool

Walter with his top racer Shorty 02 08 24d

Walter Boswell continued his brilliant flying with another 1st,2nd,3rd section and six in top 15 with his Performance UK Pigeons

Walters racing loft 02 08 24d

Walter Boswell winning loft

Tom Corrie Son Gson 02 08 24d

Tom Corrie, Son, G/son this week’s winners in Clarkston with a Performance Pigeons UK bred pigeon.

Duncan Follis 02 08 24d

Duncan Follis winner in Coatbridge SC club

Harry Brown winner this week 02 08 24d

Harry Brown ( J & H Brown) of Dalziel club
winner bred from Dave Gore of South Wales 

Harry Brown 1 02 08 24d

Harry Brown, winner of Dalziel club


Wullie Semple 02 08 24d

Wullie Semple this week’s
winner in Blantyre club

Bill Traynor 1st club Uddingston 02 08 24d

Bill Traynor 1st club winner in Uddingston club
bred from Performance Pigeons UK stock
(Best Kittle, Vân den Bulk lines), purchased at Lanark Show

Bill Traynor 2nd timer 02 08 24d

Bill Traynor 2nd club same way bred as 1st club

Bill Traynors 3rd club 02 08 24d

Bill Traynor 3rd club winner this week

Andrew and partner 02 08 24d

Andrew McBurnie had an excellent team performance in the North section

Tam RichardsonR 02 08 24d

Tam Richardson (R) had an excellent team performance in the Centre section

James Gary Green of Burnbank club 02 08 24d

James Green & Son had an excellent
team performance in the West section

Cheq cock 1st Wooler 2 Chryston club 02 08 24d

Young & Kelly 1st club,
3rd Open federation winner Wooler 2

Mealy cock 1st Wooler 1 Chryston club 02 08 24d

Young & Kelly 1st club,
3rd Open federation winner Wooler 1

Bill Traynor 3 02 08 24d

Bill Traynor winner in Uddingston club Wooler 2