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Lanarkshire News- Gault & Quinn - 17-12-24

Lanarkshire News

Gault & Quinn- The most potent 1st Open winners in Lanarkshire Federation 2024

Wullie Gault and Jimmy Quinn had what you would call an "Outstanding" season flying into the Lanarkshire federation.

This season winning the North section Combine averages and finishing second in the overall Combine Averages over the nineteen race programme.

2024 season winnings were 4 x 1st Open federations

                                                6 x 1st North section

Airdrie club Inland & Combine Average winners

Lanarkshire federation North section Inland averages & Combine Average winners

2nd Overall Combine Average winners in federation. 

Trophies won 2024 

The Newmains S.C. Trophy: To the winner of the Yeovil race

The Rappold Trophy: For the best two bird average in the Yeovil race.

The United Taxis Trophy: To the winner of the longest flown inland race.

The Sam Rodger Trophy: For the best average over longest flown inland old bird race and first 5 young bird races flown. 

. The J.Hannah Coloured Photograph: This will be won by the winner of the Yeovil race.

 The Sam Anderson Trophy: For first yearling in the Yeovil race.

Both have long standing roots in pigeons racing separately but joined force three seasons ago.

Although they did race together back in the 1980s for a short time.

Wullie laughed that the partnership is an argument every day, but it works for them.

The partnership are in their seventies but still have the zest for the sport.

Pigeons are a way of life for them and are always up for a laugh.

They managed to win 1st Open federation on the west route and also 1st Open federation on  the east side of the country, proving their versatility and no so called better loft position ,winning from 50 miles out to 346 miles with up to just under 4,000 birds competing.

Throughout the season they hit the section prizes with 25 prizes in the top 15 of the section. 

No other loft in the federation has won more 1st Open federations in 2024.

A truly remarkable strike rate for a small back garden set up!

The solid foundation for their success has been provided by their "Cattrysse family" of pigeons, that have been competing for over forty years.

Wullie and friend Eddie McKerley originally purchasing two pair directly from Colin Lloyd a good number of years ago.

Wullie has always had an admiration for the Cattrysse pigeons and additions from Les Davenport from David Moss ,Sam Regan(N Ireland) and Ernie Goodyear.

Cattrysse(Moere ,Belgium) were world champions of the distance racing, but over time these birds were great all round distance pigeons when raced by many.

Like any loft, Gault & Quinn fly other named pigeons ,crossing them into each other.

Jimmy jokingly saying it’s the "Zebra crossing" system.

The best of Vanderabelle, Herman Custer, Lambrechts, Kannibal lines have been sourced and blended into quality winning pigeons.

We were very impressed with the depth of quality of stock that I feel will keep the on top for many seasons.

These pigeons came from different sources. Colin Grieve ,Greengairs , George Harris ,Denny ,John Palmer, Bellshill, Kenny McDonald ,Clelland  ,Mark Gilbert, Southfield lofts.

Racing into Lanarkshire federation Lower Central, Scotland requires birds that perform in any velocity and they have proved their worth right through the distances.

One being a five year old Blue C winning 1st Open federation, in the longest race in the federation calendar this season. He is a very special pigeon who has consistently performed winning prizes right through to 450 miles with over £1,000 in prize/pool money. He also breeds excellent birds with his daughter winning 1st sect,1st Open 2024.

Think he is being put to stock.

The Sire of this pigeon also won over £1,000 in pools and prize money including National racing across the channel.

So as you can see a cracking line of winners. The Dam was provided by Martin Hilley of (Plains) from George Carteus(Long distance Champion lines)

Season 2024 will go down as one of the most difficult of seasons for those racing in the Lanarkshire federation down the old more traditional west route.

The YB in 2024, racing was switched back down the east because of the losses on the west with the old bird programme.

Winning system

They have two wooden lofts 21ft old bird racing loft and the other is 20ft for YBs and stock pigeons.

Standard plastic front boxes and slim wood perches for hens.

Sprinkle of wood shavings on floors changed daily.   

Both sexes are raced on the roundabout system hens go out at 7am for one hour and the cocks are moved through into the hens section, hens return into the box section being fed. The cocks are out at 8am again for one hour and return to box section with the hens already returned to their section.

The process is repeated at 3-4pm & 4-5pm

Before the season starts the old birds are given around six trainers out to 25 miles

YBs get trained around the same but only to 15 miles. 

Birds are not going to be raced every week with a number of cocks and hens being selected.

The birds a kept in a way that when they are out straight back into loft after they land as the partnership are very aware of the local cat population

Wullie said the main factor in pigeons is having "good pigeons"!

Feeding regime


Versele Laga Breed & Wean with Hormoform and Porridge Oats provided .

Red and Black minerals

Cider Vinegar once per week


Saturday on return -Barley/Depurative & Hormoform

Sunday- VL Gerry Plus

Monday- VL Gerry Plus

Tuesday- VL Gerry Plus

Wednesday-VL Gerry Plus morning ,VL Sports mixture

Thursday-Sports mixture

Friday -Sports mixture at 10am

When asked if the birds get all the want both laughed and said no

Birds are spoon fed ,one tablespoon per bird after exercise on Thursday and Friday its a heaped spoon.

When they go out further its increased.

Added to water

Saturday -Dioralyte Rehydration powder & Honey

Sunday -Rohnfried Sedochol

Monday -Cider Vinegar

Tuesday-Gerdon 1

Wednesday - Comet Acidic Intensive

Thursday - No additive

Friday -No additive


Wullie laughed stating his cupboard that holds the treatments is like a "chemist shop"

4-1 Harkers solution or tablets regularly throughout racing season, especially two weeks before big competition race.

Harkers Coxoid will be given over throat if YB is showing ruffle in feather.

Megacox product from Medvet is given straight down throat if anything shows any sign of ill health.

Birds are vaccinated before commencement of racing with Colombovac Paramixo. 

No treatment is given in season 2025 for E.coli or Salmonella as they feel all issues come from canker issues that lead to secondary issues. 

They don't really have a favourite product with different ones being tried each year.

The season 2025 will see them race around 50 old birds, around 18 cocks and 30 hens

 Around 40 YBs will be raced on the natural system 2025

I’m sure they will continue to be very competitive and the loft to beat in 2025.

Thanks to the partnership for their time and hospitality their pigeons are exceptional!

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Tom Corrie jnr

Lanarkshire Press Officer

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