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Lanarkshire News- Clarkston Members Show - 07-01-25

Lanarkshire News- Clarkston Members Show

After a series of Open shows Clarkston members got together to have their show that would see the end of season 2024.

Although the horrendous weather, members turned out to support their club and have some healthy competition, and hospitality.

I tend to feel that social aspects of the sport are fundamental in a good pigeon club.

We were very grateful to judges Walter Boswell and Jim McGuire for stepping up to the mark and judging the four handling classes.

John Short of Performance Pigeons UK judged the four winners for BIS, BOS, BYB.

Thanks to everyone for their raffle prizes and food that kept every happy.

It was an excellent day for the Corrie partnership following on from the Open show.

Class Results. All handling classes


1st T Corrie Son G/son

2nd E McKerley

3rd Muir & Gillespie

Judge Walter Boswell


1st T Corrie Son G/son

2nd T Corrie Son G/son

3rd G Findlyson

Judge Walter Boswell


1st T Corrie Son G/son

2nd T Corrie Son G/son

3rd J & A Ferguson

Judge Jim McGuire


1st T Corrie Son G/son

2nd Muir & Gillespie

3rd E McKerley

Judge Jim McGuire

Best in Show -T Corrie Son G/son

BOS -T Corrie Son G/son

BYB-T Corrie Son G/son

Judges by John Short

The club committee would like to thank the members who supported their club and to the judges for their time.

Best in Show for Tom Corrie Son Gson 07 01 25b

Best in Show for Tom Corrie Son G/son

Best Old Hen for Tom Corrie Son Gson 07 01 25b

Best Old Hen for Tom Corrie Son G/son

Best young hen and best BOS for T Corrie Son Gson 07 01 25b

Best young hen and best BOS for T Corrie Son G/son

BYC for T Corrie Son Gson 07 01 25b

BYC for T Corrie Son G/son

Judges Walter BoswellLand Jim McGuireR with Tom Corrie Jnr C 07 01 25b

Judges Walter Boswell(L) and Jim McGuire(R)
with Tom Corrie Jnr (C)

BIS judge John ShortL with winning pigeon 07 01 25b

BIS judge John Short(L) with winning pigeon

 Clarkston members enjoying their show 07 01 25b

Clarkston members enjoying their show

2nd prize YHH for Muir Gillespie 07 01 25b

2nd prize YHH for Muir & Gillespie

3rd prize YCH for J A Ferguson 07 01 25b

3rd prize YCH for J & A Ferguson

2nd prize OHH for T Corrie Son Gson 07 01 25

2nd prize OHH for T Corrie Son G/son



Tom Corrie jnr

Lanarkshire Press Officer

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