Tom Corrie
Autumn 2014 Update
After an excellent turnout for the race programme meeting recently, Lanarkshire will be racing from the East of England in 2015. Transporting with the SNFC for their Inland National or Nationals and also Ypres has also been agreed. The club averages have been sorted with most having their presentation night over the off season. Thanks to those who have already sent them to me for my article. Again if you wish them published just email or post them on.
Programme for 2015
Old Birds
18/4/15 Otterburn 82 miles average distances
25/04/15 Otterburn
02/05/15 Hexham 95 miles
09/05/15 Sedgefield 129 miles
16/5/15 Thirsk 150 miles
22/5/15 Thirsk
30/05/15 Wetherby Yearling Open 165 miles
06/06/15 Inland Nat with SNFC (300 miles)
13/06/15 Sedgefield
20/06/15 Inland Nat with SNFC (370 miles)
27 /06/15 Otterburn 82miles
04/07/15 Ypres with SNFC 440 miles
Young Birds
25/07/15 Otterburn
01/08/15 Otterburn
08/08/15 Hexham
15/08/15 Sedgefield
22/08/15 Thirsk(Open)
29/08/15 Wetherby
05/08/15 Otterburn
Latest Club News
Glenmavis Flying Club Winners 2014
Old Bird Season
S Nelson - 4 x 1st 1 x 2nd 2 x 3rd 4 x 4th
C Baird - 3 x 1st 2 x 2nd 6 x 3rd
R Hughes - 2 x 1st 4 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th
Stewart & Hughes - 1 x 1st 3 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th
J & N Barlow 1 x 1st 1 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th
V Moore 1 x 4th
S & B Stewart 1 x 4th
Young Birds
C Baird 4 x 1st 2 x 2nd 3 x 3rd 4 x 4th
S Nelson 2 x 1st 4 x 2nd 2 x 3rd 1 x 4th
Stewart & Rodger 2 x 1st 2 x 2nd 3 x 3rd 2 x 4th
J & N Barlow 1 x 4th
Old Bird Average - S Nelson R/U- Stewart & Rodger
Combine Average - Stewart & Rodger R/U =S Nelson
Young Bird Average - Stewart & Rodger R/U -C Baird
1st 5 race average - C Baird
Robert Adams Trophy winner of 4th race - J & N Barlow
Alice Watson Trophy best average 4th & 5th Old bird race - J & N Barlow
Anne McIntyre Trophy winner of 5th Old bird race - C Baird
Action Roofing Trophy winner of 6th race - S Nelson
Warwick Cup 1st Warwick - S Nelson
Yearling Average Cup best average to Warwick - C Baird
Upper Heyford Trophy 1st Upper Heyford - R Hughes
Bedhamton 1st Bedhampton - S Nelson
3 Longest race Average Cup - S Nelson
CWS Sheild yearling average over 200miles - S Nelson
Jaffa Cup 1st club comeback race - Stewart & Rodger
J Baird Cup 1st 3 young bird average - C Baird
J Mathieson Memorial Cup, Best average first 3 old bird and 3 young bird races - C Baird
J Spiers Memorial Cup Lowest winning velocity - Stewart & Rodger
3 Open race Average Trophy - Stewart & Rodger
The Rankin Trophy 1st club in the last Young bird race - Stewart & Rodger
Ian Watson Memorial Best Average 1st Old bird 1st & Longest YB race - Stewart & Rodger
D Rankin Memorial Best Average 2 longest OB and 2 Longest YB - Stewart & Rodger
Ypres trophy - Not won
Thanks to John Barlow for the information.
Dalziel Club 2014 Winners
W Forrest Trophy Otterburn, Otterburn - O & J McFadden
Average first 4 races - J Latimmer
Yearling average Otterburn & Warwick - S Selfridge
J Stewart Mem First Yearling Warwick - E Brown
Smith Mem Cup,Otterburn, Warwick, Bedhampton - S Selfridge
J Walkingshaw Cup, Otterburn,Appleby,Bedhampton,Ypres - S Selfridge
J Keary Mem Bowl, First Nom Bird Bedhampton - S Selfridge
Graham Trophy, Otterburn, Warwick ,Bedhampton,Ypres - S Selfridge
J Mounley Mem, Bedhamton, Ypres - J Cassidy
Eagle Inn Trophy, 1st Ypres - J Cassidy
Colour Photo, 1st Ypres - J Cassidy
Skelly Cup,Old Bird Inland Average - S Selfridge
Old Bird Average All races - S Selfridge
Tramontama Ace Old Bird SU13 L 15050 Check Cock - O & J McFadden
Queen Silver Jubilee Combine Average - S Selfridge
Gold Old Bird Average - S Selfridge
Bellshill Homing Old Bird Average - S Selfridge
T Younger Miners Social Club Inland Average - S Selfridge
Thomas Ormiston Inland Average - S Selfridge
Mrs R Telfer Trophy, 1st Club SNFC Alencon - J Cassidy
Piper Cup, First four Ybird races - R Clark
Motherwell Railway, Last 4 Ybird races - R Clark
J Fleming Mem Shield, 1st Ingleton YB race - R Clark
Tramontama Ace Ybird SU 14 L 14463 Blue Cock - R Clark
E Hemmings Mem YBird Average - R Clark
White Vision Cup-Lowest winning velocity - King & Selfridge
Royal Bank Cup, Appleby Old Bird/Stainmore Y Bird - J Boyle
Cup All Old Bird & Young Bird - S Selfridge
DLFC Young bird Average - R Clark
Jim Smith Mem, 1st Longest Inland Race Bedhampton - S Selfridge
Tramontama Show Trophy - S Selfridge
J McInally Mem shield runner up Old Bird Average - J Cassidy
Dalzel Ace Young Bird 2014
1st Robert Clark - Blue Cock SU 14 L 14463 winning 1st Otterburn 362 birds, 3rd Charnock Richards 120 birds, 9th Uttoxeter 37birds total 285points
2nd Joe Boyle - Blue W/F Hen SU 14 L 14522 winning 1st Stainmore 533 birds, 3rd Stainmore 377 birds, total 265 points
3rd Robert Clark - Check W/F SU 14 L14445 winning 2nd Stainmore 377 birds, 3rd Stainmore 583 birds
Clarkston & Dist winners 2014
Old Bird Average -T Corrie Son G/son
Combine Average-T Corrie Son G/son
Young Bird Average-T Corrie Son G/son
Prize winners
T Corrie Son G/son 9 x 1st 11 x 2nd 10 x 3rd 8 x 4th
M Hilley 4 x 1st 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th
D Mitchell & Son 2 x 1st 2 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 3 x 4th
G Geddes 2 x 1st 1 x 2nd 2 x 3rd 2 x 4th
E Kirkham 1 x 1st 2 x 3rd 1 x 4th
Muir Bros 1 x 1st 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th
H Currie 4 x 2nd 1 x 4th
P Stangoe 1 x 2nd
G McLean 1 x 3rd
Winter Shows
Low Waters FC Open Show Club Premises, Irvine Road. 15th November 1pm. First Show Young Birds TW. All Welcome.
Clarkston & Dist Homing Club will be hosting their annual shows for 2014.
12th November - Eyesign class and Pied/White/Grizzle. Young bird handle class (pied must have white in flights and on head.
19th November - OCH/YHP
26th November - OHH/YCP
3rd December - YHH/OCP
10th December - YCH-OHP
17th December - All winners, BIS, BOS highest points winner. All receive a bag of feed
Club opens at 6:15pm birds penned by 7:30pm
50p per bird entry fee. Annual shield presented to highest points winner
All welcome, refreshments available. Come along, you will enjoy the night.
10am till 5pm
Join us for a great pre-Christmas day out Race & Show bird classes, trade stands and sale birds
Licensed bar & Restaurant
Raffle ticketsin aid of the Show funds are being sold now via your SHU Clubs and Federations from the SHU Office
10 cash prizes £200 £100 £50 and 7 prizes of £25
plus other prizes
Book of five tickets - £5 or £1 per ticket
Please support your Scottish Show
We look forward to seeing you there in December
Robert Clark (L) has had a great season this year in Dalzel club
Principal winner in Dalzel club Steven Selfridge, who had a cracking year also topping the Ferderation twice 2014.
John Barlow of Glenmavis club had a great race topping the federation in the Old Bird programme, Otterburn race.
Tom Corrie, Son, G/son of Clarkston & District principal winners.
Last year’s Best in Show 2013 at Clarkston & Dist for Michael Walsh, his only entry.
Chalmer Baird of Glenmavis had another good YB season at club level
Sammy Nelson (R) had another great season winning the old bird average in Glenmavis 2014
Tom Corrie jnr
Lanarkshire Press Officer
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