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Lanarkshire Social Circle 2013 Prize Presentation





Tom Corrie

2013 Prize Presentation

Members and friends descended on the Avonbridge Hotel in Hamilton on Friday 18th October for this year’s annual presentation of this prestigious club. This club was formed for members to compete against each other in races geared towards the prestigious Scottish National Flying Club programme. With a four bird nomination and having to time one of these nominations in the set programme for the Gold Cup, it takes some winning. Consequently this trophy is one of the most sought after cups in Scottish racing. This year’s guests Gary Pegie and Brian Chalmers were invited through from Fife on the east coast of Scotland. Both top National flyers with good pedigrees for flying the distance.

Well, onto the presentation and speeches with the light entertainment coming from Ronnie Reid who had the hall in laughter with his comments about the guests and prize winners (you have to be thick skinned when Ronnie is about).

This year’s main prize winner was Derek Hay from Kirkintilloch. Derek is a well established National flyer with many National Section wins to his name and many feel it’s only a matter of time before he wins 1st National. His family of birds are well sought after and this year was an exceptional year for him winning two SNFC sections. Some flying in anyone's book. Well done Derek and Craig. The members and guests took the time to congratulate Derek and all the other prize winners before settling down to enjoy the after dinner speaker George Kirkpatrick. Thereafter members enjoyed the time to meet old and new friends for the remainder of the evening.

I would like to thank the committee for a cracking night and the Avonbridge Hotel for their splendid meal and first class service. Like everything with this club, truly professional. Special thanks to Davie McCaig the club secretary for his commitment and professionalism.

William Young Cup, 1st Nominated Yearling Maidstone - D Hay

George Greenshields Cup,Best Inland Old bird average - GWP Macalaoney

Allanson Cup, 1st ClubAlencon - J & J Hood

Hugh Brown Trophy, 1st Yearling from Clermont - J & I Alston

Daily Express Cup,Best two bird average Ypres - GWP Macaloney

Robert McKendrick Cup, Best average Maidstone, Alencon - J & I Alston

Morgam Memorial Cup, Best average Maidstone, Alencon & Tours - D Hay

Friendship Cup, Best average Alencon & Tours - D Hay

News of the World Cup, 1st Club Tours - D Hay

Gold Cup - No winner

William Warwick - No Winner

J.L Muir Cup - No winner

Rodger Points Cup, Points awarded as per prize won in old bird races from race 7( You must compete in all old bird races) - J & I Alston

Young Bird Cup, Best average all yb races - D Hay

Telfer Trophy, 1st club, Leicester - D Hay

Daily Record Cup - No winner

Tennent Trophy, Lowest winning velocity - D Hay

Dr Anderson Championship Cup - No winner

Robert Telfer Memorial Trophy, For best individual points pigeon - GWP Macaloney

Ernie McCaig Trophy, Winner of longest inland race - Lindsay & Henderson

Andrew Deans, Best average Alencon & Tours - D Hay

Sammy Cowan Trophy, Best average Ypres & Clermont - G Rankin

Willie Wilson Memorial Trophy - GWP Macaloney

Millenium Trophy, Best average two longest old bird inland races - W Graham

Ian MacDonough Trophy - No winner

Deans Family Memorial Trophy, Best average Ypres & Tours - D Hay

George Rankin Trophy, Winner of last SNFC race - J & I Alston

John Quinn (R) presents Ian Lindsay with his cup

Gary Peggie (L) presents Jock Alston with his trophy

Ronnie Reid (L) presents Billy Gordon

Brian Chalmers presents J & J Hood

Gary Peggie presents Wullie Macaloney

Brian Chalmers presents Derek Hay

Billy Bilsland (R) presents Gareth Rankin

Ronnie Reid and Davie McCaig show us the Gold Cup

Special mention to GWP Macaloney’s hen Black Caviar SU11 L 14917, Lanarkshire Social Circle record points winner with 1085 points, breaking the record set by her grandsire "The Amal Cock".

This hen’s wins to date:

1st sect E, 1st West sect, 26th Open SNFC Ypres

18th sect E, 23rd West sect, 413st Open SNFC Maidstone

34th Sect E, 46th West sect, 251st Open SNFC Newbury

1st Sect, 1st Fed Ypres, 671 birds Ypres

2nd Sect, 2nd Fed Otterburn, 2574 birds, 85 miles

5th Sect, 14th Fed Maidstone, 839 birds, 373 birds

8th Sect, 11th Fed Longtown, 1068 birds, 74 miles

8th Sect, 22nd Fed Sedgefield, 4550 birds, 132 miles

10th Sect, 24th Fed Newbury, 2000 birds, 330 miles

10th Sect, 23rd Fed Woolaston, 862 birds, 248 birds

What a hen, one of the best in the Land.


Elimar November 2013