B16-6200194 Pencil W/F Cock double g-s of “BROER GOEDE RODE” “GOEDE RODE” being the sire of “CHAMPION KITTEL” “DONKERE LEO”
GBP 350.00
- Closed @ 16/05/24 20:00:04
Bidder | Amount | Date |
P****0 (3 ) | GBP 350.00 | 16.05.2024 19:50:04 |
User | Price | Quantity | Date |
P****0 (3 ) | GBP 350.00 | 1 | 16.05.2024 20:01:01 |
B16-6200194 Pencil W/F Cock double
This is the great line of “BROER
GOEDE RODE” one of the great modern day breeding lines that come from the great
pairing of.
known as “NEW DREAMPAIR”
It was their 2 daughters that bred
Who then went on to.
To see how good these pigeons are
look no further than a son of “KITTEL”
winners include
1st Club Worksop 146 birds,
1st Open West Essex Federation
Worksop against 751 birds
1st Club Aycliffe (221 miles)
1st Station Aycliffe 150 birds
1st Club, 1st Section, 1st Combine
2,609 birds
1st Far West Section in the Welsh
South Road National Eastbourne
1st Rhondda Valley Federation
Swindon 1,041 birds for Silver & Eaves
1st Club 1st Federation Leicester
1,844 birds for Cowlishaw and Buckley
1st Club, 1st Fed, 4th National
1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773
1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841
1st club 379 birds
1st Club 184 birds Littlehampton
23rd Fed 604 birds only sent 3 birds
1st Club 166 birds Purbeck 8th Fed
1273 birds
1st Club 15th Federation
1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773
1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841
1st club 379 birds
1st club 239 birds
2nd Section F, 2nd Open NIPA
Roscrea 4,810 birds (beaten by loft mate)
2nd Open London North Road Combine
2nd club 293 birds, 6th Fed 773
2nd Club Hythe BBLM 6th Section 206
birds 9th Fed 560 birds
"DONKERE LEO" B09-6356759
The iconic breeder himself. Sire, g-sire and g-g-sire of an ARMY of winners
both in Belgium and through the UK
Here are a few examples:
"STEFANIE" winner of
1st Nijvel - 6,366 birds, fastest
from 38,876 birds,
1st Pommeroeul - 4,403 birds,
Fastest from 13,146 birds,
30th Nanteuil - 11,787 birds, 121st
Peronne - 16,009 birds, 156th Peronne - 4,192 birds
"ALAN'S LAD" Breeder of
over 75 x 1st prize-winners and owned by Mr & Mrs Whitehouse, he's one of
the most famous breeders in the Midlands.
SPECIAL 09 - (G.Son of
7 x 1st, 6 times beaten on the trap. Winner of
1st 3,740 birds, 1st 1,340 birds,
2nd 2,897 birds, 2nd 1,273 birds,
3rd 3,107 birds, 3rd 1,098 birds, 4th 1,796 birds, 6th 1,391 birds, 6th 1,871
birds, 7th 469 birds,
10th 2,937 birds, 10th 728 birds,
15th 737 birds, 18th 2,876 birds, 18th 1,904 birds, 27th 2,403 birds.
15Z77224 Very well-known racer/breeder.
G.Daughter of "DONKERE
LEO" On the road she won
6th club 9th Federation 621 birds
(beat by 4 loftmates)
2nd Club 2nd Federation 1,079 birds
2nd Club 2nd Federation 1,168 birds
1st club, 3rd Federation, 3rd
Section 2,910 birds
At Stock she's a revelation!
In 2022 Herron & son win 1st
Club, 1st Fed, 1st Section 4 of the UNC against 4,172 birds with her blood. Her
first 3 children all won 1st Federation. That's no fluke!
One daughter has 3 x 1st
Federation, another one from her has 12 Federation positions. She's bred
winners with different cocks too. It's no wonder this G.Daughter of
"DONKERE LEO" carries such a big reputation!
"Little Blue and White
Hen" 21Z51057
Another very good child of the
brilliant "BLUE AND WHITE HEN"
This 2021 hen already winner of :
7th Fed 520 birds, 7th Section
2,383 birds, 16th Open UNC Plumpton 12,633 birds
6th Fed 837 birds, 8th Section
5,132 birds Newark
6th Fed 498 birds, 18th Section
2,581 birds, 52rd Open UNC Folkestone 12,552 birds
11th Fed 1,083 birds, 37th Section
5,677 birds Worksop
12th Federation 440 birds
Another fine "DONKERE
LEO" cock is 19D42292 of Barry & Ann Richards he won 3 x 1st
Federations in 2021 with 19D42292.
All of his 3 Federation wins in
2021 have been between 2,000-3,000 birds competing. He was also 2nd Federation
in 2020
Another daughter of "DONKERE
LEO" bred the following in a very short space of time
1st club, 1st Sect 2, 497 birds,
15th Open NIPA 22,899 birds
2nd club, 10th Sect 2,264 birds,
117th Open NIPA 20,611 birds
3rd club, 3rd Sect 2,303 birds, 8th
Open NIPA 18,313 birds.
8th club, 15th Section 1,686 birds,
29th Open NIPA 11,014 birds
3rd club, 7th Section 2,458 birds,
67th Open NIPA 22,129 birds
1st club, 3rd Section 230 birds,
7th Open NIPA 1,553 birds
7th club, 9th Section 568 birds,
23rd Open NIPA 5,544 birds
That's FIVE TIMES in the top 29
OPEN of the NIPA with up to 22,899 birds competing!
Another Son of "DONKERE
LEO" is "PRINCE OSCAR" 16R43309
Fantastic Breeder. Sire of the best
sprinter in 2019 in the NEHU (35-40,000 birds)
Also 2 x 1st Fed's for Gary
Douglas. Bird of the Year in the Fed for Geordie Parker and Best Bird in
Section 1 of the UNC 2019 etc
"SARAH" 19Z14851 Winner
of :
1st Club, 1st Federation, 1st
Section, 2nd Open UNC Roye 4,881 birds
2nd Club, 2nd Federation, 4th
Section, 13th Open UNC Folkestone 11,219 birds (beat by loftmate) Won Best 2
Bird Performance in the UNC - 277 miles, 39th Section 4,121 birds. Bred a
winner in her first nest and G.Dam to 1st Federation in 2021
"GOLDEN GOOSE" Outstanding
Direct Daughter of "DONKERE LEO" x "GOLDEN LEO 976".
Seemingly anything with this blood finds the winners enclosure. "GOLDEN
GOOSE" responsible for 18 x 1st Clubs, 4 x 1st Feds - another one off the
relentless conveyor belt.
"Baxter's Boy" 18NEC1348
- Superb G.Son of "DONKERE LEO".
Winner of
1st Club, 1st Federation, 1st
Section 2nd Open UNC Folkestone 11,493 birds
1st Club, 2nd Federation, 15th
Section 1,646 birds
2nd Club, 2nd Federation, 8th
Section 3,159 birds
8th Club, 9th Federation, 44th
Section 4,031 birds
12th Club, 17th Federation
12th Club, 17th Federation
14th Club, 17th Federation
Runner Up Bird of the Year North
East Counties Fed 2019
G.Sire to 1st Federation winner in
Only for sale pending moving house.
These are quality stock birds.
Pigeon Details
- Ring Number
- B16-6200194
- Colour
- Pencil W/F
- Sex
- Cock
Payments & Returns
- Payment Methods
- N/A