Blue Cock "THE SPECIAL ONE" 24V01600 Direct Son of "MAZAK" (Direct Son of World Famous "GOED GRIJS")
GBP 1,050.00
- Closed @ 19/01/25 18:30:00
Bidder | Amount | Date |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 1,050.00 | 19.01.2025 16:18:32 |
Y****s (0) | GBP 1,000.00 | 19.01.2025 16:18:32 |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 950.00 | 19.01.2025 15:13:19 |
Y****s (0) | GBP 900.00 | 19.01.2025 15:13:19 |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 850.00 | 19.01.2025 15:11:36 |
Y****s (0) | GBP 800.00 | 19.01.2025 15:11:36 |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 700.00 | 19.01.2025 15:03:36 |
Y****s (0) | GBP 650.00 | 19.01.2025 15:03:36 |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 600.00 | 19.01.2025 13:55:40 |
Y****s (0) | GBP 550.00 | 19.01.2025 10:30:19 |
N****1 (31 ) | GBP 500.00 | 13.01.2025 12:40:59 |
User | Price | Quantity | Date |
m****c (4 ) | GBP 1,050.00 | 1 | 19.01.2025 18:30:02 |
He's a direct son of "GOED GRIJS" when she was mated to "AB" - a direct son of "SIA"
1. NPO Laon - 6,371 birds
1. Duffel - 5,821 birds 2 minutes lead
1. Heusden Zolder - 2,775 birds
1. Laon - 1,052 birds 2017
1. Wijchen - 786 birds 2016
1. Heusden-Zolder - 656 birds
1. Hapert - 231 birds 2016
1. s-prov. acebird sprint 2019
1. prov. Hannut - 5,477 birds
1. prov. Venlo - 4,429 birds
1. Chimay - 1,464 birds
1. Chimay - 1,006 birds & 2. fastest 18,006 birds
1. Tongeren - 770 birds
4. prov. Weert - 5,552 birds
4. prov. Venlo - 4,429 birds
4. prov. Weert - 1,328 birds
5. prov. Deurne - 4,299 birds
2. Nat. ace KBDB Sprint YL 2022 after loftmate ‘Méchant Best Kittel’
1. Pont – 2,322 birds
1. Pont – 1,363 birds
1. Ecouen - 860 birds
1. Pont - 730 birds
1. Ecouen - 696 birds
Also 6x only beaten by loft mates
In 2023 Hok Hemstra wins 1st National Ace Bird Middle Distance NPO with NL22-8018685
This pigeon carries the blood of "CRACK 19" and "GOED GRIJS" and wins :
1st 1,529 birds
2nd 695 birds
3rd 1,803 birds
3rd 928 birds
6th 1,120 birds
25th 2,354 birds
‘Goed Grijs’ is grandmother of a/o
1. Nat. Ace LT WHZB/TBOTB 2019 at Eijerkamp
2. Nat. Ace KBDB Sprint YL 2022
at Dehon-Demonseau
9. Nat. Ace MD PIPA Rank. 2022 at Gebr. Leideman
1. prov. Quievrain 25,734 b. at K. & K. Meijers
1. prov. Quievrain 12,633 b. at Peter Jansen
1. prov. Zutphen 11,284 b. at Foppe VD Meer
1. prov. Heusden-Zolder 7,320 b. at Peter Jansen
1. prov. Weert 6,588 b. 2023 at Gebr. Leideman
1. prov. Menen 5,548 b. at Eijerkamp
1. prov. Ace short dist. 2022 at Eijerkamp
1. prov. Ace Sprint 2024 at Gebr. Leideman
1. NL Olympiad bird YL 2023 at Foppe VD Meer
1. Nat. Ace middle dist. NPO 2023 at Ype Hemstra
1. Nat. Ace MD WBP 2023 at Foppe VD Meer
1. Nat. Ace allround WBP 2023 at Foppe VD Meer
1. Nat. Ace MD PIPA Rank. 2023 at Foppe VD Meer
1. Pissanulok Thailand 333 km 2,310 b. 2020
at Wasan & Akkrima Lofts
1. prov. Beek en Donk 15,023 b. at Foppe VD Meer
1. Niergnies 10,981 b. at Peter Van De Merwe
1. prov. Marche 10,076 b. at Peter Jansen
1. I.prov. Etroeungt 5,962 b. at Gebr. Leideman
1. prov. Arlon 3,722 b. at Peter Jansen
1. s-NPO / 2. Nat. Sens 8,750 b. at A. Roording
2. Nat. Ace YB Sprint PIPA 2021 at Foppe VD Meer
19. final Pattaya PIPR 2020 at Wasan & Akkrima
Many more massive winner & top prize winners in
NPO/prov. racing
Winner of :
1. Gennep 107 km 11,041 birds
1. Isnes 265 km 8,665 birds
1. Quievrain 314 km 2,480 birds
11. Quievrain 10,570 birds
26. Morlincourt 4,815 birds
34. Heusden-Zolder 11,336 birds
"RAISSA" - Winner of :
1st Reserve NL Olympiad sprint Poznan 2018
1st Duffel 4,613 b. & fastest 6,969 birds
2nd Quievrain 10,570 birds after loftmate
3rd Prov. Niergnies 9,897 birds
4th Niergnies 9,897 birds
3rd Heusden-Zolder 5,927 birds
Direct Children of "ARTURO" x "TILA" are
- ‘Cobalt’; 1. prov. Venlo 17,235 birds … 1. fastest Weert 13,141 birds
1. local / 5. prov. Venlo 4,910 birds … 54. prov. Arlon 16,181 birds
- ‘Rosa’; 1. Nat. SIV Issoudun 709 km 3,746 birds … 4. Nat. S4 Sens 4,672 birds
22. prov. Arlon 13,967 birds … 34. prov. Venlo 9,994 birds
- ‘Fabio’; 2. Nat. S4 Chateauroux 731 km 3,647 birds
14. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds … 78. NPO Troyes 509 km 2,485 birds
83. NPO Auxerre 572 km 2,611 birds
- ‘Aura’; 1. local / 3. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
Also 30.-45.-53.-55.-67. NPO/provincial
- ‘Bowe’; 3. NPO Brienne 493 km 3,238 birds & 13. NPO Gray 579 km 2,077 b.
50. prov. Arlon 330 km 7,714 birds … 61. prov. Arlon 330 km 10,610 birds
- ‘Vera’; 3. prov. Dreis-Bruck 18,212 birds … 3. Nat. S4 Sens 4,995 birds
5. prov. Rethel 8,181 birds … 21. prov. Munster 18,452 birds
28. prov. Arlon 16,256 birds … etc., etc.
- ‘Nancy’; 8. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
18. prov. Isnes 8,525 birds … 45. prov. Weert 1,328 birds
- ‘Haley’; 13. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
17. prov. Tongeren 7,478 birds / 4. – 1,609 birds
23. prov. Weert 5,785 birds … 53. prov. Arlon 7,113 birds
Grandchildren ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’ won
1. Nat. S2 Vierzon 567 km – 7,956 birds (at G. & S. Verkerk)
1. NPO Chalons YB 433 km - 3,892 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. NPO Argenton 568 km – 3,127 birds (at Gijs Baan)
1. I.prov. Sittard – 18,592 birds (at Foppe VD Meer)
1. prov. Arlon – 13,967 birds 2022 (g.child ‘Tila’ at Henk Slot)
1. prov. Kalkar – 13,922 birds (at Broos Family)
1. prov. Gennep – 12,570 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prov. PS Maxence – 9,142 birds (at Ruud Bakker)
1. prov. Fontenay – 6,455 birds (at Gebr. Scheele)
3x 1. prov. winner 2,580 – 1,625 – 1,384 birds (at Wolfgang Roeper)
1.-2.-2.-2.-3.-4.-7.-7.-8.-10. avg. 1,300 birds (at Wolfgang Roeper)
1. Sittard - 986 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prize 460 km - 620 birds (at H. & S. Harms)
2. Nat. BICC St. Philbert – 2,105 birds (at Mark Gilbert, UK)
3. prov. Zutphen – 11,824 birds (at Foppe VD Meer)
5. prov. Melun – 5,644 birds (at Ruud Bakker)
8. Dutch yearling PIPA Ranking 2019 (at Broos Family)
1. Olympiad bird NL cat. youngsters (at Broos Family)
1. Nat. acebird speed De Allerbeste 2021-2022 (at Olaf Westhoeve)
1. NPO Chalons En Champagne – 3,892 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prov. Arlon – 16,036 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
Dam : "Athena" NL21-1509861
A hen to treasure here as she's a direct daughter of 2 superstars namely "ACE 820" and "RAISSA"
Winner of
1. I.prov. acebird allround & middle dist. 2018
4. Nat. acebird middle dist. TBOTB 2018
1. prov. Weert - 5,552 birds
3. prov. Quievrain - 10,570 birds
3. prov. Laon - 6,371 birds
6. prov. Rethel - 7,115 birds
2. Boxtel - 1,961 birds
Father of winners
1. prov. Weert - 11,059 birds
1. Venlo - 603 birds / 4. prov. 3,899 birds
2. Nat. ace KBDB Sprint YL 2022 after loftmate ‘Méchant Best Kittel’
1. Pont – 2,322 birds
1. Pont – 1,363 birds
1. Ecouen - 860 birds
1. Pont - 730 birds
1. Ecouen - 696 birds
Also 6x only beaten by loft mates
11. Nat. acebird late tour WHZB/TBOTB 2019
2. prov. Niergnies – 10,065 birds after loft mate
Also 12.-22.-68. avg. +5,000 birds
1st Reserve NL Olympiad sprint Poznan 2018
1st Duffel 4,613 b. & fastest 6,969 birds
2nd Quievrain 10,570 birds after loftmate
3rd Prov. Niergnies 9,897 birds
4th Niergnies 9,897 birds
3rd Heusden-Zolder 5,927 birds
Winner of :
1. Gennep 107 km 11,041 birds
1. Isnes 265 km 8,665 birds
1. Quievrain 314 km 2,480 birds
11. Quievrain 10,570 birds
26. Morlincourt 4,815 birds
Direct Children of "ARTURO" x "TILA" are
- ‘Cobalt’; 1. prov. Venlo 17,235 birds … 1. fastest Weert 13,141 birds
1. local / 5. prov. Venlo 4,910 birds … 54. prov. Arlon 16,181 birds
- ‘Rosa’; 1. Nat. SIV Issoudun 709 km 3,746 birds … 4. Nat. S4 Sens 4,672 birds
22. prov. Arlon 13,967 birds … 34. prov. Venlo 9,994 birds
- ‘Fabio’; 2. Nat. S4 Chateauroux 731 km 3,647 birds
14. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds … 78. NPO Troyes 509 km 2,485 birds
83. NPO Auxerre 572 km 2,611 birds
- ‘Aura’; 1. local / 3. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
Also 30.-45.-53.-55.-67. NPO/provincial
- ‘Bowe’; 3. NPO Brienne 493 km 3,238 birds & 13. NPO Gray 579 km 2,077 b.
50. prov. Arlon 330 km 7,714 birds … 61. prov. Arlon 330 km 10,610 birds
- ‘Vera’; 3. prov. Dreis-Bruck 18,212 birds … 3. Nat. S4 Sens 4,995 birds
5. prov. Rethel 8,181 birds … 21. prov. Munster 18,452 birds
28. prov. Arlon 16,256 birds … etc., etc.
- ‘Nancy’; 8. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
18. prov. Isnes 8,525 birds … 45. prov. Weert 1,328 birds
- ‘Haley’; 13. Nat. S4 Lorris 597 km 6,086 birds
17. prov. Tongeren 7,478 birds / 4. – 1,609 birds
23. prov. Weert 5,785 birds … 53. prov. Arlon 7,113 birds
1. Nat. S2 Vierzon 567 km – 7,956 birds (at G. & S. Verkerk)
1. NPO Chalons YB 433 km - 3,892 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. NPO Argenton 568 km – 3,127 birds (at Gijs Baan)
1. I.prov. Sittard – 18,592 birds (at Foppe VD Meer)
1. prov. Arlon – 13,967 birds 2022 (g.child ‘Tila’ at Henk Slot)
1. prov. Kalkar – 13,922 birds (at Broos Family)
1. prov. Gennep – 12,570 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prov. PS Maxence – 9,142 birds (at Ruud Bakker)
1. prov. Fontenay – 6,455 birds (at Gebr. Scheele)
3x 1. prov. winner 2,580 – 1,625 – 1,384 birds (at Wolfgang Roeper)
1.-2.-2.-2.-3.-4.-7.-7.-8.-10. avg. 1,300 birds (at Wolfgang Roeper)
1. Sittard - 986 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prize 460 km - 620 birds (at H. & S. Harms)
2. Nat. BICC St. Philbert – 2,105 birds (at Mark Gilbert, UK)
3. prov. Zutphen – 11,824 birds (at Foppe VD Meer)
5. prov. Melun – 5,644 birds (at Ruud Bakker)
8. Dutch yearling PIPA Ranking 2019 (at Broos Family)
1. Olympiad bird NL cat. youngsters (at Broos Family)
1. Nat. acebird speed De Allerbeste 2021-2022 (at Olaf Westhoeve)
1. NPO Chalons En Champagne – 3,892 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
1. prov. Arlon – 16,036 birds (at Gebr. Leideman)
Pigeon Details
- Ring Number
- 24v01600
- Colour
- blue
- Sex
- Cock
Payments & Returns
- Payment Methods
- N/A
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