NLD19-1413717 Blue Pied Hen FANTASTIC offer, a direct dgt yes direct dgt of SUPERSTAR “KATU” h/b to the great “CHAMPION KITTEL”
GBP 400.00
- Closed @ 31/07/24 21:00:00
Bidder | Amount | Date |
p****2 (0) | GBP 400.00 | 29.07.2024 13:16:10 |
User | Price | Quantity | Date |
p****2 (0) | GBP 400.00 | 1 | 31.07.2024 21:00:04 |
NLD19-1413717 Blue Pied Hen FANTASTIC
offer, a direct dgt yes direct dgt of SUPERSTAR “KATU” h/b to the great “CHAMPION
bred 1st club 485 birds, 19 members sending & 12th Federation 2453 birds with 80 members
The hen for sale is inbred to “CHAMPION
KITTEL” who has probably been responsible for more winners than any other
pigeon over the last 10yrs, a great pigeon.
Sire is the SPUERSTAR breeder
“KATU” BE16-4258919 Super son
‘Brother Goede Rode’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
(G) father of winner
1. NPO & fastest Rethel 4,088
1. prize winner 5,790 b.
1. Stafford 1,123 b.
1. ace bird late tour Fed. 2020
2. Blankenheim 17,726 b.
5. Bierges 25,233 b.
10. Quievrain 7,305 b.
A small sample of winners.
And making it even more special he
is a half-brother to the great racing and breeding machine.
‘KITTEL’ 1. Nat. ace bird KBDB
speed 2013 Current nr. 1 speed breeder
1st nat. ace pigeon KBDB sprint
1st against 2,089 pigeons;
1st against 1,792 pigeons;
2nd against 2,023 pigeons;
3rd against 2,443 pigeons;
4th against 2,121 pigeons;
9th against 1,934 pigeons;
How about these for winners and breeders
the same way bred as “KITTEL”
“GREIPEL” BE13-6139849;
6th nat. ace pigeon KBDB sprint
co-winner of 1st nat. championship
kbdb sprint 2013;
2nd against 1,559 pigeons;
5th against 1,371 pigeons;
5th against 1,603 pigeons;
10th against 1,255 pigeons;
13th against 1,178 pigeons;
“NEW KITTEL” BE14-6091710;
1st against 1,371 pigeons;
3rd against 1,993 pigeons;
8th against 1,571 pigeons;
26th against 2,126 pigeons;
60th against 1,623 pigeons;
86th against 2,412 pigeons
1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint and
Old Birds and Yearlings 2013
1st Noyon 1,042 birds
1st Noyon 524 birds
1st Noyon 446 birds
2nd Noyon 1,411 birds
2nd Noyon 624 birds
6th Noyon 667 birds
& “KATU”
1st Olympic Ace Nitra 2012
1st National Ace Superduif Speed
1st Provincial Ace KBDB 2012
2nd National Ace MSN All-Round
4th National Ace KBDB Speed 2012
1st 1,763 birds
1st 1248 birds
1st 555 birds
11th 2,148 birds
17th 1,772 birds
40th 2,072 birds
48th 1,469 birds
60th 1,441 birds
10th 203 birds
121st 1,585 birds
51st 640 birds
& dgt “GOED ROOD”
KITTEL” can be seen above.
“GOED ROOD” as a tremendous pigeon being.
15 times the best 100%
33 times the best 10%.
And breeder of generations of
1st prize and Ace
Just think in buying this pigeon
you have so many winners and breeders.
To name a few.
Pigeon Details
- Ring Number
- NLD19-1413717
- Colour
- Blue Pied
- Sex
- Hen
Payments & Returns
- Payment Methods
- N/A
GB23D85280 Mealy Cock top lien of “RED BULL” 1st National. 3x1sts Int Champions of Europe. “CHAMPION SPARKY” & “PRINCESS PAIGE” top specialist winners.
GB23D85280 Mealy Cock top lien of “RED BULL” 1st National. 3x1sts Int Champions of Europe. “CHAMPION SPARKY” & “PRINCESS PAIGE” top specialist winners. ...
elimar1 (1331 ) Cheshire, United Kingdom
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