*UPDATED* Blue Cock 24B26407 Double G.Son of Super Breeders "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" x "SUNNY" - Beautifully Inbred to Van Den Bulck's "KITTEL"
GBP 135.00
- Closed @ 09/06/24 20:30:00
Bidder | Amount | Date |
S****W (3 ) | GBP 135.00 | 07.06.2024 23:09:03 |
m****b (8 ) | GBP 125.00 | 06.06.2024 19:16:50 |
User | Price | Quantity | Date |
S****W (3 ) | GBP 135.00 | 1 | 09.06.2024 20:30:03 |
This young cock (sex believed correct not guaranteed) is Direct from a Full Brother x Full Sister mating
Both parents are Direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" x "SUNNY"
As such this young cock is magnificently inbred to the Van Den Bulck legend "KITTEL"
A Champion racer he's since become the most famous breeder of the last decade
Retained for Stock being Direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" x "SUNNY"
A 2017 Direct Son of KBDB Legend "KITTEL" he was purchased for £10,000 at Blackpool in January 2018
Since then he's gone on to be responsible for in excess of 100 x 1st prizes up and down the UK
"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" continues to churn out the winners. Paul Evans just reports 23N01040 winning :
1st club 1st Federation 1,500 birds at 168 miles and 1st Club Penkridge 68 miles
Responsible for in excess of 100 x 1st all over the UK
Here's one of his daughter's bred in 2020
In 2021 4 Youngsters from this daughter of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" have won 18 x TOP 10 Federation positions as well
as 3rd National, 5th National, 7th National, 10th National and 12th National
Now THAT'S a good hen - and she's DIRECT from the one and only "BLACKPOOL KITTEL"
News of another good daughter has just come through
In 2022 a son of hers in 6 races wins 3 x 1st and 2 x 2nd
To breed this cock she was paired to her 1/2 brother (Again Direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL)
20L23296 also bred winners with 2 other cocks in 2021 as well
Some examples of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" include
1st Club Worksop 146 birds,
1st Open West Essex Federation Worksop against 751 birds
1st Club Aycliffe (221 miles)
1st Station Aycliffe 150 birds
1st Club, 1st Section, 1st Combine 2,609 birds
1st Far West Section in the Welsh South Road National Eastbourne
1st Rhondda Valley Federation Swindon 1,041 birds for Silver & Eaves
1st Club 1st Federation Leicester 1,844 birds for Cowlishaw and Buckley
1st club 1st Federation 1,500 birds for Paul Evans
1st Club, 1st Fed, 4th National
1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773 birds
1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841 birds
1st club 379 birds
1st Club 184 birds Littlehampton 23rd Fed 604 birds only sent 3 birds
1st Club 166 birds Purbeck 8th Fed 1273 birds
1st Club 15th Federation
1st club 293 birds, 3rd Fed 773 birds
1st club 247 birds, 8th Fed 841 birds
1st club 379 birds
1st club 239 birds
2nd Open London North Road Combine Darlington
2nd club 293 birds, 6th Fed 773 birds
2nd Club Hythe BBLM 6th Section 206 birds 9th Fed 560 birds
One outstanding YB direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is
This pigeon is DIRECT from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" when he was paired onto his own No.1 daughter "KITTEL 98"
***** It's one of the finest YB in the whole of the giant NIPA in 2021 *****
Winning :
2nd Club 409 birds (beat by loftmate)
2nd Club Fermoy 5 Bird 35 birds (5 bird limit)
5th Federation Roscrea 1,168 birds
5th Section Roscrea 3m166 birds
6th Federation Fermoy 5 bird 102 birds (5 bird limit)
9th Club Tullamore 220 birds
11th Federation Tullamore 304 birds
14th Section 217 birds Fermoy 5 bird (5 bird limit)
16th Section Tullamore 561 birds
20th club Roscrea 408 birds
38th Section Roscrea 1,517 birds
46th Open NIPA Tullamore 5,012 birds
55th Open NIPA Fermoy 5 bird 974 birds (5 bird limit)
62nd Open NIPA Roscrea 12,998 birds
62nd Section Fermoy 1,471 birds
265th Open NIPA Fermoy 7,893 birds
More "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" references include :
5th Roscrea 3,166 birds
5th Federation Aycliffe 600+ birds
7th Open London North Road Combine 1,050 birds (221 miles)
11th Section F 984 birds, 224th Open NIPA Fermoy 14,581 birds
18th Section F NIPA Fernmoy 1,018 birds
12th Section EDC Navan 3,058 birds
12th Open EDC Nsvan 4,394 birds
12th Section F 984 birds NIPA Fermoy
17th Section EDC Navan 3,058 birds
17th Open EDC Navan 4,394 birds
75th Open NIPA Roscrea 4,810 birds
225th Open NIPA Fermoy 14,581 birds
7th Section 3,058 birds, 7th Open 4,394 birds
11th Section 3,058 birds, 12th Open 4,394 birds
16th Section 3,058 birds, 17th Open 4,394 birds
9th Club Abingdon 26th Sec 626 birds
7th section 3058 birds 7th Open 4394 Navan
37th Section F Corrin 221 birds
77th Open Nipa Roscrea 4810 birds
6th Section F 984 birds 215th Open Fermoy 14,581 birds
80th Open Roscrea Nipa 4810 Birds
Glorious hen, Dam & G.Dam of winners to 1st Federation level
Central Lofts have refused a lot of money for "SUNNY"
Dam & G.Dam of the winners the latest one from her is
This YB is direct from "SUNNY" and raced by Owen Markey
Winner of :
4th Section Tullamore 1,005 birds
37th Open NIPA Tullamore 12,555 birds
7th North Section Skibereen YB National 1,471 birds
14th Open INFC Skibereen National 1,774 birds
You'll note "SKITTEL" wasn't sold in Sangers recent sale because he only filled 1 egg in 2021
Given his fragile fertility this makes "SUNNY" even more of an asset.
Direct son of the fantastic “KITTEL” x “NEW GOLDEN LADY”
3 generations offspring to ‘Skittel’ won a/o
Co-winner 1. Nat. Superstar Of The Year Speed Gouden Duif 2020
3. Nat. acebird middle dist NPO 2020 fanciers 30 years & younger
2. acebird over 4 races Ningxia Senxiang One Loft Race over 7,000 birds 2021
4. acebird over 3 races Ningxia Senxiang One Loft Race over 7,000 birds 2021
6. acebird over 2 races Ningxia Senxiang One Loft Race over 7,000 birds 2021
1. acebird YB 2019
1. ace cock as yearling 2018
10. prov. acebird middle distance 2019
19. Dutch cat. speed Olympiad 2022
Several top 10 acebird titles Fed.
1. Roosendaal – 4,733 birds
1. Burdinne – 2,750 birds
1. Enschede - 2,421 birds / 9. – 8,208 birds
1. Fed. winner - 2,405 birds
1. Chimay – 1,804 birds & 2. fastest 10,239 birds 2017
1. Nat. Zone Vivonne - 1,264 birds / 3. National 3,379 birds
2. + 3. provincial Clermont - 2,692 birds
2. Fed. winner – 3,440 birds
3. s-prov. Bierges – 7,193 birds 2019
3. s-prov. Morlincourt – 4,288 birds
3. s-prov. Niergnies – 2,708 birds / 10. prov. 9,279 birds
3. s-prov. Nanteuil – 1,709 birds
3. provincial La Ferté - 395 birds
3. Fed. Tienen – 1,752 birds / 15. s-prov. 5,139 birds
4. fastest Chimay – 10,239 birds
4. prize winner - 2,332 birds 162 km
4. Fed. Tienen – 885 birds 2019
5. s-prov. Quievrain – 4,624 birds
5. Fed. Quievrain – 1,296 birds
12. prov. PS Maxence – 19,399 birds
14. NPO Nanteuil 5,037 birds
“GOLD DUST” NL15-4264261
The best breeding sister to ‘Kittel’ in the world
3 generations offspring to ‘Gold Dust’ won
1. prov. general acebird +19,000 birds
1. prov. Golden Crack long dist. 2021
1. s-prov. acebird speed overall 100-500 km 2017
1. s-prov. acebird middle dist. 2017
Co-winner 1. Nat. Superstar Of The Year Speed Gouden Duif 2020
2. best Dutch YB PIPA Ranking 6 pr. 2018
2. acebird Ningxia Senxiang China OLR
2. prov. young acebird 2021
3. prov. general acebird +19,000 birds
5. prov. acebird middle dist. 2020
6. Nat acebird yearlings 2020
15. Nat. acebird middle distance ‘De Allerbeste’ 2017
1. prov. Niergnies 16,973 birds
1. Nat. IHUNFC Valentia Isl. - 2,200 birds
1. NPO PS Maxence - 12,240 birds / 2. Nat. 33,636 birds
1. TXT Chalons - 5,940 birds
1. NPO Fontenay - 5,577 birds / 2. Nat. 12,591 birds
1. Nat. Zone Vivonne - 1,264 birds / 3. Nat. 3,379 birds
1. Soissons - 4,090 birds
1. Niergnies - 3,393 birds
1. Nanteuil - 3,086 birds / 4. prov. 12,413 birds
1. Fed. Moora (AUS) - 2,242 birds 9 min. lead
1. Isnes - 1,952 birds
1. Issoudun – 1,174 birds / 5. NPO 10,850 birds
1. Niergnies - 1,568 birds
1. Nanteuil - 1,150 birds
Many more 1. prizes
2. NPO Roye - 20,172 birds after loft mate
2. prov. Pontoise - 15,317 birds
2. & 3. prov. Clermont - 2,692 birds
4. NPO Sens - 2,403 birds / 10. Nat. section 8,415 birds
4. prov. Melun - 9,656 birds
6. NPO Roye - 20,199 birds
6. NPO Fontenay - 17,630 birds
Direct from "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" x "SUNNY" (see above for full details)
sex believed correct not guaranteed
Pigeon Details
- Ring Number
- 24b26407
- Colour
- blue
- Sex
- Cock
Payments & Returns
- Payment Methods
- N/A
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